Клуб ІнстаФорекс, instaforex card.

Instaforex card

После оформления заявки клиенту выдается пин-код к карте клуба инстафорекс, а сама карта привязывается к торговому счёту и высылается участнику клуба по почте с сопроводительным письмом.

Real forex bonuses

Клуб ІнстаФорекс, instaforex card.

Клуб ІнстаФорекс, instaforex card.

Клуб ІнстаФорекс, instaforex card.

Стать участником instaforex club может абсолютно каждый клиент компании инстафорекс.

Клуб інстафорекс

Клуб ІнстаФорекс

Компанія instaforex надає своїм клієнтам унікальну можливість - стати повноправним членом елітного клубу міжнародного онлайн форекс - брокера компанії instaforex.

Членство в клубе инстафорекс – это ряд привилегированных опций, главной из которых является возможность получения специальных бонусов на каждое пополнение.

Зарегистрировавшись в программе instaforex club, вы как член элитного клуба инстафорекс имеете возможность участвовать в розыгрыше автомобиля ferrari F8 tributo на выгодных условиях, а также в других конкурсах и акциях от компании инстафорекс с общим призовым фондом более 500 000 долларов США.

Стать участником instaforex club может абсолютно каждый клиент компании инстафорекс.

Для этого необходимо оформить заявку на получение клубной карты клуба инстафорекс, заполнив форму регистрации в соответствующем разделе клиентского кабинета.

После оформления заявки клиенту выдается пин-код к карте клуба инстафорекс, а сама карта привязывается к торговому счёту и высылается участнику клуба по почте с сопроводительным письмом.

Для защиты клубной системы от мошеннических действий при оформлении карты с торгового счёта клиента списывается 10 долларов США.

После получения карты клуба инстафорекс клиент имеет право на клубные бонусы к каждому пополнению, начиная с момента активации карты. Бонус также может быть получен по ссылке из кабинета трейдера.

Лінійка бонусів:

Розмір нараховується бонус залежить від сальдо поповнень і знять *. Таким чином, що зараховується бонус складе:

*cальдо поповнень і знять на торговому рахунку рахується з моменту оплати клубної картки.

    При сальдо
    Членство в елітному клубі ІнстаФорекс

Instaforex card

All instaforex customers regardless of their location have a possibility to obtain a debit card in the US dollars for withdrawal of funds from their trading account. At the moment, the service of withdrawing the funds from a trading account to insfaforex debit card is available to the clients who have replenished their trading account via wire transfer or using a card.

The current charges for instaforex debit card are as follows:

Card issue 16 USD
monthly service 1 USD
cashing in ATM - USA 1.65 USD
cashing in ATM non-USA 3.00 USD
transfer from a trading account to a card 4 USD within 7 hours, 2 USD within 72 hours
card re-issue 10.00 USD
balance check in the ATM 1.00 USD
maximum card deposit per day 10000 USD
maximum card deposit per month unlimited
maximum daily cashing via the ATM 2500 USD*
maximum daily services and goods payments via the card 2500 USD*
cashing in the ATM failed 1.00 USD
call-center support toll-free
on-line chat support toll-free

*daily maximum of card spendings - 5000 USD (on the condition of the sum being divided into two - cashing in the ATM and services and goods payments via the card)

Forumer yang terhormat,
demi kenyamanan anda, kami sudah mempublikasikan jawaban komprehensif atas pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dari thread ini pada bagian F.A.Q. Mohon kesediannya untuk mengecek terlebih dahulu sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan. Setiap pertanyaan yang bertentangan dengan rekomendasi ini akan dihapus tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Terima kasih atas pengertian anda.

– bagaimana cara saya untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard?
Untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard, silahkan anda mengisi aplikasi di instaforex.Com.

– berapa biaya maintenance untuk instaforex mastercard?
Biaya untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard adalah sebesar 15.95 USD untuk warga negara non-US. Biaya maintenance perbulan adalah 1 USD perbulan. Silahkan anda arahkan ke tab bank card pada kabinet klien untuk melihat informasi ini lebih detail lagi.

– berapa lama waktu pengiriman kartu?
Waktu pengiriman instaforex mastercard adalah 5 hari kerja dan sesuai dengan negara domisili anda.

– saya mengorder sebuah kartu sudah lebih dari 5 hari kerja yang lalu, tetapi saya belum juga menerimanya. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Silahkan terlebih dahulu anda hubungi kantor pos terdekat. Jika mereka belum menerima kartu anda, maka silahkan buat pengaduan melalui payoneer customer relations service. Sebuah kartu baru akan keluarkan dan dikirimkan kepada anda.

– saya mempunyai PAMM account. Bisakah saya mengorder instaforex mastercard?
Jika anda adalah seorang PAMM investor, anda bisa mengorder sebuah kartu. Akan tetapi, instaforex mastercard tidak tersedia untuk PAMM trader.

– kapan saya harus mengaktifkan kartu saya?
Tidak ada batasan waktu untuk mengaktifkan instaforex mastercard. Payoneer akan menutup kartu anda, jika kartu tidak diaktifkan dalam waktu yang lama, akan tetapi bisa didapatkan kembali atas permintaan anda.

– saya tidak mempunyai dana pada kartu saya. Apakah saya harus membayar biaya bulanan? Apakah kartu saya akan dibekukan?
Biaya maintenance akan tetap dibebankan meskipun anda tidak mempunyai dana pada kartu anda. Kendati saldo pada kartu anda negatif, kartu tidak akan dibekukan.

– bisakah saya melampirkan instaforex mastercard untuk semua akun trading saya?
Ya, anda bisa melampirkan instaforex mastercard ke semua akun trading anda untuk melakukan penarikan atau deposit dana melaluinya.

– bagaimana cara melakukan penarikan dana dari akun trading ke instaforex mastercard
untuk menarik dana dari akun trading anda kedalam kartu, silahkan masuk kebagian yang terkait pada kabinet klien – instaforex mastercard. Lengkapi formulir seperti berikut: pada kolom “ID card” masukkan 6 digit ID yang terdiri dari huruf dan angka seperti A12B3C; pada kolom “keterangan untuk penerima” masukkan keterangan, contoh “penarikan dana dari akun 100001 (mr. Smith)"; dan pada kolom “PIN” masukkan PIN akun yang anda gunakan untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard anda.

– apakah ada biaya penarikan dana? Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menarik dana dari akun saya ke kartu saya?
Dana yang anda tarik dari akun trading anda kedalam instaforex mastercard anda dalam dua tahap. Pertama, dana anda akan didepositkan terlebih dahulu kedalam akun payoneer. Perusahaan instaforex akan membebankan biaya sebesar 1% biaya penarikan. Dan yang kedua, dana tersebut akan didepositkan kedalam instaforex mastercard anda. Anda bisa menentukan periode waktu penarikan dana dan biaya komisinya: 7 jam dengan biaya sebesar 4 USD atau 72 jam dengan biaya 2 USD.

– saya mengisi akun trading saya menggunakan sistim pembayaran online. Bisakah saya menarik dana kedalam kartu saya?
Anda bisa menarik dana kedalam instaforex mastercard terlepas dari cara yang yang anda gunakan dalam melakukan deposit kecuali euroglod cash dan global digital pay. Anda tidak bisa menarik dana kedalam kartu anda jika anda menggunakan kedua cara ini. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa perihal transaksi langsung antara sistim pembayaran, limit tertentu dalam penarikan yang diberlakukan sebagai bentuk penarikan dana kedalam kartu untuk tujuan pertukaran uang adalah dilarang. Jika terjadi hal seperti ini, maka akan ada limit pada jumlah penarikan dana.

– saya menggunakan sistim pembayaran online untuk mengisi akun saya. Dimana saya bisa menemukan ketentuan jumlah dari transaksi lot yang ditentukan untuk menarik dana dari akun saya ke instaforex mastercard?
Tidak ada ketentuan seperti ini. Financial department telah memutuskan dengan apakah instaforex mastercard digunakan untuk mentransfer uang antara sistim pembayaran yang berbeda. Jika hal ini terjadi, anda tidak akan bisa melakukan penarikan dana kedalam kartu anda. Dalam hal apapun, anda bisa melakukan penarikan dana dengan menggunakan sistim yang sama yang anda gunakan untuk melakukan deposit kedalam akun trading anda.

– bisakah saya menarik dana tunai dari instaforex mastercard?
Anda bisa menarik dana tunai dari kartu anda di setiap ATM diseluruh dunia yang menerima mastercard dan menarik dollar atau menukarnya menjadi ruble.

– bisakah saya menggunakan kartu ini untuk pembayaran online?
Anda bisa menggunakan instaforex mastercard untuk melakukan pembayaran online yang menerima mastercard.

– saya ingin membayar produk atau layanan dengan dollar instaforex mastercard saya. Dan produk atau layanan ini menggunakan mata uang yang berbeda. Berapa rate-nya?
Nilai tukar yang digunakan instaforex mastercard adalah nilai tukar yang digunakan payoneer, penerbit kartu anda.

– bank apakah yang digunakan oleh kartu saya?
Instaforex mastercard anda menggunakan akun choice bank (belize).

– apakah data pemegang kartu diteruskan ke otoritas pajak?
Pemegang instaforex mastercard mempunyai akun di choice bank (belize) yang tidak meneruskan data ke otoritas pajak lokal.

– bisakah saya melampirkan kartu saya ke akun saya yang menggunakan sistim pembayaran atau broker lain?
Anda bisa menggunakan instaforex mastercard untuk menarik dana dari akun trading anda jika broker tersebut mempunyai layanan untuk melakukan penarikan dana kedalam mastercard.

– kartu saya telah dibekukan. Kenapa?
Umumnya, instaforex mastercard bisa dibekukan jika tidak ada aktivitas keuangan didalamnya (termasuk deposit komisi partner, pembelian, atau pengisian dana) selama empat bulan berturut-turut, atau jika terjadi zero-balance selama empat bulan berturut-turut .

Thread: instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

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Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex.

Recently instaforex has introduced brand new debit card. Any client can apply for it no matter you are verified or unverified. You can know about it visiting your personal cabinet with instaforex or visiting this link.

Features of instaforex bancard:

1. Card is available for both verified or unverified clients.

2. It is available in euro and USD.

4. Can be used for deposit and withdrawal to and from your trading account.

5. Card issue and activation free.

6. Annual fee $34.95 and ATM transaction $1.50.

7. Hassle free withdraw of money anytime in your local currency.

Easy registration with epayment. So don't wait. Go and grab it.

5 users say thank you to nkhan2810 for this useful post.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

The following user says thank you to SAIFI for this useful post:

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to black mamba for this useful post.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to jackcm for this useful post.

The following user says thank you to ding dong for this useful post:

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Instaforex benecard debit card

InstaForex Benecard Debit Card

Kami dengan senang hati akan menawarkan kepada klien kami kartu instaforex benecard card, sebuah kartu bank prabayar. Kartu debit instaforex benecard terhubung dengan akun bank eropa. Ini merupakan instrumen universal untuk mengisi akun trading instaforex anda dan menarik dana dari kartu tersebut di berbagai belahan dunia.

Pemegang kartu instaforex benecard menikmati kesempatan untuk memperoleh uang tunai dimanapun diseluruh dunia di berbagai ATM yang menggunakan mastercard. Selain itu, kartu ini melayani pembayaran untuk pembelian online dengan POS tanpa dikenakan biaya tambahan.

Pemilik instaforex benecard bisa menarik hingga $3.000 perhari dari akun mereka ke kartu ini dengan kemungkinan komisi terendah.

Untuk memesan kartu ini, klien instaforex harus membayar biaya keanggotaan yang menyertai pembuatan kartu.

Biaya setara dengan $34,95 untuk akun USD atau €29.00 untuk akun euro. Biaya keanggotaan dapat dibayarkan dengan beberapa metode standar (jaringan bank, paypal). Harap dicatat bahwa pembayaran melalui transfer bank tersedia setelah verifikasi, sementara itu verifikasi dilakukan setelah pemesanan kartu.

Harap ikuti link ini untuk memesan kartu instaforex benecard.

Harap diingat bahwa instaforex benecard akan terhubung ke seluruh akun trading dengan instaforex yang dibuka atas nama anda.

Manfaat instaforex benecard:

  • Kemungkinan untuk menggunakan kartu untuk mendapatkan uang dari salah satu atau beberapa akun trading yang terdaftar atas nama pemegang kartu;

  • Kemungkinan melakukan deposit akun trading tanpa komisi;

  • Kemungkinan untuk mengecek saldo kartu melalui internet dan mengisinya kembali;

  • Kemungkinan menggunakan kartu dilebih dari 200 negara;

  • Possibility to order a card in USD or EUR;

  • Instaforex benecard serupa dengan kartu bank pada umumnya yang memungkinkan klien membeli barang dan menyewa jasa;

  • Total saldo tidak terbatas; batas harian pada penarikan tunai di ATM dan pembayaran online adalah$3,000 (€2,333);

  • Informasi pada transaksi sepenuhnya rahasia dan dijamin oleh bank eropa yang mengeluarkan instaforex benecard card;

  • Anda bisa memesan kartu instaforex benecard pada client cabinet di website resmi instaforex.

Thread: instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Thread tools


Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex.

Recently instaforex has introduced brand new debit card. Any client can apply for it no matter you are verified or unverified. You can know about it visiting your personal cabinet with instaforex or visiting this link.

Features of instaforex bancard:

1. Card is available for both verified or unverified clients.

2. It is available in euro and USD.

4. Can be used for deposit and withdrawal to and from your trading account.

5. Card issue and activation free.

6. Annual fee $34.95 and ATM transaction $1.50.

7. Hassle free withdraw of money anytime in your local currency.

Easy registration with epayment. So don't wait. Go and grab it.

5 users say thank you to nkhan2810 for this useful post.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

The following user says thank you to SAIFI for this useful post:

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to black mamba for this useful post.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to jackcm for this useful post.

The following user says thank you to ding dong for this useful post:

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Instaforex benecard debit card

InstaForex Benecard Debit Card

Kami dengan senang hati akan menawarkan kepada klien kami kartu instaforex benecard card, sebuah kartu bank prabayar. Kartu debit instaforex benecard terhubung dengan akun bank eropa. Ini merupakan instrumen universal untuk mengisi akun trading instaforex anda dan menarik dana dari kartu tersebut di berbagai belahan dunia.

Pemegang kartu instaforex benecard menikmati kesempatan untuk memperoleh uang tunai dimanapun diseluruh dunia di berbagai ATM yang menggunakan mastercard. Selain itu, kartu ini melayani pembayaran untuk pembelian online dengan POS tanpa dikenakan biaya tambahan.

Pemilik instaforex benecard bisa menarik hingga $3.000 perhari dari akun mereka ke kartu ini dengan kemungkinan komisi terendah.

Untuk memesan kartu ini, klien instaforex harus membayar biaya keanggotaan yang menyertai pembuatan kartu.

Biaya setara dengan $34,95 untuk akun USD atau €29.00 untuk akun euro. Biaya keanggotaan dapat dibayarkan dengan beberapa metode standar (jaringan bank, paypal). Harap dicatat bahwa pembayaran melalui transfer bank tersedia setelah verifikasi, sementara itu verifikasi dilakukan setelah pemesanan kartu.

Harap ikuti link ini untuk memesan kartu instaforex benecard.

Harap diingat bahwa instaforex benecard akan terhubung ke seluruh akun trading dengan instaforex yang dibuka atas nama anda.

Manfaat instaforex benecard:

  • Kemungkinan untuk menggunakan kartu untuk mendapatkan uang dari salah satu atau beberapa akun trading yang terdaftar atas nama pemegang kartu;

  • Kemungkinan melakukan deposit akun trading tanpa komisi;

  • Kemungkinan untuk mengecek saldo kartu melalui internet dan mengisinya kembali;

  • Kemungkinan menggunakan kartu dilebih dari 200 negara;

  • Possibility to order a card in USD or EUR;

  • Instaforex benecard serupa dengan kartu bank pada umumnya yang memungkinkan klien membeli barang dan menyewa jasa;

  • Total saldo tidak terbatas; batas harian pada penarikan tunai di ATM dan pembayaran online adalah$3,000 (€2,333);

  • Informasi pada transaksi sepenuhnya rahasia dan dijamin oleh bank eropa yang mengeluarkan instaforex benecard card;

  • Anda bisa memesan kartu instaforex benecard pada client cabinet di website resmi instaforex.

Thread: instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Thread tools


Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex.

Recently instaforex has introduced brand new debit card. Any client can apply for it no matter you are verified or unverified. You can know about it visiting your personal cabinet with instaforex or visiting this link.

Features of instaforex bancard:

1. Card is available for both verified or unverified clients.

2. It is available in euro and USD.

4. Can be used for deposit and withdrawal to and from your trading account.

5. Card issue and activation free.

6. Annual fee $34.95 and ATM transaction $1.50.

7. Hassle free withdraw of money anytime in your local currency.

Easy registration with epayment. So don't wait. Go and grab it.

5 users say thank you to nkhan2810 for this useful post.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

The following user says thank you to SAIFI for this useful post:

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to black mamba for this useful post.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to jackcm for this useful post.

The following user says thank you to ding dong for this useful post:

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Forex brokers lab





Клуб ІнстаФорекс, instaforex card.

Regulators : cysec, FSC

Cryptocurrencies: YES

Minimum deposit: $1

Maximum leverage: 1:1000

Spreads: low

My score: 8.6

Instaforex is a russia-based forex broker offering online trading services for investors since 2007. I can say that this broker is one of the oldest brokers in forex market. In this process, it has expanded its client base with different types of accounts and innovative services. Instaforex has become one of the best-known forex brokers, especially among asian countries.

The main visitors of the website, instaforex.Com, are from russia and ukraine in europe. There is also strong interest from traders from brazil in south america, malaysia and kazakhstan in asia, nigeria in africa.

In other words, it is a broker that has a very international reputation and serves in a wide geographical area. The broker’s official website has about 1.5 million visitors a month. This number is very high when we compared to other forex brokers.

instaforex review

Instaforex says it has been taking part in various expositions and events around the globe since 2009. The company organizes conferences and seminars attended by tens of thousands of visitors. Instaforex has been a platinum sponsor and an active participant of the showfx world expo since 2010.

After all, there are some topics that investors are curious about. Is instaforex safe or scam broker? What are account types and trading conditions? Is instaforex regulated? What are the deposit and withdrawal methods? Is there a problem during the withdrawal process? What is the minimum deposit for instaforex?

You can find all these questions in this instaforex review. In addition, if you have any other questions that you suspect, you can also express them in the comments section below the article. I will try to answer in detail as soon as possible.

Regulation and investor protection

Instaforex is the trading name of instant trading ltd. It is the global version of the company. Another company is, instant trading eu ltd is a cyprus investment firm (HE266937) that provides trading for the EU area.

As you can see below, instaforex has two licenses from two different regulators: cysec in cyprus and FSC in british virgin islands. Instant trading ltd. Is authorized and licensed by the financial services commission (FSC) under the securities and investment business act (SIBA), the british virgin islands (BVI). License number: SIBA/L/14/1082

Instant trading ltd. Operates in accordance with FSC regulations and prioritizes transparency to customers by acting according to the law and protecting customer interests.

instant trading EU ltdcyprusCYSEC
instant trading ltdbritish virgin islandsFSC

Instaforex (instant trading EU ltd) is regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) with 266/15 license number.

The license guarantees security and transparency for all clients of instaforex. Since the broker participates in the investor compensation fund, ensuring the negative balance protection and the best execution policy.

As mandated by EU regulation, instaforex provides the investor compensation fund (CIF). In the event of bankruptcy, accounts are covered up to a maximum of €20,000 with this compensation.

Instaforex account types

Instaforex offers 4 different account types, but these account types can be divided into two main categories. These two categories are the standard account type and the eurica account type. These are divided into insta and cent.

Account typemin./max. Depositminimum trade sizemaximum leveragespreads (commission)
insta standard$10.011:1000fixed 3 pips
insta eurica$10.011:10000 pips + 0.03% / 3 pips
cent standard$1 / $10000.00011:1000fixed 3 pips
cent eurica$1 / $10000.00011:10000 pips + 0.03% / 3 pips

Cent account is a nano account type. It is possible trading with nano lots in nano account types. For example; 1 standard lot equal to 100,000 unit in forex. So when buying 1 lot of EURUSD trade, you will be receiving 100,000 euros. In addition, there are a mini lot equivalent to 10,000 unit and a micro lot equivalent to 1000 unit.

Brokers offering nano account types, however, also have a nano lot equivalent of 100 unit. Unlike other brokers, instaforex has a lot of other types that can be called ultra nano lot and have equivalent to 10. The minimum trade size is 0.0001 lot in the cent account offered by instaforex.

In instaforex, swap-free accounts, also known as islamic accounts, are available, but the broker may ask you to document your faith. At the end of the examination of the documents, the broker may accept or reject your islamic account application.

There is practically no matter difference between the eurica account type and the standard account type. There is no spread in eurica account type but commission is charged by the broker. However, it is practically a cost of 3 pips, such as a fixed spread standard account.

The minimum deposit of all account types is $1 and the maximum leverage is 1: 1000. The maximum leverage offered by instaforex is quite high this is good news for the traders who want trade with the high-level leverage ratio.

Instaforex offers attractive trading conditions that are considered to be among the best ones in the world. Traders have access to a great variety of financial tools more than 300.

There are over 100 available currency pairs. There are also cfds, commodities such as gold, silver, natural gas and crude oil, indices and cryptocurrencies.

Trading platforms

Insta forex offers its clients five different platforms. Clients can choose a trading platform which suits their needs to trade. All of these platforms aim to fulfill clients requirements.

The platforms are metatrader 4, metatrader 5, multiterminal, web trader and instabinary. MT4 and MT5 are the most popular platforms in the industry. They offer variety of tools for technical analysis, automated trading, free indicators and advisors and more.

Multiterminal allows you to work with several instaforex trading accounts simultaneously. Multiterminal is an ideal tool for investors who manage their clients’ accounts. (account management).

Instaforex webtrader is designed by instaforex. It is available only for brokers’ clients. It enables investors to trade directly in the browser and it does not require any download.

Instabinary platform is for binary options and it is made by the broker. It has 6-digit quotes. This feature allows traders to increase their profits because even small volatilities are very important to profit assessments.

Instaforex deposit and withdrawal methods

Instaforex; offers a wide variety of deposit and withdrawal methods from wire transfer to bitcoin, from e-wallet systems to credit card. I do not think an investor would say: I wanted to deposit money in the instaforex account, but the options were not suitable for me. You can see all the deposit and withdrawal methods and fees and processing time in the table.

Methodsfees on depositprocesssing time on depositfees on withdrawalprocesssing time on withdrawal
bank cardsystem fee24 hourssystem fee1–6 business days
bank wirebank fee2-4 business days2%2-4 business days
megatransferno feesinstantno fees1-7 working hours
paycono feesinstantsystem fee48 hours
skrillno fees24 hours1.39%1-7 working hours
benecardno fees24 hours1%1-7 working hours
NETELLERno feesinstant2%1-7 working hours
china union payno feesinstant1.5%-1.8%1-2 business days
wechatno feesinstantXX
alipayno feesinstantXX
nganluong bankno feesinstantno fees2-4 working days
nganluong walletno feesinstant1100 VND + 1.1%7 working hours
paxumno fees1-7 working hoursno fees1-7 working hours
bpay.Mdsystem feeinstantno fees1-7 working hours
carta bleue (france)no feesinstantXX
cartasi (italy)no feesinstantXX
dankort (denmark)no feesinstantXX
epay.Bg (bulgaria)no feesinstantXX
electronic payment standard (austria)no feesinstantXX
giropay (germany)no feesinstantXX
ideal (netherlands)no feesinstantXX
maestro (UK, spain, ireland, austria)no feesinstantXX
nordea SOLO (sweden)no feesinstantXX
poli (australia)no feesinstantXX
postepay (italy)no feesinstantXX
przelewy24 (poland)no feesinstantXX
rapidno feesinstantXX
SOFORTno feesinstantXX
trustlyno feesinstantXX

other payment systems
system fee7 working hoursXX
bitcoinno fees3 hours0.5%1-7 working hours
litecoinno fees3 hours0.5%1-7 working hours
transfer between accountsXXno fees1-7 working hours
solidtrustXXsystem fee1-7 working hours
PAYSECno feesinstant1,75%1 business day

Instaforex bonus and promotions

Instaforex offers its customers a wide range of bonuses. They differ in size, conditions and use in trade. Remarkably, the profits made by using bonuses can be withdrawn.

The bonuses are 100% first deposit bonus, 55% every deposit bonus, 40% instaforex club bonus, and chancy deposit bonus.

Instaforex bonus program is one of the best around all brokers. The broker gives you a first deposit bonus with 100%. You can get this bonus by opening an account and deposit. The bonus is not withdrawable and it is up to $2000. But, you can withdraw the profit from you get from the bonus.

If you have an account or open an account you can get %55 bonus to every deposit in instaforex. There are no limits and maximum – minimum amount for this bonus.

Instaforex club bonus is for the clients who are a member of instaforex club card. It is free to take this card. Every owner of instaforex club card has a right to receive the club bonus on their trading account.

If you deposit your account with $3000, you can get $1000 more with chancy bonus. In the end of the month, one trading account chosen in a random way is announced as winning and credited with the prize funds.


Instaforex is a forex and CFD broker that offers good trading conditions. It provides different platforms including metatrader. Spreads are very competitive, leverage is high, minimum deposit is very low.

Instaforex is regulated by cysec and FSC. It means that you can trust the broker. The broker covers the investor’s funds carefully. The company does not have any problems in terms of reliability.

The broker has been operating since 2007. The website is well-designed and has many sponsorships. Insta forex is a reputable forex broker and you can open an account with this broker without any doubt.

Frequently asked questions

You can find the faqs about instaforex in this section. If you have more questions about the broker, please feel free to ask me in the comment section. I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

Is instaforex regulated?

Yes, instaforex is regulated by cysec and FSC. You can check the licenses with their numbers. The broker is legit and offers good trading conditions.

Can I withdraw instaforex bonus?

Instaforex bonus programs are very advantageous. If you want to withdraw bonus funds you need to contact with the broker. You can withdraw bonus profits from you trading account.

What is the minimum deposit for instaforex?

Instaforex minimum deposit is just $1. It means that you can open a real account with instaforex by depositing only $1 via credit card, e-wallets or cryptocurrencies.

Is instaforex safe?

Instaforex is a safe forex broker. It offers good investor protection. You can read my whole review to see all the information about instaforex.

Forex brokers with debit card

Some forex brokers, including well known brands like hot forex, offer traders special prepaid debit cards, which let them make fast, easy and secure deposits and withdrawals from their accounts.

And you will be able to use your debit card, issued by your broker, exactly as your VISA or mastercard – for online purchases, ATM cash withdrawals and point- of- sale (POS) payments. Account balances for the cards can often be checked online, so that you can easily manage your finances.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of using a broker debit card, however, is the fact that payments are way faster than let say bank wire transfers. On top of that the cost of transaction with such cards is much smaller.

Some brokers may charge a small fee for having the debit card issued, however most of them offer them for free if you comply with certain requirements, like to make a deposit of a certain amount.

And online purchases and POS payments, as well as payments and withdrawals with your broker will usually be free of charge. ATM cash withdrawals, however, might be a subject to a certain fee, as well as an exchange rate mark up, if you are making a withdraw in a currency different from the one of your trading account.

Often debit cards issued by brokers are co -branded with the broker’s logo and mastercard – the card company that usually provides such services.

And as we already noted hot forex do offer traders a prepaid hotforex mastercard, which is connected directly to the client’s trading accounts and which can be used anywhere, where the mastercard logo is displayed. Here you may find some details about hot forex and the prepaid card they offer to their clients.

With over 2 million active trading accounts and over 35 international awards hot forex is one of the undisputed leaders in the forex industry. Established in 2010 and licensed in the european union by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec), in the UK by the financial conduct authority (FCA), in south africa and the united arab emirates, hot forex has a global presence, offering ultra low spreads, fast execution, access to over 150 trading instruments, the industry standard metatrader4 platform, and leverage as high as 1:1000 for those who qualify as professional traders.

Recently hot forex was awarded the best client services – global award and the most transparent broker award for 2020, bestowed by capital finance international and the european’s global banking & finance awards, respectively.

And apart from the various payment methods they accept, including VISA, mastercard, sofort, ideal, neteller and skrill, hot forex offers their clients a prepaid hotforex mastercard, which allows immediate deposits and withdrawals with zero deposit and withdraw fees.

But the benefits of having a hotforex mastercard are not limited to making fast, easy and secure deposits and withdraws from your trading account. You can use your hotforex mastercard wherever the mastercard log is displayed – at ATM cash terminals, for point- of- sale (POS) payments, and for online shopping, just as any other mastercard or VISA.

And because the terms, conditions, and fees for using the card are set by hot forex, they are look pretty attractive too.

As we noted, deposits and withdrawals from your hot forex trading account are free of charge. For ATM cash withdrawals in US dollars you have a 400 USD withdraw limit per transaction and a flat fee of 3 USD. For ATM cash withdrawals in a different currency the fee is 2% of the withdrawn amount or minimum 3 USD.

POS purchases however are free, as well as all online payments made with the card. Bear in mind, however, that transactions made in currencies other than USD are subject to an exchange rate mark up.

The annual fee for having a hotforex mastercard is just 5 USD, and a monthly card account administration fee could be charged only in case you have not used your card for over a year.

The monthly administration inactivity fee is 5 USD if you have not traded and used your card for 12 months and 10 USD if you have not used your card for 24 months, which is a pretty standard dormant account policy.

Bear in mind as well that if you need to change your PIN code for security reasons, you will have to contact hot forex customer support team. Hotforex mastercard PIN codes cannot be changed at an ATM machine.

Also if you have forgotten your PIN and need it to be replaced, or if you decide to close your trading account at hot forex and withdraw your remaining funds, you will be charged a 30 USD flat fee.

If you apply for a hotforex mastercard the standard delivery cost is 10 USD, while if you opt for a delivery with a courier this will cost you 40 USD.

If you request a standard delivery by post, your card will be sent from the UK by 1st class royal mail. That means that if you live in the EU, your card should be delivered within 10 days. If you live outside the EU, however the delivery time will depend on the postal system in your country.

Finally, if you requested delivery by courier your card will reach you within 5 days of being issued and you can request an air waybill number from the helpdesk so that you can track your delivery.

Hot forex does not have any specific requirements for their clients to issue a hotforex mastercard, apart from opening a trading account. Besides, the minimum deposit requirement with hot forex is just 100 USD and this is well below the usual 250 USD required by most brokers.

In the following paragraphs we will discuss how payments with your special forex debit card compare with payments made with other popular methods.

VISA and mastercard payments

All card payments are instant, and their transaction cost, charged by the issuing bank – about 2% - is usually covered by the broker as is the case with hot forex, but not always. So if you have a debit card specially issued by your broker, paying with it might be cheaper than using your standard VISA or mastercard.

Also, bear in mind that if you pay in a different currency, a currency conversion fee may be applied. The conversion rate with VISA and mastercard, as well as cards issued by brokers like hot forex, however, is much better than the one used by other payment providers like paypal and skrill.

Finally if you are trading with a U.S. Broker, you should know that the local regulations does not allow brokers to accept payments with credit cards. The rationale behind this is that traders should not fund their investment with debt. This means that using a prepaid debit card, issued by your broker in the U.S., is the cheapest way to fund your trading account.

There is no restriction for paying with credit cards in the european union, the UK and australia.

Paypal payments

Paypal is one of the leading payment providers, which is quite popular throughout the forex industry, because of its high security standards and relatively moderate fees.

Paypal fees, however, are generally higher than the once applied when you pay with credit or a debit card, including the debit card issued by your broker.

Paypal payments could also be covered by your broker – fxpro for example accepts paypal and will cover all of your transaction fees – but not always, so our advice is before making a deposit always to check your broker’s terms and conditions.

Paypal payments are instant and their cost depends on whether the transaction is classified as domestic or international.

For domestic transactions – paypal payments throughout the european economic area, which includes the 27 EU member states, the UK, switzerland, norway and island are classified as domestic – the charge varies from 2,9% plus a fixed 0,30 GBP fee in the UK to 3,4% plus a fixed fee of 0,35 EUR for the rest of europe.

For international transfers, let say you are in the UK and your broker is in australia, there is an additional 2% fee and the fixed charge will be 0,30 AUD, which is significantly highre than if you pay with your prepaid card or a credit card in general.

Also, with paypal the currency conversion rate varies between 2,5% and 4% above the base exchange rate depending on the currencies you are using, while with card payments the conversion rate is generally lower.

One definite advantage of using paypal, however, is the level of security applied by the payment provider. Just like VISA and mastercard paypal payments are covered by a fraud protection policy, so you can always file for a charge back in case an unauthorized payment is made or you have been scammed.

In addition, while making a paypal payment you will not have to disclose your personal banking information, the way you do with online card payments. To make a paypal payment you just need an e-mail address and your paypal password.

Payment method deposit fee withdraw fee transfer fee
paypal no 2,9% + fixed fe e no

Skrill payments

Skrill is very popular in europe. Funding a skrill account is free of charge, but transfer of funds between skrill accounts, which is the case when you deposit funds with your broker, in certain cases might be charged with a 1,45% fee.

Still, many popular brokers like hot forex will cover your transaction fees if you pay with skrill.

Also, bear in mind that if you pay in a different currency than the one of your trading account, you will have to cover a currency conversion fee of 3,99% added to the base exchange rate, which is much higher than the exchange rate with credit cards and prepaid cards like the one issued by your broker.

Bear in mind as well that skrill also charges a 4,93 GBP or 5,50 EUR withdraw fee if you want your funds to be wire transferred to your bank account, and a 7,5% withdraw fee, if you make a withdraw to your VISA or mastercard card.

Still, skrill remains one of the most secure payment options, not the least because of their latest anti scam policy. According it skrill partners with properly regulated brokers only – if your broker accepts payments with skrill this is yet another indication that if holds a legit forex license.

Payment method deposit fee withdraw fee transfer fee
skrill no 4,93 GBP 1,45%

Neteller payments

Neteller is another popular e-wallet widely used throughout the forex industry. Funding your neteller account for the first time is free of charge, if your deposit is over 20 USD. Your subsequent deposits, however, will be charged with a 2,5% upload fee. As we already disused, funding your prepaid card, issued by your broker is generally free of charge as in the case with the hotforex mastercard.

Also, similarly to skrill, if you transfer money between neteller accounts, which is what happens when you fund your trading account, this will cost you 1,45%, but no less than 0,50 USD. Again, the transaction cost here is higher than if you pay with your prepaid card.

Major brokers like hot forex however will cover your neteller transaction fees, so it really depends on your broker, when it comes to choosing the most convenient and cheap funding method. As with credit and debit cards all neteller transactions are instant.

We should note as well that transferring of funds from your neteller account to your bank account will cost you 10 USD, while transactions involving currency conversion will cost you 3,99% over the average daily interbank market rate.

Payment method deposit fee withdraw fee transfer fee
neteller 2,5% 10 USD 1,45%

Perfect money

Perfect money is another e-wallet, which allows instant transactions over the internet

To transfer money between perfect money accounts, which is what you do when you make a transaction with your broker is relatively cheap – 0,5%, while if you want to withdraw money from your perfect money account to your bank account that will cost you 2,85%.

Again, as with other payment methods we discussed above, the transfer of funds to and from your trading account will be covered by major brokers like hot forex or fxpro.

One major disadvantage with perfect money, however, is that you will not be able to fund your perfect money account with credit cards like VISA and mastercard, as deposits are only accepted with wire transfers, digital coins, like bitcoin and a couple of money transfer providers – namely western union and money gram.

On the positive side, we should note that perfect money does not charge a deposit fee, and their USDEUR and EURUSD conversion rate is at market value.

Payment method deposit fee withdraw fee transfer fee
perfect money no 2,85% 0,5%

Coinbase crypto debit card launches in the US

On the 28th of october, coinbase announced that they would be extending the coinbase card program's scope to include US residents. The first such cards for citizens of the states should become available this winter. Read more

XM facilitates forex withdrawals with branded cards

Cypriot forex broker XM has just launched branded plastic cards that will substantially facilitate the process of funds transfer for owners of real accounts with the company. Read more

Get a free hotforex debit card

Mauritius-based forex broker hotforex recently introduced to its customers the hotforex debit card which lets the clients withdraw money from their trading accounts within 24 hours of requesting the cashout. Read more

Forex metal launches a new ATM debit card

Forex-metal, an offshore forex broker headquartered in panama, announced today the launch of its new ATM debit card that can be used for cashing out the profit from forex trading at an ATM as well as for purchases at shops, service stations, restaurants, and other places where cirrus/maestro cards a. Read more

Forex debit card from instaforex

From 1 to 30 september every instaforex client can get prepaid instaforex mastercard free of charge! Instaforex mastercard is a handy way to withdraw money from your trading account in any part of the world. All transactions are fully confidential. Read more

so, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: компанія instaforex надає своїм клієнтам унікальну можливість - стати повноправним членом елітного клубу міжнародного онлайн форекс - брокера... At instaforex card

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