Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

Amega ltd

Eğlence sektörünün liderlerinden olan AMEGA entertianment tarafından sunulan playmotion manager(P2M) ve funlord isimli bu uygulamalar, app store ve android market'ten ücretsiz olarak indirilebilmektedir.

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Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

Bu doğrultuda AMEGA teknoloji san. Ve tic. A.Ş. Olarak kalite hedeflerimizi belirleyeceğimizi, hedeflerimizi sürekli gözden geçireceğimizi ve bu politikamızı tüm çalışanlarımız arasında yaygınlaştıracağımızı taahhüt ederiz.

Fikri harekete

Hareket teknolojileri ve simülasyon konularında uzman.


Hareket teknolojileri

Hareket kontrolü, robotik ve CNC işleme makinelerinin en hassas konusudur. Hareket teknolojileri makinelerinin hızları ve pozisyonları, hidrolik pompa, lineer aktüatör veya elektrik motorlarıyla kontrol edilmektedir. Özel makinelerde düşünüldüğünden çok daha karmaşık olan hareket kontrolü uygulamaları için, AMEGA’nın mevcut, özelleştirilmiş çözümleri bulunmaktadır.

AMEGA, yapılacak iş için en uygun kombinasyonu tanımlar, uygular ve olması gereken optimum konfigürasyonu oluşturur.

Müşterilerinin ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda değişen ve gelişen hareket kontrolü temelli uygulamalara, çözüm odaklı proje ve ürünler geliştiren AMEGA, mühendislik aşamasından imalat ve entegrasyon aşamalarına kadar, teknoloji ve anahtar teslim proje sunumu temelli bir yaklaşım benimsemektedir.

Otomotiv, savunma sanayii, havacılık, eğlence, demir çelik, vitrifiye, metal işleme ve şekillendirme, cam, plastik ambalaj ve eğitim sektörü ile akademik araştırmalar, özel projeler ve test makineleri için ihtiyaç doğrultusunda projeler geliştirilerek, imalatları gerçekleştirilmektedir.

AMEGA, kendi teknolojisini geliştirebilecek altyapı ve profesyonellik kabiliyetini, müşterilerine sunduğu katma değerli projeler ile kuvvetlendirerek sürmeye devam etmektedir.

Özel makine imalatı

Müşterilerinin isteklerine büyük değer veren AMEGA, hareket teknolojileri konusundaki uzmanlığını müşterilerinin özel ihtiyaç ve talepleri doğrultusunda özel makine üretim hizmeti sunmak için de kullanır. Deprem simülatörleri, uçuş simülatörleri, vitrifiye makineleri, paralel robotlar, metal şekillendirme makineleri, mobil araç asansörleri ve teleskopik kamera sistemleri, test makineleri ve taş kırıcıları gibi birçok özel makineyi, proje tasarımından anahtar teslim aşamasına kadar tüm sürecini tamamlayarak teslim eder.

Sanal gerçeklik

VR (sanal gerçeklik), gerçek veya fantastik dünyadaki fiziksel bir ortam ya da durumu taklit eden simülasyon ortamlarını tanımlar. Günümüz dünyasında teknolojinin ulaştığı en son yeniliklerden biri olarak kabul edilen VR; teknolojik gelişmeleri yakından takip ederek, işine entegre etmeyi ilke edinen AMEGA’nın da uzmanlık alanları arasına girmiş durumdadır.

Sanal gerçeklik teknolojisini hareket kontrol teknolojisiyle birleştirerek ürünlerinde başarıyla uygulayan AMEGA, hem playmotion markası altındaki yarış simülatörleri hem de cinemotion markası altındaki çok boyutlu sinema sistemlerinde, eğlenceyi gerçeğe en yakın şekilde deneyimleme fırsatı yaratır.

VR teknolojisini özel tematik ürünlerinde de uygulayan AMEGA, eğlence amacıyla kullanılan “türkiye’nin ilk VR özellikli uçuş simülatörü” ile “türkiye’nin ilk VR özellikli yarış simülatörü”nün de üreticisidir.

Kendi ürünlerinde birbirinden heyecanlı VR filmler kullanan AMEGA, konusunda uzman ekibi ve iş ortaklarıyla birlikte tüm süreçlerine dahil olduğu, “VR içerik üretimi” hizmeti de vermektedir.

Mobil aplikasyonlar

Kurumsal politikası gereği müşterilerinin ihtiyaçlarını her zaman önemseyen AMEGA, deneyimli ve dinamik ekibiyle birlikte eğlence anlayışına farklılık getiren yenilikçi ve çağdaş projelere imza atmayı işinin bir parçası olarak görür.

Teknolojik yenilikleri ürünlerinde kullanmayı ilke edinen AMEGA, gerek günlük yaşamın gerekse iş hayatının değişmez bir unsuru haline gelen mobil uygulamaları, oyun eğlence merkezlerine adapte ederek, sektöründe bir ilki gerçekleştirmenin gururunu yaşamaktadır.

Bir taraftan playmotion ürünlerini satın alan yatırımcılar, diğer taraftan ise "aile eğlence merkezleri” için özel “müşteri sadakat programları” geliştiren AMEGA, bu çalışmayı ödüller kazandıran benzersiz mobil uygulamalar ile sunmaktadır.

Eğlence sektörünün liderlerinden olan AMEGA entertianment tarafından sunulan playmotion manager(P2M) ve funlord isimli bu uygulamalar, app store ve android market'ten ücretsiz olarak indirilebilmektedir.

Gerek kendi yatırımcıları, gerekse hizmet verdiği eğlence sektörü için fark yaratan projelere imza atmayı görev kabul eden AMEGA, sektörde fark yaratacak mobil uygulamaları ile hem playmotion kullanıcılarının hem de “aile eğlence merkezi” ziyaretçilerinin sürekliliğini sağlarken, daha keyifli ve daha aktif zaman geçirmeleri için de imkân sunmaktadır. MOBİL APLİKASYONLAR için tıklayınız…

Mühendislik çözümleri

Müşterileri için en etkili çözümü sunmayı amaç edinen AMEGA, sahip olduğu know-how ve üst düzey mühendislik kabiliyeti ile farklı sektörler için sistem gereksinimlerini karşılayan, inovatif ve katma değerli mühendislik çözümleri sunar.

Tasarım, imalat, test ve montaj aşamalarını takip eden iş sürecinin ardından, makine kullanım eğitimleri de AMEGA teknik ekibi tarafından verilir.

AR-GE ve ürün geliştirme

Müşterilerimizin talepleri doğrultusunda projelendirilen üretim süreçleri için daha çok uygulamalı araştırma ve deneysel geliştirme hedefiyle endüstriyel tasarım, prototip geliştirme gibi hizmetler AR-GE ve ürün geliştirme birimimiz tarafından uygulanmaktadır. AMEGA, ticaretin ve mühendisliğin önemli bir parçası olan AR-GE çalışmalarındaki başarısını, müşterilerini anlama, işine hakimiyet ve projelere odaklanan butik hizmet anlayışına borçludur.

Endüstriyel otomasyon

Endüstriyel otomasyon, artan müşteri taleplerini karşılayabilmek ve üretim kalitesini standartlaştırabilmek için geliştirilmiştir. Otomasyon teknolojisinin üretim sürecindeki en önemli konular, zamanlama, standartlara uygunluk ve müşteri ihtiyacını karşılama şeklinde sıralanabilir. Belirlenen imalat parametrelerine göre otomasyon hatlarının tasarlanması, bu hatlarda kullanılacak aktüatörlerin seçimi ve uygulanması; imalat takip yazılımları ile entegrasyonu konusunda bilgili kişilerce yapılmalıdır. Yanlış yapılan otomasyon yatırımı, ileriye dönük geliştirme faaliyetlerini etkileyebileceği gibi, hat üzerinde herhangi bir noktada istikrarsız çalışan bir kısım bütün süreci kesintiye uğratacaktır.

AMEGA, mekanik, hidrolik, pnömatik ve elektroniğin harekete dönüştüğü farklı otomasyon araçlarının kullanıldığı uygulamaları, endüstrinin ihtiyaç duyduğu tüm alanlara üstün otomasyon kabiliyetiyle optimize etmektedir.

Nasıl çalışırız?

Tüm mühendislik, projelendirme, AR-GE, tasarım, entegrasyon ve üretim prosesini kendi bünyesinde gerçekleştiren AMEGA, fikir aşamasından imalatın sonlandığı hareket aşamasına kadar, müşterilerinin yanında olarak tek elden hizmet vermektedir.

  • Müşteri ihtiyacı

  • Projelendirme & mühendislik

  • Konsept tasarım

  • Endüstriyel tasarım

  • Taslak proje & sunum ve teklif

  • AR-GE

  • Çözüme yönelik teknoloji geliştirme

  • Imalat

  • Yazılım geliştirme

  • Montaj & entegrasyon

  • Kesin kabul fabrikada ürün teslimi

  • Ön kabul

  • Nihai test

  • Teknik dosya & dokümantasyon

Satış temsilcilerimiz ve teknik uzmanlarımız sorularınızı yanıtlamak için hazırdır.


AMEGA A.Ş. Grup markası olan AMEGA entertainment, eğlence sektörüne yönelik simülasyon sistemleri, hareket kontrol teknolojisi çözümleri ve özgün butik projeler geliştirir.

AMEGA, mekanik, hidrolik, pnömatik ve elektroniğin harekete dönüştüğü farklı otomasyon araçlarının kullanıldığı uygulamaları, endüstrinin ihtiyaç duyduğu tüm alanlara üstün otomasyon kabiliyetiyle optimize etmektedir.

AMEGA, savunma sanayii, havacılık, otomotiv, eğlence ve oyun makineleri, iş makineleri, denizcilik ve eğitim sektörü ile akademik araştırmalar ve özel projeler için simülasyon çözümleri geliştirmektedir.

Faaliyet alanlarımız

Afet eğitim simülatörleri

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Afet eğitim simülatörleri

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Afet eğitim simülatörleri

Oyun simülatörleri

Oyun simülatörleri

Oyun simülatörleri

Oyun simülatörleri

Oyun simülatörleri

Uçuş simülatörleri

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Uçuş simülatörleri

Uçuş simülatörleri

Özel efektli sinemalar

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Temalı eğlence makinaları

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Temalı eğlence makinaları

VR içerik üretimi

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VR içerik üretimi

Özel makina imalatı

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Özel makina imalatı

Konsept tasarım

Konsept tasarım

Konsept tasarım

Konsept tasarım

Konsept tasarım

  • Hakkımızda

  • Kilometre taşları

  • Değerlerimiz,vizyon, misyon

  • Kalite

  • Üretim tesisi


Pek çok farklı sektör için hareket teknolojileri, simülasyon ve sanal gerçeklik alanında üst düzey projelendirme, üretim ve mühendislik çözümleri sunan AMEGA, sahip olduğu know-how ve üstün imalat kabiliyeti ile uluslararası standartta, anahtar teslim ürün ve hizmetler sunan köklü, öncü, yenilikçi ve esnek bir çözüm firmasıdır.

Kendi teknolojisini üretebilecek teknik altyapı ve donanıma sahip olan AMEGA, üretim tekniği, ürün gamı ve geliştirdiği çözümlerle bağlı bulunduğu sektörlerde ilkler arasında yer alırken; deneyimli mühendis ve teknisyen kadrosuyla, projelendirme ve üretimin her aşamasını 4.000 metrekare kapalı alanlı fabrikasında, kendi bünyesinde tamamlamaktadır.

Kuruluşundan bu yana amaç edindiği müşteri memnuniyeti ilkesi ve fikri harekete dönüştürme yeteneği ile çok sayıda standart ve özel projede ihtiyaca yönelik ürün ve çözümler geliştiren AMEGA, türkiye’deki sektör liderlerinden biri olmakla beraber, geliştirdiği birbirinden ilgi çekici ürünleri ile 6 kıta ve 20’den fazla ülkede varlığını sürdürmektedir.

Kilometre taşları

2005:AMEGA’nın temellerini oluşturan akışkan otomasyon hidrolik pnömatik ltd. Şti’nin kurulumu. Makine otomasyonu üzerine üst düzey çalışmaların başlatılması.

2005:ürünleri destekleyen imalatçı pozisyonundan çıkarak, katma değer yaratacak, çözüm odaklı ürünlerin üretilmesi ve koşulsuz müşteri memnuniyeti felsefesinin içselleştirilmesi.

2006:4000 m2 kapalı alana sahip fabrikaya taşınılması.

2007:yüksek teknoloji ve hareket kontrolü temelli çalışmaların ve robotik ürünlerin hayata geçirilmesi. ISO 9001 sertifikasının alınması.

2009:simülasyon alanında, teknik altyapısı ve yüksek gerçeklik hissiyle farklılaşan ürünlerin imalatı ve geliştirilen öncü konsept projelerin uygulamaya konulması.

2010:dünyanın en prestijli birliklerinden biri olan IAAPA’ya (international association of amusement parks and attractions) üyelik.

2012:tamamı kendi üretimimiz olan yarış simülatörleri ve xd sinema çözümleri için, kurum çatısı altında “playmotion” ve “cinemotion” markalarının oluşturularak tescil ettirilmesi

2013:TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmeye değer bulunan bir çalışma sonucu, deprem verilerinin paralel kinematik platforma uyarlanarak özel simülatör geliştirilmesi.

2013:gelişerek büyüyen şirket yapımızı, ilerici vizyonumuza ışık tutacak mühendislik ve profesyonellik anlayışımız ile örtüşen kurumsal bir kimliğe büründürme kararı. Yeni kurum ve marka ismimiz AMEGA’nın kabulü ile birlikte AMEGA teknoloji A.Ş. Ismini almamız.

2014:şirket ana faaliyet alanlarının AMEGA çatısı altında, “AMEGA entertainment”, “AMEGA simülasyon” ve “AMEGA endüstriyel” isimleri ile yeniden tanımlanması.

2015:savunma sanayi’nde kullanılmak üzere uçuş simülatörü steward platformu geliştirilmesi, tasarım ve imalatı.

2016:türkiye’nin ilk VR (sanal gerçeklik) özellikli yarış simülatörünün tasarımı ve üretilmesi

2017:türkiye’nin eğlence sektörüne yönelik ilk VR (sanal gerçeklik) özellikli uçuş simülatörünün tasarımı ve üretilmesi


Insanlığın temel ilkeleri ışığındaki ticari etik ve sosyal sorumluluk anlayışımız, firmamızın kurumsal değerleri ile müşteri memnuniyeti prensibimizin temelini oluşturmaktadır.

Bu temel ile birlikte; bilgi ve teknoloji ışığında sürekli gelişim, güvenilirlik, işimizin her aşamasında içselleştirilen toplam kalite yönetimi, iletişim esaslılık, inovasyon, esneklik ve çözüm odaklılık vazgeçilmez kurumsal değerlerimizi oluşturmaktadır.


Hareket teknolojileri ve simülasyonun konu olduğu her alanda çözüm odaklı projeler geliştirmek ve ihtiyaçların ötesine geçerek katma değer yaratmak.

Üretici firma yapımız ve ses getiren yenilikçi projelerimizle, uluslararası arenada kurum kimliğimizi vurgulamak; öncü kimliğimizi koruyarak sektörün gelişimine katkıda bulunmak.


Hareket teknolojileri ve simülasyon alanında uluslararası standartlarda hizmet veren üretici yapımızı koruyarak, global arenada öncelikli olarak tercih edilen; inovatif ve öncü yapıda projelendirme ve mühendislik firması olmak.

Projelendirme ve imalatta teknoloji ile mühendisliği en üst seviyede kullanarak kendini sürekli geliştirmek; bu doğrultuda ilklere imza atmayı sürdüren, müşteri odaklı lider bir kurum olmak.


Toplam kalite yönetimi anlayışını tüm iş yürütme ve üretim süreçlerine yansıtmayı ilke ve hedef edinen AMEGA, projelendirme ve üretim proseslerinin her aşamasında iç denetim ve kalite kontrol sistemlerinden yararlanmaktadır.

Elektronik ve mekanik imalat bölümünde üretimi tamamlanan ürünler, son kalite kontrolden geçirilerek, ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara uygunlukları test edilir.

Imal edilen ürünler CE standardının gereklerine uygun olarak belgelendirilirken, yürütülen projelendirme ve üretim süreçleri ise ISO 9001 standartlarına uygun şekilde yazılı hale getirilir.

  • Ilgili taraf (iç/dış bağlam) ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini ve müşteri memnuniyetini esas alarak değişen talepleri zamanında tespit etmek, taleplere hızlı yanıt vermek, zamanında projeleri gerçekleştirip teslim etmek, kaliteli ürün/hizmet ve rekabet edilebilir fiyat sunmak, bilgi ve teknik destek olarak en iyi hizmeti sunmak.

  • Müşteri tatminini sürekli kılabilmek adına yüksek teknolojiyi takip etmek ve etkin kullanmak,

  • Kaliteden tüm personelin sorumlu olması anlayışını benimsemek ve bu nedenle tüm personele kalite bilincini yerleştirmek, bilgi ve becerilerini geliştirecek eğitimleri sağlamak, uyuma ve yaratıcılığa teşvik etmek,

  • Çevreye saygısıyla, kullanıcısına güven vermesiyle sektöründe örnek ve lider firma pozisyonuna gelmek,

  • Personelin mutluluğunu ve motivasyonunu sağlamak,

  • Sistemde tanımlanan süreçlerin performans göstergelerine dayalı ölçülebilir, kalite hedeflerinin değerlendirilmesi yoluyla sistemin sürekli iyileştirilmesi anlayışını benimsemek,

  • Ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara uymak

Bu doğrultuda AMEGA teknoloji san. Ve tic. A.Ş. Olarak kalite hedeflerimizi belirleyeceğimizi, hedeflerimizi sürekli gözden geçireceğimizi ve bu politikamızı tüm çalışanlarımız arasında yaygınlaştıracağımızı taahhüt ederiz.

Üretim tesisi

Kendi teknolojisini üretebilecek teknik altyapıya sahip olan AMEGA, teknolojik yetkinlik, üstün üretim kabiliyeti, deneyimli mühendis ve teknisyen kadrosu ile projelendirme ve üretiminin her aşamasını 4.000 metrekare kapalı alanlı fabrikasında, kendi bünyesinde tamamlar.

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    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    Amega wire products – racking, shelving, fireguards, wirework; became part of the uniweld group in 2015 and continues to be a market leader in the manufacture of unique and specialised wire products. Amega wire also offers general engineering and fabrication skills for the retail and commercial sectors. Amega wire also provides a wide range of services to the domestic market in the form of fire guards and screens.

    Amega wire manufactures all kinds of wire, tubular, sheet metal, shelving, fire and nursery guard products. We specialise in display merchandise which includes point of sale display stands and metal-display advertising. With over 25 years of expertise in the industry we provide the highest quality products in an efficient time frame.

    Amega wire caters to all markets; industrial, commercial and domestic. We are committed to providing a prompt and efficient service that is competitive, reliable and of an excellent quality.

    We pride ourselves on professional customer service and quality ensuring continuous success for our customers.

    At amega wire we pride ourselves on having the ability to provide tailored made designs, meeting your requirements.

    We specialise in custom made solutions: point of sale display stands, shop fitting prongs, baskets, counter display stands, nursery and fire guards, stationary displays, shelving.

    Wire shelving

    Amega Wire Shelving

    Shelving provides efficient and organised way to store and display products. We manufacture shelving to the highest quality. Wire shelving is extremely popular as not only is it very durable, it is aesthetically pleasing.

    Features available:

    • Chrome plated

    • Powder coated

    • Zinc plated

    Our shelving incorporates both convenience and durability. They are quick and easy to assemble and are very accessible.

    Refrigeration shelves

    Refrigerated shelving is extremely durable and rigid. Amega refrigeration shelving is made in various gauges and spacings to suit your application. All finishes are plastic coated.

    Fire and nursery guards

    Amega Wire Fireguard

    We have a wide range of nursery and fire guards that can be designed to suit your home.

    We manufacture a variety of elegant screens that will complete any domestic fireside setting.

    Nothing can be more important than the safety of your child. Babies and toddlers are very energetic and soon turn into active children. Nursery guards are essential if you have a fire in your home.

    Feel at ease knowing your children are protected from fire.

    Features of amega fire and nursery guards:

    • Vertical bar guard

    • Spot welded mesh guard

    • Powder coated

    • Nursery door optional, custom made to fit your hearth, powder coat finish

    • Aperture 45 – 30mm

    • Tailor made to suit your needs

    Point of sale display stands

    Amega Wire Shelving
    We specialise in creating unique designed point of sale and display stands which will help increase your visibility and increase sales.

    We consistently work with our clients to make sure their target market is being reached through advertising display stands. The competition amongst new products entering the market place is incredible high therefore large emphasis needs to be placed on point of purchase stands.

    Get your products in the eye of the consumer with the correct point of sale display stand.

    At amega wire we understand the image and targets of our clients. This ensures unique and effective point of sale display creates the desired sales for you. Each individual stand is specific to the customer’s needs.

    Display finishes:

    • Chrome plated, hard wearing

    • Powder coated – colour finish

    • Galvanised finishes available

    Point of sale display stands are easy to assemble and install. These stands are produced using premium quality raw materials. They have an incredibly high durability and strength.

    We can colour coat your stand to match your logo and company colours.

    Display baskets

    Amega Wire Display Baskets
    We produce a wide range of baskets ensuring your products are displayed well.

    Product features:

    • Various mesh apertures

    • Various gauges to suit the weight and shape of your product

    Amega fx review 2021

    Unregulated | investors need to be extra-careful | trust rating: F | ECN

    CFD trading involves high risk be careful with your investement

    Regulated by FSC | segregates client funds | trust rating: C | true ECN

    CFD trading involves high risk be careful with your investement

    Whith this AMEGA FX review we wanted to find our if AMEGA FX is a trusted brokers or not. We conducted an in-depth review in february 2021 to find out the answer and bring it to you!

    AMEGA was found in the year 2017 and is a forex only broker from russia. The registered headquarter of amega ltd is based in the republic of the marshall islands.

    Further offices are located in russia and the netherland antilles.

    AMEGA does not render electronic trading services to EU (austria, belgium, bulgaria, UK, hungary, germany, greece, denmark, ireland, spain, italy, cyprus, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, france, finland, croatia, czech republic, sweden, estonia) australia, canada, japan, USA residents, and may not render services to residents of some other countries.

    OUR RATING: 4.7
    the overall raiting is based on review by our experts
    �� reliability: 1 / 10 �� spread: 7 / 10
    �� offers: 4 / 10�� speed of execution: 6 / 10
    �� customer service: 4 / 10�� uptime: 6 / 10
    trading conditions
    max leverage:1000:1
    min deposit:$0
    spread:from 0.0 pips
    cuts out dealing desk:partial
    methods of deposit and offers
    deposit / withdraw:
    welcome offer:variable
    rebates engine forex:-

    Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.



    In summary

    As a forex broker that is based in the marshall island, AMEGA FX doesn’t offer much security to investors’ funds. We couldn’t even verify if clients’ and investors’ funds were held separately in segregated trust accounts or not.

    This broker is not licensed and regulated by any major watchdog such as the financial conduct authority of the UK (FCA), the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) or the australian securities and investments commission (ASIC) to name a few and is therefore one that needs to be dealt with cautiously.

    As a matter of fact, any type of broker that doesn’t hold any of the major regulators’ licenses is one that needs to be dealt with cautiously.

    In our experience, this forex broker cannot be trusted, and we will get into more detail why.

    Spreads comparison







    In summary

    • MT4 & MT5 platforms

    • Up to 1000:1 leverage

    • No minimum deposit requirement

    • Commission from $1/lot

    AMEGA offers five different account options that come with various settings and options. Two of the most popular trading platforms, metatrader 4 (MT4) and metatrader 5 (MT5), are available depending on the account option selected.

    There is no minimum deposit requirement for any type of trading account. Forex spreads are floating and start from 0.0 pips with AMEGA’s ECN, scalper and mini account types and from 0.5 pips with the premium account option. The swap free account comes commission-free and offers fixed spreads from 2 pips.

    Fees (commissions) are charged from 0.001% ($1 per lot) on the ECN account and from 0.002% ($2 per lot) on the scalper account options.

    Margin calls are set to 50% on all account options except the ECN account, where margin calls are set to 110%.


    In summary

    • MT4 trading platform

    • MT5 trading platform

    • Web- and mobile trading

    • PAMM available

    Overall, AMEGA’s trading environment is solid but not outstanding. Having tested their ECN, premium and mini accounts, we came across a lot of highly unwanted slippage and execution speeds cannot compete with many competitor forex brokers.

    Clients have the choice of various account options but not all of them offer both available trading platforms, MT4 and MT5. Only the premium and scalper accounts can utilize both metatrader 4 and 5. All other account types can only be used with MT5.

    A PAMM (percent allocation management module) is further available for portfolio or money managers that wish to invest and manage their clients’ funds under one master trading account.

    Execution of speed comparison








    In summary

    AMEGA offers customer support between 7:00 - 14:00 GMT, monday to friday, via live chat, viber, telegram, skype, facebook, VK and email. Support is available in 30 languages, however, the proficiency of these languages spoken is questionable at the very least.

    Over 200 funding options are available depending on the client’s location, such as debit and credit cards (VISA and mastercard), china union pay, bank wire transfers, bitcoin and przelwy24.

    A small FAQ section helps answering the most common queries about account opening, funding, or general trading account questions.


    In summary

    • Leverage up to 1000:1

    • ECN accounts available

    • Limited selection of tradable instruments

    AMEGA forex broker offers a rather small selection of financial instruments that can be traded on the available trading platforms MT4 and MT5 (depending on account type).

    Traders can choose from major, minor and exotic forex pairs, four stock indices (UK 100, nikkei 225, nasdaq 100 and dow jones 30), four metals (gold, silver, platinum and palladium) and a few futures and energies. At the point of writing no other financial instruments or assets are available which is especially disappointing thinking of the newly emerging asset class of digital assets / cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ripple’s XRP, ethereum, etc.

    Forex traders have the choice between five different account options that all offer different settings and features.

    Maximum leverage can be set to up to 100:1 on the mini and ECN account options and up to 1000:1 on all other available account types.


    In summary

    • MT4 and MT5

    • ECN type accounts available

    • Up to 1000:1 leverage

    • Many deposit options

    There were not many special or outstanding features that we can highlight for AMEGA FX apart from their very high maximum leverage of up to 1000:1 which can be very risky to use.

    We therefore recommend our audience to choose a different forex broker from one of our comparison tables or in-depth reviews.

    Forextime limited (FXTM), for example, is a leading forex and CFD broker that is regulated by multiple authorities such as the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec), the financial services board (FSB) of south africa aas well as the financial conduct authority (FCA) of the UK. They are a true ECN broker that. Like AMEGA FX, allow trading forex and cfds on the popular trading platforms MT4 and MT5 and also offer leverage of up to 1000:1. The overall trading conditions are very decent with forextime , but forex traders should always be cautious when dealing with high risk products such as cfds, binary options, etc.

    Max leverage comparison







    AMEGA is a russian unregulated forex broker that is headquartered in the marshall islands. There are a few elements of this broker’s offering that seem attractive at first sight, such as the multiple account options, maximum leverage levels, ease of deposits with multiple payment options, low (no) minimum deposit requirements and exclusive bonus offers, promotions and trading competitions. However, the spreads on all their account types are not as tight as advertised but actually very wide and it seems as if the broker is acting as a market maker operating a dealing desk. Besides, the product portfolio of AMEGA is not very diversified and their services are not available in many major countries, including the US, canada, australia, the UK and all EU member states!

    However, what we find suspicious and alarming with regards to this broker is that AMEGA is not regulated by any financial authority and has not mentioned any information on the company that operates the brand on its website https://www.Amegafx.Com/en/home. Going in trade mode we found that AMEGA is owned by a company named 1xcorp N.V., which is registered in the dutch caribbean island curaçao. These offshore zones generally don’t have any regulation for forex brokers or any type of investor protection and we need to highlight that one should always tread lightly with brokers operating from one of these jurisdictions.

    We therefore recommend to our audience and any type of trader to choose a broker which is licensed and regulated by a reputable governmental agency or financial commission such as ASIC, FCA, NFA or cysec.

    Amega wire

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    • Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.

    Amega wire products – racking, shelving, fireguards, wirework; became part of the uniweld group in 2015 and continues to be a market leader in the manufacture of unique and specialised wire products. Amega wire also offers general engineering and fabrication skills for the retail and commercial sectors. Amega wire also provides a wide range of services to the domestic market in the form of fire guards and screens.

    Amega wire manufactures all kinds of wire, tubular, sheet metal, shelving, fire and nursery guard products. We specialise in display merchandise which includes point of sale display stands and metal-display advertising. With over 25 years of expertise in the industry we provide the highest quality products in an efficient time frame.

    Amega wire caters to all markets; industrial, commercial and domestic. We are committed to providing a prompt and efficient service that is competitive, reliable and of an excellent quality.

    We pride ourselves on professional customer service and quality ensuring continuous success for our customers.

    At amega wire we pride ourselves on having the ability to provide tailored made designs, meeting your requirements.

    We specialise in custom made solutions: point of sale display stands, shop fitting prongs, baskets, counter display stands, nursery and fire guards, stationary displays, shelving.

    Wire shelving

    Amega Wire Shelving

    Shelving provides efficient and organised way to store and display products. We manufacture shelving to the highest quality. Wire shelving is extremely popular as not only is it very durable, it is aesthetically pleasing.

    Features available:

    • Chrome plated

    • Powder coated

    • Zinc plated

    Our shelving incorporates both convenience and durability. They are quick and easy to assemble and are very accessible.

    Refrigeration shelves

    Refrigerated shelving is extremely durable and rigid. Amega refrigeration shelving is made in various gauges and spacings to suit your application. All finishes are plastic coated.

    Fire and nursery guards

    Amega Wire Fireguard

    We have a wide range of nursery and fire guards that can be designed to suit your home.

    We manufacture a variety of elegant screens that will complete any domestic fireside setting.

    Nothing can be more important than the safety of your child. Babies and toddlers are very energetic and soon turn into active children. Nursery guards are essential if you have a fire in your home.

    Feel at ease knowing your children are protected from fire.

    Features of amega fire and nursery guards:

    • Vertical bar guard

    • Spot welded mesh guard

    • Powder coated

    • Nursery door optional, custom made to fit your hearth, powder coat finish

    • Aperture 45 – 30mm

    • Tailor made to suit your needs

    Point of sale display stands

    Amega Wire Shelving
    We specialise in creating unique designed point of sale and display stands which will help increase your visibility and increase sales.

    We consistently work with our clients to make sure their target market is being reached through advertising display stands. The competition amongst new products entering the market place is incredible high therefore large emphasis needs to be placed on point of purchase stands.

    Get your products in the eye of the consumer with the correct point of sale display stand.

    At amega wire we understand the image and targets of our clients. This ensures unique and effective point of sale display creates the desired sales for you. Each individual stand is specific to the customer’s needs.

    Display finishes:

    • Chrome plated, hard wearing

    • Powder coated – colour finish

    • Galvanised finishes available

    Point of sale display stands are easy to assemble and install. These stands are produced using premium quality raw materials. They have an incredibly high durability and strength.

    We can colour coat your stand to match your logo and company colours.

    Display baskets

    Amega Wire Display Baskets
    We produce a wide range of baskets ensuring your products are displayed well.

    Product features:

    • Various mesh apertures

    • Various gauges to suit the weight and shape of your product

    Garment processing experts

    With over 25 years of experience

    Contact us!

    Our services


      Fully equiped hanging system facilities for over bagged hanging garments cartons stored on pallets, in racking system with location ID

    contact us

    Pick and pack operations.

    Garment processing.

    Asos and arcadia carton preparation.

    We are experienced with preparing orders to asos and arcadia specifications, including:

      Re-boxing re-packing order assembly labelling

    contact us

    What our customers say

    " we have had a long business relationship with omega logistics, offering us a wide range of services. They have a reliable team of employees that strive to give us the service and reliability which we can depend on. "

    Blue nile clothing

    " omega logistics have been processing garments for us for many years and we know we can rely on them for high quality checks for both hanging and boxed garments. They provide a very speedy and professional service especially with relabelling and repacking box garment orders. Communications is always good and have found the staff to be very pleasant, polite and always willing to help which is a necessity when working to tight delivery schedules. "

    Breeze UK ltd

    " omega logistics provide us with a very necessary service to meet our deadlines. We can always rely on them to carry out various requirements on our garments such as quality checks, hand pressing and alterations , sometimes with very short notice. "


    " omega logistics have been a key player for many years in our import and export to and from our factory in romania. They have provided us with an excellent service throughout that time with quality checks , box preparation of orders and storage. We have always had a very good response from the staff there, and rely on their expertise to examine our garments, both boxed and hanging before collection and despatch to our customers. "

    Amega fx review 2021

    Unregulated | investors need to be extra-careful | trust rating: F | ECN

    CFD trading involves high risk be careful with your investement

    Regulated by FSC | segregates client funds | trust rating: C | true ECN

    CFD trading involves high risk be careful with your investement

    Whith this AMEGA FX review we wanted to find our if AMEGA FX is a trusted brokers or not. We conducted an in-depth review in february 2021 to find out the answer and bring it to you!

    AMEGA was found in the year 2017 and is a forex only broker from russia. The registered headquarter of amega ltd is based in the republic of the marshall islands.

    Further offices are located in russia and the netherland antilles.

    AMEGA does not render electronic trading services to EU (austria, belgium, bulgaria, UK, hungary, germany, greece, denmark, ireland, spain, italy, cyprus, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, france, finland, croatia, czech republic, sweden, estonia) australia, canada, japan, USA residents, and may not render services to residents of some other countries.

    OUR RATING: 4.7
    the overall raiting is based on review by our experts
    �� reliability: 1 / 10 �� spread: 7 / 10
    �� offers: 4 / 10�� speed of execution: 6 / 10
    �� customer service: 4 / 10�� uptime: 6 / 10
    trading conditions
    max leverage:1000:1
    min deposit:$0
    spread:from 0.0 pips
    cuts out dealing desk:partial
    methods of deposit and offers
    deposit / withdraw:
    welcome offer:variable
    rebates engine forex:-

    Fikri harekete dönüştürür, amega ltd.



    In summary

    As a forex broker that is based in the marshall island, AMEGA FX doesn’t offer much security to investors’ funds. We couldn’t even verify if clients’ and investors’ funds were held separately in segregated trust accounts or not.

    This broker is not licensed and regulated by any major watchdog such as the financial conduct authority of the UK (FCA), the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) or the australian securities and investments commission (ASIC) to name a few and is therefore one that needs to be dealt with cautiously.

    As a matter of fact, any type of broker that doesn’t hold any of the major regulators’ licenses is one that needs to be dealt with cautiously.

    In our experience, this forex broker cannot be trusted, and we will get into more detail why.

    Spreads comparison







    In summary

    • MT4 & MT5 platforms

    • Up to 1000:1 leverage

    • No minimum deposit requirement

    • Commission from $1/lot

    AMEGA offers five different account options that come with various settings and options. Two of the most popular trading platforms, metatrader 4 (MT4) and metatrader 5 (MT5), are available depending on the account option selected.

    There is no minimum deposit requirement for any type of trading account. Forex spreads are floating and start from 0.0 pips with AMEGA’s ECN, scalper and mini account types and from 0.5 pips with the premium account option. The swap free account comes commission-free and offers fixed spreads from 2 pips.

    Fees (commissions) are charged from 0.001% ($1 per lot) on the ECN account and from 0.002% ($2 per lot) on the scalper account options.

    Margin calls are set to 50% on all account options except the ECN account, where margin calls are set to 110%.


    In summary

    • MT4 trading platform

    • MT5 trading platform

    • Web- and mobile trading

    • PAMM available

    Overall, AMEGA’s trading environment is solid but not outstanding. Having tested their ECN, premium and mini accounts, we came across a lot of highly unwanted slippage and execution speeds cannot compete with many competitor forex brokers.

    Clients have the choice of various account options but not all of them offer both available trading platforms, MT4 and MT5. Only the premium and scalper accounts can utilize both metatrader 4 and 5. All other account types can only be used with MT5.

    A PAMM (percent allocation management module) is further available for portfolio or money managers that wish to invest and manage their clients’ funds under one master trading account.

    Execution of speed comparison








    In summary

    AMEGA offers customer support between 7:00 - 14:00 GMT, monday to friday, via live chat, viber, telegram, skype, facebook, VK and email. Support is available in 30 languages, however, the proficiency of these languages spoken is questionable at the very least.

    Over 200 funding options are available depending on the client’s location, such as debit and credit cards (VISA and mastercard), china union pay, bank wire transfers, bitcoin and przelwy24.

    A small FAQ section helps answering the most common queries about account opening, funding, or general trading account questions.


    In summary

    • Leverage up to 1000:1

    • ECN accounts available

    • Limited selection of tradable instruments

    AMEGA forex broker offers a rather small selection of financial instruments that can be traded on the available trading platforms MT4 and MT5 (depending on account type).

    Traders can choose from major, minor and exotic forex pairs, four stock indices (UK 100, nikkei 225, nasdaq 100 and dow jones 30), four metals (gold, silver, platinum and palladium) and a few futures and energies. At the point of writing no other financial instruments or assets are available which is especially disappointing thinking of the newly emerging asset class of digital assets / cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ripple’s XRP, ethereum, etc.

    Forex traders have the choice between five different account options that all offer different settings and features.

    Maximum leverage can be set to up to 100:1 on the mini and ECN account options and up to 1000:1 on all other available account types.


    In summary

    • MT4 and MT5

    • ECN type accounts available

    • Up to 1000:1 leverage

    • Many deposit options

    There were not many special or outstanding features that we can highlight for AMEGA FX apart from their very high maximum leverage of up to 1000:1 which can be very risky to use.

    We therefore recommend our audience to choose a different forex broker from one of our comparison tables or in-depth reviews.

    Forextime limited (FXTM), for example, is a leading forex and CFD broker that is regulated by multiple authorities such as the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec), the financial services board (FSB) of south africa aas well as the financial conduct authority (FCA) of the UK. They are a true ECN broker that. Like AMEGA FX, allow trading forex and cfds on the popular trading platforms MT4 and MT5 and also offer leverage of up to 1000:1. The overall trading conditions are very decent with forextime , but forex traders should always be cautious when dealing with high risk products such as cfds, binary options, etc.

    Max leverage comparison







    AMEGA is a russian unregulated forex broker that is headquartered in the marshall islands. There are a few elements of this broker’s offering that seem attractive at first sight, such as the multiple account options, maximum leverage levels, ease of deposits with multiple payment options, low (no) minimum deposit requirements and exclusive bonus offers, promotions and trading competitions. However, the spreads on all their account types are not as tight as advertised but actually very wide and it seems as if the broker is acting as a market maker operating a dealing desk. Besides, the product portfolio of AMEGA is not very diversified and their services are not available in many major countries, including the US, canada, australia, the UK and all EU member states!

    However, what we find suspicious and alarming with regards to this broker is that AMEGA is not regulated by any financial authority and has not mentioned any information on the company that operates the brand on its website https://www.Amegafx.Com/en/home. Going in trade mode we found that AMEGA is owned by a company named 1xcorp N.V., which is registered in the dutch caribbean island curaçao. These offshore zones generally don’t have any regulation for forex brokers or any type of investor protection and we need to highlight that one should always tread lightly with brokers operating from one of these jurisdictions.

    We therefore recommend to our audience and any type of trader to choose a broker which is licensed and regulated by a reputable governmental agency or financial commission such as ASIC, FCA, NFA or cysec.

    Garment processing experts

    With over 25 years of experience

    Contact us!

    Our services


      Fully equiped hanging system facilities for over bagged hanging garments cartons stored on pallets, in racking system with location ID

    contact us

    Pick and pack operations.

    Garment processing.

    Asos and arcadia carton preparation.

    We are experienced with preparing orders to asos and arcadia specifications, including:

      Re-boxing re-packing order assembly labelling

    contact us

    What our customers say

    " we have had a long business relationship with omega logistics, offering us a wide range of services. They have a reliable team of employees that strive to give us the service and reliability which we can depend on. "

    Blue nile clothing

    " omega logistics have been processing garments for us for many years and we know we can rely on them for high quality checks for both hanging and boxed garments. They provide a very speedy and professional service especially with relabelling and repacking box garment orders. Communications is always good and have found the staff to be very pleasant, polite and always willing to help which is a necessity when working to tight delivery schedules. "

    Breeze UK ltd

    " omega logistics provide us with a very necessary service to meet our deadlines. We can always rely on them to carry out various requirements on our garments such as quality checks, hand pressing and alterations , sometimes with very short notice. "


    " omega logistics have been a key player for many years in our import and export to and from our factory in romania. They have provided us with an excellent service throughout that time with quality checks , box preparation of orders and storage. We have always had a very good response from the staff there, and rely on their expertise to examine our garments, both boxed and hanging before collection and despatch to our customers. "


    Learn more about AMEGA (UK) LIMITED. Check the company's details for free and view the companies house information, company documents and list of directors.

    Company details



    List of company documents:

    Know about every new company document that is added!
    Take advantage of our watch this company feature free of charge and have notifications sent directly to your inbox. Whenever a new document appears on this website, or if their particulars change, you will be immediately informed about such changes. To monitor these changes, all you need to do is click on watch this company.

    Company directors and board members:

    Companies near to AMEGA (UK) ltd.
















    Information about the private limited company AMEGA (UK) LIMITED has been prepared for information purposes only. It is not intended to be nor does it constitute legal advice. This is public information provided by the official company register.

    So, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: dinamik hareket teknolojileri ve kontrolü alanında faaliyet gösteren AMEGA, anahtar teslim projeler sunan köklü, esnek bir çözüm firmasıdır. At amega ltd

    Contents of the article

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