Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.

Trading fbs

Toute copie, reproduction, republication des ressources disponibles sur internet et de tout matériel provenant de ce site web ne sont possibles qu'avec une autorisation écrite.

Real forex bonuses

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.

L'effet de levier le plus élevé et honnête du marché

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable

Pour les débutants, les risques sont 100 fois plus faibles

L'effet de levier le plus élevé et honnête du marché

Systèmes de paiement à portée mondiale

Choisissez le type de compte qui vous convient le mieux !

Pour les utilisateurs expérimentés souhaitant atteindre les sommets du forex

Convient parfaitement pour ceux qui débutent tout juste sur le forex

Idéal pour ceux qui veulent calculer précisément leurs profits

Conçu pour ceux qui préfèrent trader à une vitesse la plus rapide

Pour ceux qui souhaitent profiter de la pleine puissance des technologie ECN.

Si c’est votre première expérience sur le forex, alors ouvrez un compte bonus ! Ainsi, vous obtiendrez un bonus spécial et vous pourrez commencer à trader sans avoir à effectuer de dépôt initial.

Afin de gagner en assurance, entrainez-vous à trader sur un compte démo.

Effectuez un dépôt avec vos systèmes de paiement locaux

Tenez vous à jour avec les toutes dernières actualités

Amélioration des conditions aux états-unis trading d'actions

FBS copytrade supprime la limite de 500 $ pour la copie des traders PRO

FBS 12 ans : big time ! Big money !






La livre sterling sera-t-elle stimulée ?

FBS sur les médias sociaux

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Le site web est exploité par FBS markets inc. ; numéro d'enregistrement 119717; FBS markets inc est réglementé par l'IFSC, licence IFSC/000102/124; adresse : 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

Le service n'est pas fourni dans les pays suivants : japon, états-unis, canada, royaume-uni, myanmar, brésil, malaisie, israël et république islamique d'iran

Les transactions de paiement sont gérées par НDС technologies ltd. ; numéro d'enregistrement HE 370778; adresse : arch. Makariou III & vyronos, P. Lordos center, block B, office 203

Pour toute coopération, veuillez nous contacter via support@fbs.Com ou au +35 7251 23212.

Avertissement sur les risques : avant de commencer à trader, vous devez comprendre parfaitement les risques encourus sur le marché des devises ainsi qu'avec le trading sur marge, et vous devez être conscient de votre niveau d'expérience.

Toute copie, reproduction, republication des ressources disponibles sur internet et de tout matériel provenant de ce site web ne sont possibles qu'avec une autorisation écrite.

Avis de collecte de données

FBS conserve un enregistrement de vos données afin d'exécuter ce site web. En appuyant sur le bouton "accepter", vous acceptez notre politique de confidentialité.

Trade forex, cfds, stocks and metals with honest broker

For newbies, risks are 100 times lower

Highest honest leverage on market

Wide payment systems geography

Feel free to choose any account type you like!

For experienced market players making their way to forex heights

Perfectly suits those who are just starting on their way to success on forex

Ideal for those who want to calculate their profit precisely

Designed for those who prefer trading at the fastest speed

For those who want to feel the full power of trading with ECN technologies

To grow your confidence, train your trading skills on a demo account.

Deposit with your local payment systems

Be armed with the latest news

Improvements in the conditions of U.S. Stock trading

FBS copytrade removes the $500 limit for copying PRO traders

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FBS at social media

Contact us

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The website is operated by FBS markets inc.; registration no. 119717; FBS markets inc is regulated by IFSC, license IFSC/000102/124; address: 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

The service is not provided in the following countries: japan, USA, canada, UK, myanmar, brazil, malaysia, israel and the islamic republic of iran

Payment transactions are managed by НDС technologies ltd.; registration no. HE 370778; address: arch. Makariou III & vyronos, P. Lordos center, block B, office 203

For cooperation, please contact us via support@fbs.Com or +35 7251 23212.

Risk warning: before you start trading, you should completely understand the risks involved with the currency market and trading on margin, and you should be aware of your level of experience.

Any copying, reproduction, republication, as well as on the internet resources of any materials from this website is possible only upon written permission.

Data collection notice

FBS maintains a record of your data to run this website. By pressing the “accept” button, you agree to our privacy policy.


Augmentez vos bénéfices et tradez dans les meilleures conditions possibles !

Comparaison des comptes

  • À partir de 1 $

  • À partir de 5 $

  • À partir de 100 $

  • À partir de 500 $

  • À partir de 1000 $

  • Spread flottant à partir de 1 pip

  • Spread fixe à partir de 3 pips

  • Spread flottant à partir de 0,5 pip

  • Spread fixe 0 pip

  • Spread flottant à partir de -1 pip

  • Jusqu'à 1:1000

  • Jusqu'à 1:3000

  • Jusqu'à 1:3000

  • Jusqu'à 1:3000

  • Jusqu'à 1:500

Maximum de positions ouvertes et d'ordres en suspend

  • Lots de 0,01 à 1000 cents
    (étape de 0,01)

  • Lots de 0,01 à 500
    (étape de 0,01)

  • Lots de 0,01 à 500
    (étape de 0,01)

  • Lots de 0,01 à 500
    (étape de 0,01)

  • Lots de 0,1 à 500
    (étape de 0,1)

  • À partir de 0,3 sec, STP

  • À partir de 0,3 sec, STP

  • À partir de 0,3 sec, STP

  • À partir de 0,3 sec, STP

  • ECN

Sélectionnez votre compte

Les différents types de compte, à l'exception du compte ECN, prennent en charge les instruments suivants : 35 paires de devises, 4 métaux, 6 CFD.

Foire aux questions

Quel compte de trading dois-je choisir ?

FBS propose différents types de comptes conçus pour répondre à vos besoins, notamment des comptes cent , micro , standard , spread nul et ECN avec des conditions de trading uniques. Pour les débutants qui n'ont aucune expérience du trading, nous recommandons d'ouvrir d'abord un compte démo , et ensuite seulement un compte micro ou cent. Pour ceux qui n'en sont pas à leur premier jour de trading, nous conseillons d'ouvrir un compte standard – un compte classique. Et pour les vrais professionnels, nous recommandons un compte spread nul ou un compte ECN.

Qu'est-ce qu'un compte de trading ?

Pour commencer à trader sur le forex, vous devez ouvrir un compte. L'objectif principal des comptes de trading est d'effectuer des transactions (ouverture et clôture d'ordres) avec divers instruments financiers. Un compte de trading est similaire à celui d’une banque – vous l'utilisez pour stocker, déposer et retirer de l'argent. Toutefois, les dépôts et les retraits ne sont possibles qu'après vérification de votre compte.

Qu'est-ce que le trading forex ?

Le forex, également connu sous le nom de marché des changes ou marché FX, est le marché le plus négocié au monde, avec un volume de transactions de 5,1 billions de dollars par jour. En termes simples, le trading forex est le processus de conversion de la devise d'un pays vers la devise d'un autre pays, visant à tirer profit des changements de sa valeur.

Pourquoi FBS est-il le meilleur courtier pour le trading en ligne ?

FBS est un courtier forex légitime, réglementé par la commission internationale des services financiers, licence IFSC/000102/124 , ce qui en fait un courtier fiable et digne de confiance. Nous offrons à nos clients les meilleures conditions de trading sur le marché, y compris différents bonus, des outils de trading pratiques tels que les CFD et les actions , mais aussi des paires de devises classiques, des promotions régulières, une commission d'affiliation transparente pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 80 $ par lot, une assistance client 24/7 et bien plus encore.

Comment commencer à trader ?

Tout d'abord, il est très important de se rappeler que devenir un trader prospère ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain. Il faut du temps pour se familiariser avec les marchés et il y a un tout nouveau vocabulaire à apprendre. C'est pourquoi des courtiers légitimes comme FBS proposent des comptes de démonstration. Pour ouvrir un compte démo, vous devez d'abord vous enregistrer . Ensuite, téléchargez le logiciel de trading pour pouvoir ouvrir et clôturer votre premier ordre.

Télécharger la plateforme de trading

Metatrader 4

  • Télécharger pour windows

  • Télécharger pour ios sur l'appstore

  • Télécharger pour android via google play

  • Commencer à trader en ligne

  • Télécharger multiterminal

  • Download for mac os

Metatrader 5

  • Télécharger pour windows

  • Télécharger pour ios sur l'appstore

  • Télécharger pour android via google play

  • Commencer à trader en ligne

  • Download for mac os

Effectuez un dépôt avec vos systèmes de paiement locaux

FBS sur les médias sociaux

Nous contacter

  • Zopim

  • Wechat

  • Fb-msg

  • Viber

  • Line

  • Telegram

  • Whatsapp

Le site web est exploité par FBS markets inc. ; numéro d'enregistrement 119717; FBS markets inc est réglementé par l'IFSC, licence IFSC/000102/124; adresse : 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

Le service n'est pas fourni dans les pays suivants : japon, états-unis, canada, royaume-uni, myanmar, brésil, malaisie, israël et république islamique d'iran

Les transactions de paiement sont gérées par НDС technologies ltd. ; numéro d'enregistrement HE 370778; adresse : arch. Makariou III & vyronos, P. Lordos center, block B, office 203

Pour toute coopération, veuillez nous contacter via support@fbs.Com ou au +35 7251 23212.

Avertissement sur les risques : avant de commencer à trader, vous devez comprendre parfaitement les risques encourus sur le marché des devises ainsi qu'avec le trading sur marge, et vous devez être conscient de votre niveau d'expérience.

Toute copie, reproduction, republication des ressources disponibles sur internet et de tout matériel provenant de ce site web ne sont possibles qu'avec une autorisation écrite.

Avis de collecte de données

FBS conserve un enregistrement de vos données afin d'exécuter ce site web. En appuyant sur le bouton "accepter", vous acceptez notre politique de confidentialité.

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chat en direct

Erreur interne. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement

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Livre pour débutant forex

Le livre pour débutant forex vous guidera à travers le monde du trading.


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Cliquez sur le lien afin de confirmer votre adresse et obtenir gratuitement un un livre pour débutant forex.

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FBS review and tutorial 2021

FBS is a top online broker offering MT4 & MT5 trading across a range of instruments.

Trade on nearly 50 leveraged forex pairs.

FBS is an online broker that offers financial market trading in forex and cfds. Our review in 2021 takes a thorough look at the broker’s legitimacy, leverage offering, spreads, and minimum deposits. Sign up for an FBS account and start trading.

History & headlines

FBS is a global broker founded in 2009. In the EU, FBS is operated by tradestone ltd and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec). The global branch is run by FBS markets inc and regulated by the international financial services commission of belize (IFSC).

FBS has a head office location in cyprus and claims to have over 15 million active traders across more than 190 countries, from malaysia and indonesia to south africa, pakistan and the EU.

Trading platforms

FBS uses a non-dealing desk (NDD) system with STP for rapid order execution. After registration and login clients have a choice of two platforms to access the markets.

Metatrader 4

MT4 is a market-leading platform that FBS clients can download for PC. The trading platform includes a range of features:

  • One-click execution and copy-trading

  • Expert advisors (EA) service and apis

  • Wide range of technical indicators and charting tools

  • Support for clients using a virtual private server (VPS)

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.
FBS metatrader 4

The global branch of FBS also offers MT4 multiterminal, which allows clients to operate multiple accounts simultaneously.

Metatrader 5

This broker recently added MT5 integration to its portfolio. This platform is a recent update to MT4 with greater versatility that offers the following:

  • Hedging & netting

  • Market depth view

  • More technical indicators

  • More order types and timeframes

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.
FBS metatrader 5

MT4 and MT5 are also both available without a download via any browser through the webtrader solution. This service works across all operating systems and has all the features of the original software.


Clients can access a wide range of assets for trading:

  • Forex – 28 standard pairs plus 16 exotics

  • Metals – four precious metals

  • Energies – WTI and brent crude oil

  • Stocks (global only) – 40 company shares

  • Indices – four indices including the NASDAQ

Unfortunately trading on the FTSE100 is not offered and neither is cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin.

Trading fees

Spreads offered by FBS vary by account type and region. For EURUSD, the global firm offers a spread of 3.0 pips on its micro account, 1.1 on its standard and cent accounts and zero pip spreads on its zero and ECN accounts. In the EU the same spread is 0.7 pips with both the standard and cent accounts. Our review was pleased to see competitive spreads with the zero and ECN accounts.

The global branch charges a fixed rate commission of $20 per lot on the zero spread account and $6 on the ECN account. It also charges $3 for stock trades and $25 for CFD trading.

FBS charges overnight rollover fees (swap-free is available) and a cancellation fee of €5 for transactions that have taken advantage of price latency. Accounts dormant for 180 days are charged a €5 monthly fee.

FBS leverage

The maximum leverage available depends on account type and branch. In the EU the broker provides leverage up to 1:30 on standard and cent account types. Globally it offers up to 1:1000 on the cent account, 1:500 on the ECN account, and 1:3000 on other account types.

FBS has a margin call of 40% and lower, whereafter it is entitled to close a client’s position.

Mobile apps

FBS trader app

The owner and CEO have ensured that FBS trader is a free and fully-featured trading app. It can be downloaded to android (APK) devices from google play. Outside the EU it’s also available on ios. The broker’s downloadable app offers forex and top instruments for trading, alongside real-time stats and easy management.

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.
FBS mobile app

MT4 & MT5 apps

Both metatrader platforms are also available as mobile apps from the app store and google play. The apps have the main features of the native platforms including technical analysis with the convenience of one-click trading on-the-go.

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.
FBS metatrader mobile trading


The minimum deposit at the online forex broker is different for each account type and trading region. The EU firm requires an initial deposit of €10 on the cent account and €100 on the standard. The global branch offers minimum deposits of $1, $5, $100, $500, and $1000 for the cent, micro, standard, zero spread, and ECN accounts respectively. Our review was pleased to see the low minimum deposit offering.

Several deposit and withdrawal methods are available including wire transfer (EU only), visa, and electronic payment systems, such as skrill and neteller. Deposits are instant for all methods bar wire transfer and withdrawals take up to 48 hours. Commission fees apply to withdrawals at the global FBS firm and identifying documents may be requested.

Demo account review

FBS offers demo versions of the cent and standard accounts in the EU. MT4 and MT5 integration are available and a range of instruments are offered to practice trading with zero deposit requirement. Once comfortable with the broker’s services, you can then sign up for a live account.

Trading bonuses

FBS has a wide selection of promotions and bonuses advertised on its global website. For example, the broker offers a trade $100 bonus with no deposit necessary. The broker credits clients with $100 and if the client has 30 active trading days with 5 lots traded, the bonus can be withdrawn. FBS also offers a 100% deposit bonus, which doubles the deposit available for trading, and many contests.


FBS is a legitimate broker with regulations from respected authorities. The company that owns the EU branch of FBS is regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec). The global branch is regulated by the international financial services commission of belize (IFSC).

In the EU, the broker also offers negative balance protection to retail clients. Overall, we’re happy FBS is not a scam.

Note, traders from the USA cannot register for an account, though clients from most other countries are accepted, including canada, india and nigeria.

Additional features

The FBS website has an analysis section with resources including forex-related news, market updates, and a forex TV feature that displays informational videos, weekly insights, and trading plans. This broker also provides an economic calendar and forex calculators alongside extensive educational materials such as live webinars and tutorials.

Tradez des CFD, des actions et des métaux sur le forex avec un courtier fiable, trading fbs.
FBS economic calendar

Copy trading

The copytrade solution from FBS lets beginners replicate the success of top traders with secure, flexible trading tools. Clients can use the user-friendly mobile app to compare traders, allocate funds and create a unique trading portfolio.

Trading accounts

New clients have the option of several live account types. In the EU, the broker offers the standard and cent accounts. The global branch additionally offers the micro, zero spread, and ECN account. Order volumes are the same across account types. The ECN account has no trading limits and market execution is by ECN, unlike the other accounts which use STP. In general, the more you can deposit the higher the account tier and the more competitive the trading requirements.

When opening an account, you’ll need to submit documents to verify your name, address and the country you’re registering from.

Pros and cons


Advantages of trading with FBS include:

  • MT4 and MT5 integration

  • Ultra-low minimum deposits

  • Competitive zero-pip spreads

  • Range of promotions & deposit bonuses


Bad areas flagged in our review include:

  • Fewer account and trading options in the EU

  • Commissions payable on many trade types at the global firm

Trading hours

The FBS broker website is available at all times. Opening hours for each asset depends on the market and timezone, but forex runs 24 hours a day on weekdays. The broker also provides a virtual private server (VPS) service, which allows the client to keep their trading platform on a virtual machine 24/7.

Customer support

Customer support is available in english, spanish, portuguese, french, german and italian:

  • Email – info@fbs.Eu

  • Live chat – logo in bottom right

  • Contact number – +357 25313540

  • Address – vasileos georgiou A 89, office 101, potamos germasogeias 4048, limassol, cyprus


Contact options including live chat, callback, and whatsapp are available on the global website.

Trader safety

FBS ensure client personal information and privacy is safeguarded. Transactional information is also protected using transport layer security (TLS). The metatrader platforms also offer dual-factor authentication at the login stage for added security.

FBS verdict

FBS is an international forex broker that offers low minimum deposits and a variety of trading accounts with MT4 and MT5 integration, alongside the FBS trader app. Spreads are competitive, and both novice and advanced traders will feel at home with this broker.

Accepted countries

FBS accepts traders from australia, thailand, united kingdom, south africa, singapore, hong kong, india, france, germany, norway, sweden, italy, denmark, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, kuwait, luxembourg, qatar and most other countries.

Traders can not use FBS from united states, japan, canada, myanmar, brazil, israel, iran.

Where is FBS regulated?

This broker is regulated in the EU by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) and elsewhere by the international financial services commission of belize (IFSC).

Is FBS a good broker?

FBS is a legitimate broker and not a scam. It is licensed by respected financial authorities and has positive online reviews.

Does FBS offer any bonuses?

The global branch of FBS offers 100% deposit bonuses and promotions where no deposit is required. This broker also offers trader contests and a VPS service.

What is the minimum deposit at FBS?

Clients can open an account with $1 at the global branch and $10 in the EU. The greater the initial deposit, the tighter the spreads and more advanced the trading tools.

What platforms does FBS offer?

FBS has both MT4 and MT5 platforms, which are available on any browser and as mobile apps. This broker also offers FBS trader, an in-house mobile application.

Does the FBS broker have trading on nas100?

Yes, clients can trade on the NASDAQ and three other major indices, including the S&P 500, dax30, and dow jones.

Trading forex indonesia

Tingkatkan pendapatan anda. Trading forex dengan persyaratan yang paling menguntungkan!

Perbadingan akun

  • Mulai dari $1

  • Mulai dari $5

  • Mulai dari $100

  • Mulai dari $500

  • Mulai dari $1000

  • Floating spread mulai dari 1 pip

  • Fixed spread mulai dari 3 pips

  • Floating spread mulai dari 0,5 pip

  • Spread tetap mulai dari 0 pip

  • Floating spread mulai dari -1 pip

  • Sampai dengan 1:1000

  • Sampai dengan 1:3000

  • Sampai dengan 1:3000

  • Sampai dengan 1:3000

  • Sampai dengan 1:500

Jumlah order maksimum (terbuka dan pending)

  • Mulai 0,01 sampai 1 000 lot sen
    (with 0,01 step)

  • Mulai dari 0,01 sampai 500 lots
    (with 0,01 step)

  • Mulai dari 0,01 sampai 500 lots
    (with 0,01 step)

  • Mulai dari 0,01 sampai 500 lots
    (with 0,01 step)

  • Mulai dari 0,1 sampai 500 lots
    (with 0,1 step)

  • Mulai dari 0,3 sec, STP

  • Mulai dari 0,3 sec, STP

  • Mulai dari 0,3 sec, STP

  • Mulai dari 0,3 sec, STP

  • ECN

Semua jenis akun, kecuali ECN, mendukung instrumen trading berikut: 35 pasangan mata uang, 4 logam, 6 CFD.

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan

Akun trading mana yang harus saya dipilih?

FBS menawarkan berbagai jenis akun yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anda, termasuk akun cent , micro , standard , zero spread , dan ECN dengan kondisi trading unik tersendiri. Bagi trader pemula yang tidak memiliki pengalaman, kami merekomendasikan membuka akun demo terlebih dahulu, lalu setelah itu membuka akun micro atau cent. Bagi kalian yang sudah memiliki pengalaman, kami menyarankan untuk membuka akun standard – sebuah tipe akun klasik. Dan untuk para profesional sejati, kami menyarankan akun zero spread atau akun ECN.

Apa itu akun trading?

Untuk memulai trading forex, anda perlu membuka akun. Tujuan utama dari akun trading adalah untuk melakukan transaksi (buka dan tutup order) dengan berbagai instrumen keuangan. Akun trading serupa dengan akun bank – anda menggunakannya untuk menyimpan, deposit, dan menarik uang. Namun, deposit dan penarikan hanya tersedia setelah anda memverifikasi akun anda.

Apa itu trading forex?

Forex, juga dikenal sebagai pasar valuta asing atau pasar FX, adalah pasar yang paling banyak diperdagangkan di dunia, dengan omset $5,1 triliun per harinya. Dengan kata sederhana, trading forex adalah proses mengubah mata uang satu negara menjadi mata uang negara lain, yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari perubahan nilainya.

Mengapa FBS adalah broker terbaik untuk trading online?

FBS adalah broker forex resmi yang diatur oleh international financial services commission, dengan lisensi IFSC/000102/124 , yang menjadikannya sebagai broker yang dapat dipercaya dan diandalkan. Kami menawarkan klien kami kondisi trading terbaik di pasar, termasuk berbagai bonus, alat trading yang nyaman seperti CFD trading dan trading saham atau yang klasik seperti pasangan mata uang , promosi reguler, dan komisi afiliasi yang paling transparan hingga $80 per lot, layanan dukungan 24/7, dan banyak lainnya.

Bagaimana cara saya memulai trading?

Pertama, sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa menjadi trader yang sukses bukanlah proses yang dapat terjadi dalam satu malam. Butuh waktu yang panjang untuk paham mengenai pasar, dan ada banyak kosa kata baru yang harus dipelajari. Oleh karena itu, broker resmi seperti FBS menawarkan akun demo. Untuk membuka akun demo, anda perlu register terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu, download software trading untuk membuka dan menutup order pertama anda.

Deposit dan penarikan dana

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Metatrader 5

  • Mengunduh untuk windows

  • Mengunduh untuk ios di appstore

  • Mengunduh untuk android di googleplay

  • Mulai transaksi online

  • Download for mac os

Deposit dengan sistem pembayaran bank lokal DI INDONESIA

FBS at social media

Hubungi kami

  • Zopim

  • Wechat

  • Fb-msg

  • Viber

  • Line

  • Telegram

  • Whatsapp

Website dioperasikan oleh FBS markets inc.; pendaftaran no. 119717; FBS markets inc diatur oleh IFSC, dengan nomor lisensi IFSC/60/230/TS/19; alamat di: 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

Layanan ini tidak tersedia di negara-negara berikut: jepang, AS, kanada, inggris, myanmar, brazil, malaysia, israel, dan republik islam iran

Transaksi pembayaran dikerjakan oleh НDС technologies ltd.; pendaftaran no. HE 370778; alamat di: arch. Makariou III & vyronos, P. Lordos center, block B, office 203

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FBS - FX trading broker for android

Developer's description

With this tool, you have all the chances to grow into a professional trader and master your analytical skills to perfection. Since you can administer multiple accounts by a single login, your money management will be both fast and productive.

With the help of the FBS personal area, you can access various statistical data and have it at your finger-tips at all times. With this information at hand, you will be able to see the big picture, that is to say, minimize the strategies that tend to have negative dynamics and scale up profitable tactics. Once you learn to analyse your trading efficiency, the results of the daily deals will be more predicatbale and, thus, less risky and potencially more profitable. You will react to the market signals promptly and with an advanced insight.

FBS offers increased productivity, intuitive interface, and fast performance so that you can manage your accounts efficiently, wisely, and fast. You can go places and yet always stay on top of the changing market.

Use FBS as a personal money manager. We like making complicated notions and data storage easy for you. Step into innovation and profit with the following features:

Registration and verification

- register in just several clicks

- log in to be accessible anywhere and anytime

- have your accounts verified by uploading the required documents right from your device

- create both demo and real accounts so that they satisfy your trading ambitions

- open and close all your accounts for metatrader4 and metatrader5

- select a trading platform, account currency, and leverage

- activate additional options like cashback or swap-free

- see a list archived accounts and restore them, if needed

- activate the 100% deposit bonus in just two clicks. Use it to double your initial

Investment and trade for more money opportunities

- select the desired payment method

- deposit and withdraw via more than 100 payment systems

- make internal transfers between accounts and send funds to partners

- see the history of your past transactions

- analyze your transactions on different accounts via the dashboard

- check the verification documents and status

With FBS, you will have mobile access to the most crucial info that will help in your daily trading. Download the application to get most out of trading and progress as a trader on the constatntly volatile financial market.

5 reasons to choose the FBS personal area for proficient account management:

- multilingual customer support available 24/7 via a chat

- user-friendly interface that simplifies your trading routine

- customizable dashboard with a list of active accounts

- fast and straightforward management of your finances per trading account

- all the personal settings grouped in the profile section

Create a personal area to your liking: modify, analyze, and see how your trading experience improves daily. Its a win today and profit tomorrow!

The highest rebate for FBS traders up to $72 per 1 lot!

We give you back 90% of our IB commission!

Join now with your existing personal area!

The main things about rebate program

The example of our rebate rates

How it works

  • We refer traders to FBS inc.

  • Broker endorses it and shares with us part of the spread or commission you pay for every transaction.

  • We pay you back a part of that fee, even if the trade is in loss.

Rebate calculator

Learn how much extra income you can earn.

We were awarded by FBS in the following nominations:

FBS rebate service IB group is a TOP partner of FBS inc.

Best rebate service 2018

Best rebate service 2017

We are official partner and certified rebate service of FBS inc.

Our team

CEO of FBS rebate service

Senior marketing manager


Chief operating officer of FBS inc

FBS rebate service is our certified partner since 2015. The company proved itself as a reliable and honest business associate. We look forward for the long term cooperation and wish our colleagues and clients all the best.

Head of affiliate network of FBS inc

FBS rebate service is the team of experienced professioanls that are trustworthy and highly customer-oriented. Their relentless passion to work and enthusiasm ensure endless opportunities and the best guaranted solutions for their customers. It is our pleasure to build strong and loyal partner relationship with them.

PR and event manager of FBS inc

I can describe FBS rebate service and people who work on this project as a team that displays initiative, energy and enthusiasm during every day work. This is exactly what we expect from our ibs.

Affiliate manager of FBS inc

FBS rebate service is our reliable and professional partner that once you join, you get the best services ever. They are customer oriented and provide the highest rebate rates for their clients in the market. I would strongly recommend them if you are looking for good service and good rebate rates!

Affiliate manager of FBS inc

After several years of productive partnership, we can proudly say that FBS rebate service gives our customers what they expect – the highest rebate rates that ever existed in the market. Choosing FBS rebate service you choose a team of reliable professionals who think customer first.

Affiliate manager of FBS inc

Here are so many partners who we cooperate with; they are from different countries and work on different fields. What I can tell about FBS rebate service is that this is such a reliable IB, who knows how to work in a smart way, how to deal with business and who always meets our expectations as a broker.

CEO of FBS rebate service

Thank you for your partnership and trust. One of the key objectives of our company is to provide you with the first class service. We strive to be the best on the market. Wish you a successful trading. We will make it more profitable with our service!

3 easy steps to get rebate

What is forex rebate or forex cashback?

Forex rebate or cashback is the same thing. You pay spread to the broker for every trading operation. If you work under our FBS rebate service IB partner’s group 1027524 the broker pays us a part of this spread for attracting clients. We give you back 90% of our commission and this is called the forex rebate or forex cashback.

I already have an account in FBS, can I receive the rebate?

Yes, you can. Just register on our website. After that you will be attached to FBS rebate service IB group for having the highest rebate!

Is your service free of charge?

Yes, our service absolutely free. Moreover, we pay you for working in our partner’s group.

I am FBS IB. Can i have rebate also?

Yes, you can have all your IB commission from your downline clients (10 usd per 1 lot) + rebate 90% from us for your personal trading.

How I will receive my rebate?

You will receive your rebate to your trading account in FBS. You can withdraw this money by all payment methods that FBS provides.

When the rebate is paid?

The rebate is paid weekly on mondays during the day.

Does trading in FBS rebate service IB partner’s group 1027524 influence on my spreads and commissions?

No, we guarantee that your spreads and commissions remain the same.

How much extra income will I earn per transaction?

Your extra income depends on the size of your trading operation and the trading instrument. You can learn how much rebate you will receive using the rebate calculator on our website.

Why should I choose FBS rebate service?

The FBS rebate service is the official partner and certified rebate service of FBS inc. You get the best rebate rates and you know who you are dealing with.

Download FBS rebate service mobile app for free

Access your rebate personal area from any place

منصة التداول

استعمل أكثر تطبيقات التداول انتشارا للحصول على أكبر ربح من الفوركس!

استخدم أكثر منصات التداول ملائمة وعملية وموثوقية!

إمكانية إنشاء، وشراء، واستخدام الإكسبرتات (EA) والبرامج النصية

منصة تداول عصرية جديدة من تطوير FBS لتداولات مباشرة وكفوءة في آن.

يتميز FBS trader بمجموعة من الأدوات لمتابعة اتجاهات السوق والأدوات الواجب امتلاكها والمصممة خصيصًا لتداولاتك اليومية.

التطبيق خالٍ من الوظائف التي قد لا تستخدمها مطلقًا، وهو ذو واجهة سهلة الاستخدام وآلية عمل بسيطة.

في شكل مُغلّف ببساطة، تحصل على أغلب الادوات الضرورية للفوركس

إحصائيات وبيانات فورية وسهولة إدارة الصفقات

أكثر من 50 زوج من العملات،المعادن، والأسهم

خدمة عملاء على مدار الساعة 24/7 بلغتك المحلية

تداول بسهولة، وتتبع أي تغيرات في الأسعار، ولا تفوت أي صفقات مربحة مع FBS trader!

Metatrader 4

تقدم FBS منصة metatrader 4 لنظامي التشغيل windows و mac وكذلك لمنصات android و ios المحمولة. توفر MT4 تجربة تداول في متناول يدك مما يسمح لك بالتطور كمتداول من أي مكان وفي أي وقت.

مزايا metatrader 4

تشفير تبادل البيانات بين منصة العميل وخوادم المنصة

إمكانية إنشاء، وشراء، واستخدام الإكسبرتات (EA) والبرامج النصية

أدوات التحليل الفني: 50 مؤشر وأداة للمخططات

تداول بنقرة واحدة وأخبار مضمّنة

4 أنواع من الأوامر المعلقة

تنزيل metatrader 4

Metatrader 5

بوجود أفضل تدريب من سلفه في متناول يدك، يعد metatrader5 برنامجًا أكثر تنوعًا. يوفر خيارًا أوسع من الأدوات التحليلية، وإمكانية تداول الأسهم والسلع بعيدًا عن العملات، وإطارات زمنية إضافية.

مزايا metatrader 5

خيارات واسعة لإنشاء مؤشرات فنية وروبوتات التداول وتطبيقات الخدمات

أدوات التحليل الفني: 90 مؤشر وأداة للمخططات

تداول بنقرة واحدة وأخبار مضمّنة

6 أنواع من الأوامر المعلقة

تنزيل metatrader 5

لاستخدام المنصة, عليك فتح حساب FBS والقيام بالإيداع. وبالتأكيد يمكنك تجربة الحساب التجريبي.

قم بالإيداع عبر أنظمة الدفع المحلية

FBS في شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي

اتصل بنا

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  • Fb-msg

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  • Telegram

  • Whatsapp

تشغيل الموقع: FBS markets inc., رقم التسجيل: 119717; تخضع FBS markets inc لأحكام IFSC, ترخيص IFSC/000102/124; العنوان: 2118, guava street, belize belama phase 1, belize

الخدمة غير متوفرة في البلدان التالية: اليابان، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، كندا، المملكة المتحدة، ميانمار، البرازيل، ماليزيا، اسرائيل، والجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية

تتم إدارة المدفوعات عبر НDС technologies ltd., رقم التسجيل HE 370778; العنوان: قوس ماكاريو III وفيرونوس, مركز بي لوردوس, بلوك ب, المكتب 203

للتعاون، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني support@fbs.Com أو رقم الهاتف: +35725123212

تحذير المخاطر: قبل أن تبدأ التداول, عليك فهم المخاطر التي تنطوي عليها سوق العملات والتداول على المارجن, وأن تأخذ بعين الاعتبار مستوى خبرتك في هذا المجال.

لا يمكن نسخ, تحرير, إعادة نشر, أو استخدام أي مادة أو مصدر من هذا الموقع الإلكتروني إلا بعد الحصول على موافقة خطية حصرا.


BRKV - FBS is rising as one of the best forex brokers for the asian regions in 2019, especially in thailand and indonesia. So, today I will give an FBS review for new traders who are still struggling to find themselves a suitable forex broker. FBS was founded in 2009. They allow traders to trade up to 35 currency pairs, 4 precious metals, 2 CFD, and cryptocurrencies.

When finding the best brokers, we need to have standards to rate them. These standards are the fundamentals that any brokers who want to become the best should meet. Those are:

Trustworthy trading costs trading conditions local services
regulations low spread good quotes payment system
historical activities low commission trading platforms local offices
low slippages availability
good rebate / bonus
low swap

Now, let’s have an FBS review based on the standards mentioned above. Also, I will compare some aspects of this broker to the top brokers such as exness or XM.

Credibility of FBS review

When it comes to credibility, of course I’m talking about regulations. The first and foremost factor used to judge a broker is their regulations. Regulations are the licenses that trusted financial organizations give to a broker to manage that broker. Regulation is the thing that makes sure a broker has to follow a certain set of rules to guarantee traders’ safety. Only big forex brokers can meet the demands of those regulations. FBS is regulated by cysec and IFSC , two of the most trusted regulations. So you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

Speaking of regulations, there is one thing I think I need forex traders to understand. Some new traders tend to think that the broker who has more regulations is better than those who have less. This is actually a wrong idea. Having many regulations doesn’t mean that broker is better in term of trading. There are two scenarios here. If your country already has a regulation, you should work with broker who has that regulation. You won’t need any other regulations from elsewhere. Your own country’s regulation is enough. FBS has IFSC, a south african regulation, so traders in south africa can be safe when trading with FBS. On the other hand, if your country does not have a regulation, like most asian countries, you should trade with brokers who have at least one trusted regulation, FBS in this case is cysec. Too many regulations will only put more limits on the broker. Regulation is just a signal that lets us know that this broker is decent, reliable, and safe to trade with. A broker only need one trusted regulation.

Trading costs of FBS review

Spread of FBS review

Most traders would love to do business with a low-spread broker. Spread is the difference between the ask price and the bid price of a currency pair. The spread of FBS is only from 0.2 to 1.1 pip which is in the top low spread brokers . And it's spreads are much lower than XM, FXTM, FXCM. CHECK FBS SPREAD -> HERE.

Commission of FBS review

Some brokers charge commissions for income, so does FBS. Based on the type of account, FBS has different commission rates. For the cent and standard accounts, there is no commission. CHECK FBS COMMISSION RATE -> HERE.

Bonuses of FBS review

FBS offers many types of bonuses like deposit bonus, welcome bonus, or loyalty program. They have a bonus with the highest rate ever, up to $100. Their deposit bonus gives back trader 100% of the deposit amount. Also, there is the cashback program, which rebate you $7 for every lot traded. Right now, they are having the $50 bonus. You just need to sign up and $50 will be transferred to your account immediately. CHECK FBS BONUSES -> HERE.

Trading conditions of FBS review

Account types of FBS review

BRKV - FBS offers traders 4 different types of account, which are the regular accounts (cent account, standard account, and fixed spread account) and the ECN account. Each account type has its own features that are suitable for different types of traders.

Cent account: this is the account for beginners or new traders. Why so? The required deposit is only $1. When you first start trading, you don’t want to put too much money in it because 90% of new brokers lose everything when they begin trading. With only $10, I think you can practice trading in real-life conditions for up to 3 months. The spread is relatively low, only around 1 pip. The order volume is from down to 0.01 lot cent up to 1000 lots. The lower the better because that way you won’t lose too much money. And even better, this type of account does not charge any commission, so you can trade as much as you want without costing a penny.


Standard account: traders with a bit more experience will trade with this account. The minimum deposit is average, at about $100. The spread is better, only around 0.5 pip. The leverage is up to 1:3000, which is pretty high. Higher leverage is better. XM’s standard account leverage is only 1:888. The order volume is from 0.01 to 500 lots. And just like cent account, this account is commission free, which is amazing.

Fixed spread account: it is also called zero spread account. You can tell it by the name. This type of account has no spread. Instead, it charges traders $20 for commission. This is understandable because spread is main income of brokers. If the spread is zero, the broker must charge commission. The minimum deposit for this acco unt is $500. The other features are the same as standard account like the leverage and the order volume.

ECN account: this is the account for experts and long-term traders. The minimum deposit required is $1000, which is pretty high, but the commission are much lower than other brokers ($6). Actually, this commission rate is just as low as that of exness and XM, which is $5 and $6 respectively.


Payment system of FBS review

I’m sure that some US or UK brokers are very good in their country, but overseas, they are relatively bad, especially in asian countries like thailand or indonesia. In asia, if traders deposit by their credit cards, their banks will charge them from 1.7 to 4% of their total fund. Having a profit rate at 5% monthly is hard enough and now they have to pay 4% just for depositing? I don’t think so. That’s why it is not wise for thai traders to trade with those US and UK brokers. Therefore, choosing brokers who can offer local payment systems is very important. FBS is great in this field. They offer depositing and withdrawing through almost all local banks and e-wallets in asian countries. Furthermore, what makes FBS really wonderful is their transferring speed. They only come second to exness , the fastest in the market. Transactions at FBS only take from half to an hour to complete through banks, while other brokers can waste you hours or even days.

Customer support of FBS review

Customer care is vital in this forex field, because forex is a very complicated subject. Traders are constantly need as much help and support from brokers as possible. That’s why how a broker assist its clients is a standard to evaluate it. FBS supporting team is fantastic in my opinion. They can support clients in english 24/7 on live chat. You can even tell them to call you back. That can show how dedicated they are to customers. For non-english speakers, they have offices in indonesia, malaysia, egypt, thailand, china, korea and myanmar that are always ready to help customers 5 days a week.

Fanara filippo

Hey, I’m fanara filippo. I’m the founder of this site. I'm currently living in bangkok, thailand. I have been trading forex for more than 5 years. You can read my articles about the best forex brokers on this page. Let’s review brokers today.

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South asian airlines are about to launch blockhain payment

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