Tentang Welcome Bonus 30% Instaforex, welcome bonus 30 instaforex.

Welcome bonus 30 instaforex

Instaforex indonesia dikenal dengan ib yang mewakili di tiap negara dan wilayahnya masing-masing.

Real forex bonuses

Tentang Welcome Bonus 30% Instaforex, welcome bonus 30 instaforex.

Tentang Welcome Bonus 30% Instaforex, welcome bonus 30 instaforex.

Tentang Welcome Bonus 30% Instaforex, welcome bonus 30 instaforex.

Biasanya ditiap kota besar ada perwakilanya (ib) dan bisajadi ada beberapa di tiap kotanya. Namun member bebas menggunakan perwakilan yang mana di indonesia karena pelayanan perwakilan adalah nasional karena via online. Gograha adalah salah satu perwakilan instaforex yang memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu …
  • “dana yang tersedia untuk bisa ditarik (tidak termasuk bonus)” itu adalah dana tersisa yang bisa di withdrawal tanpa bonus.
  • “available for withdrawal (with bonus safe)” itu adalah dana yang bisa di withdrawal oleh anda, tanpa khawatir bonus anda ter cancel ( ditarik instaforex).

Tentang welcome bonus 30% instaforex

Namun sangat disarankan untuk tidak klaim bonus deposit , ini saran dari IB karena banyak kasus yang terjadi masalah ketika akun proses WD. Bahkan trader yang sudah lama-lama sekarang tidak klaim bonus lagi. Mohon diperhatikan dan percayalah kepada kami, namun prosesdur jika ingin klaim bonus, seperti dibawah ini.

Untuk mendapatkan welcome bonus 30% prosedurnya sederhana dan tersedia bagi siapa saja. Setelah anda membuka akun instaforex dan melakukan deposit, maka anda berhak untuk mengambil bonus 30% sebagai tambahan margin trading anda.

Cara melakukan klaim bonus 30% adalah sbb:

  1. Buka link welcome bonus 30%link bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.

  2. Baca dengan seksama perjanjian peraturan welcome bonus 30%

  3. Jika anda telah setuju dengan perjanjian peraturan, silahkan klik button ” menerima ketentuan perjanjian”

  4. Masuk kan nomor akun trading dan password trader anda, kemudian klik ” login”

  5. Setelah login , silahan klik button ” deposit my bonus “

Namun ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan jika anda melakukan klaim bonus 30%, termasuk pemahaman tentang peraturan klaim bonus 30%. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan terjadinya bonus di cancel oleh instaforex, di antaranya adalah :

  1. Masih ada open posisi (apalagi dalam kondisi floating). Jika dilakukan withdrawal maka otomatis bonus akan di cancel karena open posisi tersebut membutuhkan margin. Usahakan close posisi saat akan melakukan withdrawal.

  2. Melakukan withdrawal melebihi profit atau dengan kata lain modal yang di deposit di withdrawal kembali.

  3. Trading dengan full lot, penyebab terjadinya cancel bonus bisa terjadi jika kita melakukan open posisi dengan full lot. Contoh : deposit 100$, kemudian melakukan open posisi dengan volume 1 lot (usahakan open posisi dengan ketahanan jangan kurang dari 100 point/pip).

  4. NB : bonus sewaktu-waktu bisa di cancel tanpa ada pemberitahuan dan penjelasan terlebih dulu dari instaforex. Hal ini merujuk pada pasal 8 aturan bonus : perusahaan berhak untuk membatalkan 30% bonus tanpa peringatan sebelumnya, jadi kami rekomendasikan untuk tidak menggunakan dana bonus dalam kalkulasi profit dalam strategi trading anda. Perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi pembatalan bonus, termasuk stop out, karena bonus adalah kepemilikkan perusahaan sampai trader menggunakannya untuk membuka deal dari volume total yang tertera di pasal 7 dalam perjanjian bonus.*


  1. Anda melakukan deposit sebesar $100 ditambah bonus sejumlah $30. Maka di account ada $130.
    AGAR BONUS TIDAK DI CANCEL ,ada beberapa kondisi yang harus di perhatikan:
    ketika anda profit, maka hanya jumlah profitnya saja yang bisa di withdrawal dengan perhitungan : equity – (depo+bonus 30%)
    misalkan equity anda jadi $150 maka hanya bisa melakukan wd $20.
    Jika anda wd di atas $20, maka otomatis bonus akan di cancel oleh pusat.

  2. Jikalau anda loss, maka dana yang bisa di withdrawal adalah: equity-(depo+bonus 30%). Misalkan equity ≤ $100, maka yang bisa di withdrawal adalah $0 (tetapi bonus anda tetap aman).

  3. Jikalau anda loss banyak (equity di bawah jumlah bonus 30%) atau bahkan habis total. Maka dana tersebut dikategorikan dana bonus. Jadi tidak bisa di withdrawal tetapi masih bisa di tradingkan dan jika account tersebut di deposit kembali, maka jumlah dana yang tidak bisa di wd tetap seperti deposit awal yaitu jum lah deposit awal + bonus 30%.

  • Misal deposit lagi ≥ $100, sehingga equity lebih dari $130 . Maka langsung merujuk ke kondisi (1)

  • Misal deposit lagi ≤ $100, sehingga equity kurang dari $130. Maka langsung merujuk ke kondisi (2)
    contoh diatas pakai perumpamaan deposit sejumlah $100, kalau diatas /di bawah $100 peraturannya tetap sama, tinggal disesuaikan bilangan sesuai dengan jumlah depositnya.
    BONUS bisa diklaim lebih dari 1 kali, tetapi itu membawa resiko dana yang tidak bisa di withdrawal semakin banyak (sesuai akumulasi jumlah bonus yg di peroleh).

Untuk lebih jelasnya jika anda pernah klaim bonus, dan ingin melakukan withdrawal tanpa ada cancel bonus silahkan melihat via cabinet client,cara nya sbb:
1. Buka www.Ifxdeal.Com
2. Pilih menu “masuk untuk klien” ( bagian kanan atas)
3. Masuk kan no akun instaforex anda dan trader password kemudian klik kabinet klien
4. Setelah login, cek pada menu “akun trading” kemudan pilih “statistik bonus”
5. Lihat pada kolom ringkasan akun , terdapat 2 keterangan :

  • “dana yang tersedia untuk bisa ditarik (tidak termasuk bonus)” itu adalah dana tersisa yang bisa di withdrawal tanpa bonus.

  • “available for withdrawal (with bonus safe)” itu adalah dana yang bisa di withdrawal oleh anda, tanpa khawatir bonus anda ter cancel ( ditarik instaforex).

Salam sukses,
semoga membantu

Follow and get angpao 5USD

Bagaimana bisa mendapatkan gratis $5 di bagi-bagi angpao gograha. Ikuti atau follow IG dan FB gograha like postingan terbaru terkait promo ini di media sosial gograha tuliskan alasan anda percaya untuk bertransaksi bersama gograha di kolom komentar, jangan lupa di screenshoot mention 5 teman anda di komentar tersebut repost tentang ayotrading.Com dan mention @gograha, jangan …

Withdrawal melalui gograha

WD atau withdrawal alias penarikan dana itu berarti anda profit, dan itu adalah tantangan setiap trader untuk melakukan hal ini. Kesuksesan trader itu jika dapat konsisten WD setiap bulannya. Bagaimana melakukan withdrawal di gograha? Buka website gograha lihat pada menu layanan akun kemudia pilih penarikan balance member lengkapi FORM PENARIKAN DANA MEMBER. Pada instruksi penjumlahan angka, isilah dengan …

Melakukan deposite melalui gograha

Setelah selesai membuat akun baru dan berhasil melakukan validasi akun di gograha, anda bisa melakukan trading dengan mengisi kan dana atau balance pada akun anda. Pastikan anda juga sudah meng install meta trader 4 pada PC , laptop atau android. Cara melakukan deposite di gograha: buka website gograha kemudian pilih menu layanan akun pada menu …

Cara membuka akun instaforex melalui gograha

Membuka akun instaforex di kami itu sangat mudah sekali, proses tidak sampai 5 menit dan untuk 1 data dapat digunakan untuk membuka banyak akun instaforex. Bagaimana membuka akun di graha ? Buka website gograha pilih menu nomor 1 ==> pembukaan akun bacalah dengan seksama perjanjian penawaran umum insta service ltd, jika anda telah setuju, KLIK …

Keuntungan membuka akun instaforex melalui perwakilan resmi instaforex

Instaforex indonesia dikenal dengan ib yang mewakili di tiap negara dan wilayahnya masing-masing. Biasanya ditiap kota besar ada perwakilanya (ib) dan bisajadi ada beberapa di tiap kotanya. Namun member bebas menggunakan perwakilan yang mana di indonesia karena pelayanan perwakilan adalah nasional karena via online. Gograha adalah salah satu perwakilan instaforex yang memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu …

One comment

Bonus kalau banyak ketentuan gini ya apa masih bisa dibilang bonus? Heheheheee… kalau baca” dari persyaratannya kok kayaknya ribet banget ya? Apa nggak ada gitu bonus yang tinggal pakai, nggak ada aturannya? Terus emang ada orang yang sudah berhasil ya dapetin bonus ini?


Gograha bukan merupakan bagian dari instaforex company, hanya sebagai perwakilan instaforex indonesia yang bertugas untuk memberi kemudahan kepada klien dalam batasan proses deposit dan withdrawal. Gograha tidak ikut serta dalam penyimpanan dana klien sedikitpun, hanya sebagai mediator penukaran mata uang saja. Forex trading mempunyai resiko yang berhubungan dengan kehilangan dana yang disetorkan oleh klien, karena itu kami segenap team dari gograha menghimbau setiap klien untuk menggunakan dananya secara aman sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman di masa depan. Gograha tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan dana klien yang disebabkan oleh broker instaforex dengan alasan apapun.

Tentang welcome bonus 30% instaforex

Namun sangat disarankan untuk tidak klaim bonus deposit , ini saran dari IB karena banyak kasus yang terjadi masalah ketika akun proses WD. Bahkan trader yang sudah lama-lama sekarang tidak klaim bonus lagi. Mohon diperhatikan dan percayalah kepada kami, namun prosesdur jika ingin klaim bonus, seperti dibawah ini.

Untuk mendapatkan welcome bonus 30% prosedurnya sederhana dan tersedia bagi siapa saja. Setelah anda membuka akun instaforex dan melakukan deposit, maka anda berhak untuk mengambil bonus 30% sebagai tambahan margin trading anda.

Cara melakukan klaim bonus 30% adalah sbb:

  1. Buka link welcome bonus 30%link bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.

  2. Baca dengan seksama perjanjian peraturan welcome bonus 30%

  3. Jika anda telah setuju dengan perjanjian peraturan, silahkan klik button ” menerima ketentuan perjanjian”

  4. Masuk kan nomor akun trading dan password trader anda, kemudian klik ” login”

  5. Setelah login , silahan klik button ” deposit my bonus “

Namun ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan jika anda melakukan klaim bonus 30%, termasuk pemahaman tentang peraturan klaim bonus 30%. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan terjadinya bonus di cancel oleh instaforex, di antaranya adalah :

  1. Masih ada open posisi (apalagi dalam kondisi floating). Jika dilakukan withdrawal maka otomatis bonus akan di cancel karena open posisi tersebut membutuhkan margin. Usahakan close posisi saat akan melakukan withdrawal.

  2. Melakukan withdrawal melebihi profit atau dengan kata lain modal yang di deposit di withdrawal kembali.

  3. Trading dengan full lot, penyebab terjadinya cancel bonus bisa terjadi jika kita melakukan open posisi dengan full lot. Contoh : deposit 100$, kemudian melakukan open posisi dengan volume 1 lot (usahakan open posisi dengan ketahanan jangan kurang dari 100 point/pip).

  4. NB : bonus sewaktu-waktu bisa di cancel tanpa ada pemberitahuan dan penjelasan terlebih dulu dari instaforex. Hal ini merujuk pada pasal 8 aturan bonus : perusahaan berhak untuk membatalkan 30% bonus tanpa peringatan sebelumnya, jadi kami rekomendasikan untuk tidak menggunakan dana bonus dalam kalkulasi profit dalam strategi trading anda. Perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi pembatalan bonus, termasuk stop out, karena bonus adalah kepemilikkan perusahaan sampai trader menggunakannya untuk membuka deal dari volume total yang tertera di pasal 7 dalam perjanjian bonus.*


  1. Anda melakukan deposit sebesar $100 ditambah bonus sejumlah $30. Maka di account ada $130.
    AGAR BONUS TIDAK DI CANCEL ,ada beberapa kondisi yang harus di perhatikan:
    ketika anda profit, maka hanya jumlah profitnya saja yang bisa di withdrawal dengan perhitungan : equity – (depo+bonus 30%)
    misalkan equity anda jadi $150 maka hanya bisa melakukan wd $20.
    Jika anda wd di atas $20, maka otomatis bonus akan di cancel oleh pusat.

  2. Jikalau anda loss, maka dana yang bisa di withdrawal adalah: equity-(depo+bonus 30%). Misalkan equity ≤ $100, maka yang bisa di withdrawal adalah $0 (tetapi bonus anda tetap aman).

  3. Jikalau anda loss banyak (equity di bawah jumlah bonus 30%) atau bahkan habis total. Maka dana tersebut dikategorikan dana bonus. Jadi tidak bisa di withdrawal tetapi masih bisa di tradingkan dan jika account tersebut di deposit kembali, maka jumlah dana yang tidak bisa di wd tetap seperti deposit awal yaitu jum lah deposit awal + bonus 30%.

  • Misal deposit lagi ≥ $100, sehingga equity lebih dari $130 . Maka langsung merujuk ke kondisi (1)

  • Misal deposit lagi ≤ $100, sehingga equity kurang dari $130. Maka langsung merujuk ke kondisi (2)
    contoh diatas pakai perumpamaan deposit sejumlah $100, kalau diatas /di bawah $100 peraturannya tetap sama, tinggal disesuaikan bilangan sesuai dengan jumlah depositnya.
    BONUS bisa diklaim lebih dari 1 kali, tetapi itu membawa resiko dana yang tidak bisa di withdrawal semakin banyak (sesuai akumulasi jumlah bonus yg di peroleh).

Untuk lebih jelasnya jika anda pernah klaim bonus, dan ingin melakukan withdrawal tanpa ada cancel bonus silahkan melihat via cabinet client,cara nya sbb:
1. Buka www.Ifxdeal.Com
2. Pilih menu “masuk untuk klien” ( bagian kanan atas)
3. Masuk kan no akun instaforex anda dan trader password kemudian klik kabinet klien
4. Setelah login, cek pada menu “akun trading” kemudan pilih “statistik bonus”
5. Lihat pada kolom ringkasan akun , terdapat 2 keterangan :

  • “dana yang tersedia untuk bisa ditarik (tidak termasuk bonus)” itu adalah dana tersisa yang bisa di withdrawal tanpa bonus.

  • “available for withdrawal (with bonus safe)” itu adalah dana yang bisa di withdrawal oleh anda, tanpa khawatir bonus anda ter cancel ( ditarik instaforex).

Salam sukses,
semoga membantu

Follow and get angpao 5USD

Bagaimana bisa mendapatkan gratis $5 di bagi-bagi angpao gograha. Ikuti atau follow IG dan FB gograha like postingan terbaru terkait promo ini di media sosial gograha tuliskan alasan anda percaya untuk bertransaksi bersama gograha di kolom komentar, jangan lupa di screenshoot mention 5 teman anda di komentar tersebut repost tentang ayotrading.Com dan mention @gograha, jangan …

Withdrawal melalui gograha

WD atau withdrawal alias penarikan dana itu berarti anda profit, dan itu adalah tantangan setiap trader untuk melakukan hal ini. Kesuksesan trader itu jika dapat konsisten WD setiap bulannya. Bagaimana melakukan withdrawal di gograha? Buka website gograha lihat pada menu layanan akun kemudia pilih penarikan balance member lengkapi FORM PENARIKAN DANA MEMBER. Pada instruksi penjumlahan angka, isilah dengan …

Melakukan deposite melalui gograha

Setelah selesai membuat akun baru dan berhasil melakukan validasi akun di gograha, anda bisa melakukan trading dengan mengisi kan dana atau balance pada akun anda. Pastikan anda juga sudah meng install meta trader 4 pada PC , laptop atau android. Cara melakukan deposite di gograha: buka website gograha kemudian pilih menu layanan akun pada menu …

Cara membuka akun instaforex melalui gograha

Membuka akun instaforex di kami itu sangat mudah sekali, proses tidak sampai 5 menit dan untuk 1 data dapat digunakan untuk membuka banyak akun instaforex. Bagaimana membuka akun di graha ? Buka website gograha pilih menu nomor 1 ==> pembukaan akun bacalah dengan seksama perjanjian penawaran umum insta service ltd, jika anda telah setuju, KLIK …

Keuntungan membuka akun instaforex melalui perwakilan resmi instaforex

Instaforex indonesia dikenal dengan ib yang mewakili di tiap negara dan wilayahnya masing-masing. Biasanya ditiap kota besar ada perwakilanya (ib) dan bisajadi ada beberapa di tiap kotanya. Namun member bebas menggunakan perwakilan yang mana di indonesia karena pelayanan perwakilan adalah nasional karena via online. Gograha adalah salah satu perwakilan instaforex yang memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu …

One comment

Bonus kalau banyak ketentuan gini ya apa masih bisa dibilang bonus? Heheheheee… kalau baca” dari persyaratannya kok kayaknya ribet banget ya? Apa nggak ada gitu bonus yang tinggal pakai, nggak ada aturannya? Terus emang ada orang yang sudah berhasil ya dapetin bonus ini?


Gograha bukan merupakan bagian dari instaforex company, hanya sebagai perwakilan instaforex indonesia yang bertugas untuk memberi kemudahan kepada klien dalam batasan proses deposit dan withdrawal. Gograha tidak ikut serta dalam penyimpanan dana klien sedikitpun, hanya sebagai mediator penukaran mata uang saja. Forex trading mempunyai resiko yang berhubungan dengan kehilangan dana yang disetorkan oleh klien, karena itu kami segenap team dari gograha menghimbau setiap klien untuk menggunakan dananya secara aman sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman di masa depan. Gograha tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan dana klien yang disebabkan oleh broker instaforex dengan alasan apapun.

No deposit bonus $5000 USD – instaforex

Gain forex no deposit bonus up to $500 for all new clients who opened a live trading account can apply for this NO-deposit forex promotion offered by instaforex. It doesn’t require any investment to get this bonus, let’s start live forex trading with the free real money and cash-out any profits you made through the bonus. Kindly note that only the no deposit bonus is available only for the accounts that passed the second-level verification; for passing the second-level verification, it is required to submit both a photo ID and utility bill.

Get forex no deposit bonus – trade live

Ending date: december 31, 2021

Offer is applicable: new trader only

How to apply:

  • Register a real account and complete the verification procedure.

  • Apply for this non-deposit bonus

  • Trade live FOREX pairs with the bonus credit ($500-$5000)

Bonus withdrawal:

  • Need to trade 3 lots for each $1 USD profit.

Terms – instaforex no deposit bonus

The campaign applies to standard USD or standard EUR accounts opened, excluding MT5 accounts

The no deposit bonus is available only for the accounts that passed the second-level verification.

The client agrees that in the event the company suspects any fraudulent activity involving the bonus, the latter can be declared void, and the trading result can be canceled.

If you fail to submit the proper documents, then your account will be refused to get no-deposit credit into your trading account.

Find more details through the above bonus link, also ask their live support if you any questions regarding the bonus offer.

General terms and conditions apply.

Ask their support for additional information.

$5 forex no deposit bonus – meefx

Free $50 no deposit bonus – GNT capital

$50 welcome no deposit bonus – tradehall

300 USC no deposit bonus – freshforex

$30 new year no deposit bonus – justforex

$35 no-deposit bonus – fortfs

$50 no deposit bonus (for thai client) – FXTRB

$100 gold trading no deposit bonus – seven capitals

$50 welcome no deposit bonus – SFEX

$50 no deposit bonus scheme – topfx

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I take the bonus but till now not added me the profit
there is fake

Hi waleed, you can withdraw profits from trading this bonus in accordance with the bonus agreement.

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Please contact the support service by one of these two emails [email protected] or [email protected] , providing your account number so they can assist you regarding your problem. Thank you and have a good day!

I have made 10% profit from 1500usd bonus,but on history it say ” please make deposit to continue trade ” can someone tell me about in case…

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Look at the example of the calculation bonus in amount 1500 USD:
if you have bonus account, then you trade with this bonus until the profit exceed 10% of bonus, after that the bonus is cancelled and account is temporarily blocked.
Then you need to deposit this account not less than 10% from bonus size for continue trading. Also you can receive additional 30% bonus for your transfer.
In order to withdraw 150 USD of bonus you are required to open 450 lots.
Information about opened lots is submitted in personal cabinet, in the section “bonus statistic”. Unfortunately, you can not withdraw profit without replenishment.
After deposit total account balance: 150 USD bonus + 150 USD transfer + 45 USD bonus 30% = 345 USD.

You may find the agreement in the section “for traders” – “instaforex bonuses” – “instaforex bonuses”: kindly find the terms of the promotion first.

I registered the account $1000 was added to my account. Then they say refer a client and they’ll reward you with $500 for each customer referred by you. I referred a customer; he registered, I tried to claim for affiliation bonus, then they say before you can claim for affiliation bonus you must first refer 10 new customers. Okay. I referred 10 more people. Guest what? The bonus page is “temporarily unavailable”. How can i trust these people with my $100 if they keep on adding new clause that do not show when you sign up with them? As on their bonus agreement contract there’s nowhere where the state that you’ll have make a deposit of $100 after you achieve 10% profit.
Read their bonus agreement underneath and tell me where does it states that a minimum deposit of $100 will be required at a certain point.

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Could you please provide more details concerning this matter?

The question is pretty much clear this gentleman states that NO where in your deposit bonus agreement do you specifically mention additional procedures to withdraw from the bonus account. This is your agreement you should know this. Do not advertise a withdrawal of profits made it deposits have to be made first then this is pointless except for the broker to trap traders

This is stupid.Dlm promot ckp lps trade 3lot boleh wd…tpi sbnrnya xboleh..Nk kna depo jgk penipuuuu

Please check the email box you specified when getting the bonus. After the profit exceeds 10% of the amount of the startup bonus, in some cases the client is asked to deposit 10% of the initial amount of funds credited. Profits that make up 10% of the bonus funds will become available for trading right after topping up the account. Withdrawal of these profits is possible only after closing deals in the amount stated in the clause 11 of the bonus agreement.

Can I withdraw the profits gained from trading using only the start up bonus without making any deposit?

Please specify the complete details of your problem so we can assist you. Thank you!

Your ask traders to trade 10% profit and then your ask traders to deposit additional 10%(that means) trader should work for your 20%

That means your just use traders man power(trader job-time) and want traders additional money. THAT IS TOTALLY DEPOSIT bonus.
Why i should deposit additional 10% if i have made profit .
Very bad SCAM promotion for INSTAFOREX . :(:(:(

Hi experience! Please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.

No one is speaking good here. Everyone is complaining that you guys are scammers
okay if you ague this, why will distribute client profit on both bonus and client invested funds to deplict client growth even when none of the profit made on your bonuses are withdrawable?

They gave a bonus of 1500 dollars, when I made a profit, they suspended the bonus.

Hi ric, please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.


NO DEPOSIT BONUS promotion totally SCAMMERS.

If your not a deposit profit amount, they will take your all profit.
They just use yours traders manpower.

Hi expirients, the startup bonus gives you an opportunity to start trading on forex without investments. If you succeed in trading on forex, you can top up your account later and withdraw the profit from the bonus. If you cannot make profit, you can just give it up anytime.

I still wish to go for the no deposits bonus , but the above comment of instanforex been scammers is not encouraging at all, please hope you guys are genuine with your free bonuses , I dislike complex issues

Hi bagha rene, this campaign is real – try it yourself and get the startup bonus from instaforex using the link provided above.

Can i top up 10% of bonus amount before start trading? I hope there be no problem?

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Please make the deposit after trading and get the profit 10% from the bonus.

$500 was credited to my account. I want to deposit $50 before start trading. Is it advisable? Will they cancel the bonus when i make 10% of the bonus?

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Kindly make deposit after your trading has been restricted only

Don,t waste your time,
i made 10% profits and they suspend my account,
they told me to verify my account and i did but they keep rejecting my documents,
nothing wrong with my documents, same name,
same address yet the still reject it by saying that my name on documents are
different from my trading account name, that the most stupid reason i ever heard.

name on document: john
name on trading account: john

And they said they cant verify it because of different name.

Please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.

You can keep 10% of the winning.I ve just made from 3500 an result of 4500$.But 10% is $350.In addition you must depost 350$ and receive about $100 bonus.Sum: 800$.You can withdraw your own deposit. Yes.It is true(if you believe that they really will withdraw your deposit,cause perhaps you just havent read any detail of their rules,just think of things like:”you paid for the entertainment”or “the deposit is bound to the bonus..You have received the bonus cause of the deposit,and you agreed in with your deposit,please read bonus rules….”).If they really withdraw your deposit,the rest would be about $500.But however,if you have now 500 or $800, you have to trade over 1650 lots.1650 lots…im a newbie to forex,but i think i should play euromillions to win the jackpot would be more chance than to trade with 500$ 1650lots.Perhaps i think after 2 or 3 years trading 1500 lots must be done…am im wrong with my calculation?…lets make a calculation: you choose a cheap trading instrument,any currencies.With 500$ you could buy 30 lots.Just 1620 lots left to be able to withdraw.54 times you would have to buy 30 lots.If you buy while trading more,you could be faster. However,instaforex made over $1000 profit with my help.It is fascinating..And if i trade now together with them..My 350 and their 350(plus 100 extra bonus),than after more than 1500 lots,they could pay out my profits……..What does this all mean? This all means,you have traded with $3500 for free,for nothing.You get at any company bonus for deposit up to 100% or 150% or even far more,all with any playthrough lots….Enjoy.

Please is this really true and wish to ask if I can withdraw my profit of the bonus about two times before I deposit my own money??

You can withdraw profits from trading this bonus in accordance with the bonus agreement.

You trade with $3500 for your own depositbonus. The profit just results in 10% of 3500,which you get if you deposit the same amount.350$.So you have 350$ your own deposit+350$ the 10% winning+extry 100$ ,=850$ with a playthrough of 1650 lots.
But you could also go to any casino,and you also get a huge bonus and playthrough requirement(mostly you can pay out if you win huge sums,like 100k..And you know that is not possible)
thatswhy you cannot bring them to court cause you have a contract with them and in this contract they put in 450$ and you just 350$.Thatswhy they also dont need to pay you your profits,if you really try they could pay the deposit back….That means..Think of you traded for a while or luckily and you have now 20.000 dollar in your account,but they dont withdraw you the sum,you get 350$.Be happy..Others dont even get their deposit back.

Dmforex international says :

I think instaforex marketing strategy is vey misleading and cheating. They let you work with them and promote their broker to people giving bonuses which can be withdrawn after big lot sizes which os high risk for a trader if you will continiously trade with big lot size in able to reach the itaforexlot size for withdrawal. These im sure is very risky for traders. They also use wide spreads. I hope no one will deposit with this broker. They have bad and misleading reputation. I pity those who have trade with this broker. Scam and fraud. Bad marketing strategy.

Hy my is costy my opinión about instaforex bonus without deposit it for a win a lot of clientes but in the final u will lose more than half clientes because u are not seriously or u are seriously just with someone clients to not lose all �� good luck

I really do not get why you would give away a no deposit bonus and then when one makes a 10 percent profit you block the account and tell them to make a deposit, then when one tries to verify their account before making the deposit, you decline every document they send to you, that is just bad, is that a way of telling us that we would not be getting our profits. Please do right by your customers


Only fbs is the best broker out here

This are the same scammers from forexmart!

They are saying they will give $3500 but it is not. They gave me just $1000. They said system is giving money automatically. And dont belive this. Their account is just micro or nano account. In reality it’s not 1000, 100 maybe even 10 dollars. And guess what I made profit with this account, first i have made a loss till 350. And after that i made that $350 more than $1250 and they just closed my open positions with a message “make deposit to continue to trade”, “minimum deposit $100”. There was no need to deposit when i’m losing right?
-you need to trade at least 3 lots to withdraw 1 dollar. This makes nearly impossible to withdraw any good profit
-they are saying $3500 and it is not. They gave me just 1000
-they dare to close my open positions. I understand they have a point. But how can you touch my positions? Maybe i’ll add money huh? You’re proving that you will scam my real accounts too right?
-and your website is really bad, i’m trying but always getting error to upload new documents. So you won’t give my earned money too huh?
-actually this is good, you can be sure i’ll not make any deposits.
-scammest broker I’ve ever seen.

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Startup bonus amount varies country to country. According to the startup bonus agreement, after the profit becomes more than 10% of the initial bonus amount , all the client’s transactions are closed, the trade is stopped, the bonus is written off, the profit is canceled and the amount equal to 10% of the bonus will be credited. The client cannot withdraw this part of bonus without making deposit not less than 10% of the bonus amount. Fixed bonus profits can be withdrawn after a certain amount of BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades should equal to X*3 instaforex lots, where X is the total volume of fixed bonus profits. For details, please read the terms of the pormotion first.

Gertrude just shut up! Everyone here is complaining about the same thing and you just keep regurgitating the same answers from your clearly fraudulent and useless agreement where the trader makes you money then you ask them for more money then you make it almost impossible to withdraw *EVERYONE READING THIS LET’S EXPOSE THEM FOR THE SCAMMERS THEY ARE* just from these comments you have lost me as a possible client

Please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.

The amount of money they offer is enough for a startup forex trading and I was so pleased with this broker and then suddenly I realized that even though they helped their customer a very welcome BUT really it’s NOT.-why-they still, need a deposit when the customer has made lots of profit sitting every day on screen?. Trading forex is NOT as walking easily on the road. You have to sit all day concentrate to avoid mistakes if you need real money otherwise you can easily blow out. WHY CAN’T THEY WITH RESPECT STOP CHALLENGING THEIR CUSTOMERS and just transfer their made profit and they close the bonus out after, so that the customer can continue trading with his clean money. TOO MUCH AND DIFFICULT CONDITIONS = VERY SCARY AND WASTE OF TIME.
I knew I was a good forex trader but I did not have a startup. So, what is the meaning of INSTA FOREX telling you take $3500 and start trading but, still you will you have to deposit your money even though you have made enough profits for them-DOES THAT TELL ANYONE ANY MEANING?SIMPLY THE ANSWER IS – let me keep finding my own money and one day without conditions/challenges/beggings, I then can peacefully start trading-nothing is better than that. Trading needs lots of patience and needs lots of expertise in market scanning plus more attention. If you are serious that you are helping people startups then allow them to release their profits without condition and they can use their clean profits to start trading as there is no need asking for deposit now that they already have it. Thanks and hope you anticipate. NOTE: see what other websites say about this broker on the internet: scam alert!

The FPA has confirmed a scam case against instaforex.
Scam alert!
Instaforex is hereby blacklisted by the forex peace army. We urge traders not to open accounts with insta forex. If you already have an account open with them, we urge you to withdraw all of your funds immediately. If instaforex refuses to process your withdrawal, we recommend contacting your bank and local police to see if you can file charges for internet-based financial fraud.

WARNING: june 9, 2014: the ontario securities commission has issued an investor warning about instaforex.
WARNING: january 13, 2015: the french AMF has issued a warning about unauthorized forex brokers. Instaforex is on that list.
NOTICE: october 2013: instamarkets are no longer licensed by the belize IFSC. Instaforex’s representative claims this was a voluntary resignation of its license. Others have reported that insta was thrown out of belize.

Instaforex is a very degoroues n worst scam I have ever met in my life, stay away from dis broker or u live to regret ur time n hardearn money

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Please clarify the question .

Instaforex is SCAM SCAM

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Could you please provide more details concerning this matter?

The startup bonus gives you an opportunity to start trading on forex without investments. If you succeed in trading on forex, you can top up your account later and withdraw the profit from the bonus. If you cannot make profit, you can just give it up anytime.

I agree with some people here. So why you would give a no deposit bonus and then when you makes 10% profit you block the account and tell them to make a deposit. Their explanation is very misleading. There’s even no special page to explain about this.

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

According to the startup bonus agreement, after the profit becomes more than 10% of the initial bonus amount , all the client’s transactions are closed, the trade is stopped, the bonus is written off, the profit is canceled and the amount equal to 10% of the bonus will be credited. The client cannot withdraw this part of bonus without making deposit not less than 10% of the bonus amount. Fixed bonus profits can be withdrawn after a certain amount of BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades should equal to X*3 instaforex lots, where X is the total volume of fixed bonus profits. For details, please visit this link: https://secure.Instaforex.Com/en/agreements/startupbonus.Html .

Our company gives them a chance to start trading without any investments. They can continue their profitable trading activities by topping up their trading account. All campaign conditions are stated in the bonus agreement.

Why are all clients complaining? It means this brocker is not good at all

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Could you please provide more details concerning this matter?

Not worth it. Wasted my time with instaforex.

Instaforex gertrude fritz says :

Could you please provide more details concerning this matter

Scam I can not withdraw profit 3 lot.L. This is a deposit bonus. Non no deposit bonus.L. Scam broker.L.

Instaforex is scam broker block my account and say make debosit and trade 450 lot

I tried it, I got the start up bouns $5000. And now my account have total $5508.5 and the account is blocked and can’t withdrawal. Fake fake fake

Please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.

Please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.

Need to trade 3 lots for each $1 USD profit.

Please do reply to my email.

According to the bonus agreement that can be found here:
fixed bonus profits can be withdrawn after a certain amount of BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades should equal to X*3 instaforex lots, where X is the total volume of fixed bonus profits.

I’ve currently being suspended from trading due to limit of profit being reached. I’ve got $210 profit from $1500 bonus. Can i withdraw $210 if i do make the deposit of $150? Is there got any other terms for withdrawal? Please do provide the calculation.

Please check the email box you specified when registering your account. You can continue trading when you follow the requirements stated in the bonus agreement.

XM gives 30$ welcome bonus you can make as much profit as you can and withdraw without a hustle
FBS gives you 50$ you only need to trade 2lots then you can easily withdraw your profits up to 500$
this stupid instaforex broker are saying they are giving you a startup next thing they expect you to deposit while in the 1st place you came here with no cash but still they expect traders to deposit if i may ask where will i get that money to top up my account while i came here to request a no deposit bonus/startup?
Please refrain from saying this is a startup or a no deposit bonus you are misleading people and with this stupud tricks of yours i believe you will never be a successful broker.

Yvonne stop repeating the same thing and please answer this question
what is meant by NO DEPOSIT BONUS?
And what is a startup capital?
If one came to your broker and requested a no deposit bonus or startup capital that means that person has got no cash to fund his account then where the hell do you expect the very same person to get money from and deposit 10% of his profit in order to withdraw why dont you let us take our profits or split 50/50 therefore it will make sense because ill be able to carry on with trading and then i would gladly say instaforex gave me a startup capital to trade not this stupid conditions you promoting if you dont wake up you will only be left with only your friends and relatives trading on this stupid broker

Welcome bonus 30 instaforex

Tentang Welcome Bonus 30% Instaforex, welcome bonus 30 instaforex.
Dengan bergabung bersama INSTABAGUS, anda akan mendapatkan DEPOSIT BONUS dari instaforex dan juga FULL REBATE MAXIMAL PIPS dari INSTABAGUS.

Instaforex memberikan 2 jenis WELCOME DEPOSIT BONUS bagi trader:

ketentuan BONUS INSTAFOREX 30% adalah:
verifikasi: tidak diperlukan
jumlah bonus: maksimal tanpa batas
kredit bonus: setiap kali melakukan deposit
kompatibel dengan bonus lainnya: instaforex club bonus
tersedia untuk klien baru: tersedia
tersedia untuk klien yang memiliki lebih dari 1 akun trading: tersedia
maximum leverage: 1:1000
PAMM investing: tersedia
options trading: tidak tersedia
stop out: 10%

ketentuan BONUS INSTAFOREX 55% adalah:
verifikasi : level satu. Silahkan melakukan verifikasi di kabinet instaforex anda.
Jumlah bonus: maksimal tanpa batas
kredit bonus: setiap kali melakukan deposit
kompatibel dengan bonus lainnya : instaforex club bonus
tersedia untuk klien baru : tersedia
tersedia untuk klien yang memiliki lebih dari 1 akun trading: tersedia
maximum leverage : 1:200
PAMM investing : hanya 50%
options trading : tidak tersedia
stop out : 100%

Berikut prosedur untuk mendapatkan WELCOME deposit bonus:

Langkah I. Pendaftaran akun live.
Pendaftaran akun live dapat dilakukan di halaman “BUKA AKUN INSTAFOREX“. Tipe akun trading apapun dapat menerima bonus.

Langkah II. Deposito akun
anda dapat melakukan deposit ke akun anda, buka halaman “DEPOSIT AKUN INSTAFOREX” untuk informasi tambahan.

Langkah III. Klaim welcome bonus
setelah proses deposit diatas selesai, selanjutnya anda tinggal klaim welcome deposit bonus anda, masuk ke halaman “pilih bonus anda” dan ikuti prosedur isian di halaman tipe welcome bonus yang anda pilih.
Deposit bonus 30% dan 55% ini akan dikreditkan secara otomatis kedalam akun trading anda.

Penawaran khusus bonus
instaforex memberikan kesempatan pada tradernya untuk mendorong bonus untuk seluruh deposit akun trading. Saat ini tiap orang yang menginkannya dapat meningkatkan standar 30% bonus menjadi 40%. Anda bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dalam ikut serta instaforex club yang elit. Disamping itu manfaat berpatisipasi dalam kontes instaforex, anggota dari instaforex club memiliki keisimewaan untuk mengakumulasi dan mendapatkan bonus ekstra untuk setiap pengisian sampai 10% dan menjumlahkannya dengan jumlah bonus standar. Dengan kata lain, dengan menjadi anggota instaforex club dan melakukan deposit 100 USD, anda akan mendapatkan 40% dalam jumlah yang diletakkan pada akun trading, bukan 30%, ini berarti 40 USD. 140 USD akan ditambahkan ke akun anda.

Catatan : untuk informasi prosedur deposit ke instaforex silahkan baca “deposit akun instaforex“

Welcome account

Experience one of the best trading environments in the industry risk-free with our $30 welcome account.

A special welcome to the world of trading
and our superior services

Jump-start an exciting trading journey with tickmill and explore our world-class services with the $30 welcome account.

New clients have the opportunity to trade with free trading funds, without having to make a deposit. The welcome account is very easy to open and the profit earned is yours to keep.

Enjoy a seamless trading experience with lightning-fast execution, while getting access to award-winning trading tools and resources.

Your perfect start
with tickmill



  1. The “welcome account” campaign is held by tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated).

  2. The welcome account is for introductory purposes and only for new clients from non-restricted countries, who are interested in opening a live trading account with tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated).

  3. The welcome account is not available in algeria, armenia, australia, azerbaijan, belarus, bulgaria, columbia, georgia, hong kong, iceland, israel, kazakhstan, lebanon, liechtenstein, macau, moldova, morocco, norway, state of palestine, switzerland, taiwan, tunisia, yemen, north korea, iran, USA, indonesia, venezuela, vietnam, lesotho, pakistan, bangladesh, ghana, egypt, russia, san marino, south africa, ukraine, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and kenya.

  4. European union citizens cannot apply for a welcome account.

  5. Expert advisors (eas) are not allowed on welcome accounts.

  6. Existing clients cannot apply for a welcome account.

  7. Each client can open only one welcome account.

  8. The welcome account has identical trading conditions to the live pro account type.

  9. The client has the option to either raise or lower the leverage on the welcome account.

  10. The welcome account is available for trading for 60 days from the day of opening. Once 60 days have passed, trading will be disabled but the welcome account will still be accessible for an additional 14 days to claim the earned profit.

  11. The welcome account is available in the USD currency.

  12. The welcome account is created automatically after the client completes the registration form on the web page and the application has been approved. Login details will be sent automatically to the email address provided in the registration form. Please note that these credentials may only be used to create a welcome account, not to access the client area.

  13. A 30 USD initial complimentary deposit is added automatically to the welcome account.

  14. Tickmill reserves the right to reject a bonus request or block the welcome account, if there is a partial or complete match of IP address or other signs of welcome accounts belonging to the same person.

  15. The initial deposit cannot be withdrawn or transferred from the welcome account.

  16. A minimum of 30 USD and a maximum of 100 USD of profit can be transferred from the welcome account to a live MT4 trading account (classic, pro or VIP account type) with tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated).

  17. Each client can make only one request to transfer profit from the welcome account to a live MT4 trading account.

  18. In order to make a transfer of profit from the welcome account to a live MT4 account, the client must:

    • Register a client area account, using the same information provided during the welcome account registration (name, surname, email, date of birth, etc.);

    • Provide the necessary identification documents required to validate the client area account;

    • Open a live MT4 trading account inside the client area and deposit a minimum of $100 (or equivalent in other currencies);

    • New live MT4 trading account should not be connected to any other promotions (e.G. Rebate campaign).

  19. After a deposit is made to a live MT4 account, the client should send an email to funding@tickmill.Com and request a transfer of profit from the welcome account to the live MT4 account. Transfer of profits should be requested to the same trading account where an initial deposit was made.

    • If initial deposit was made to rebate promotion trading account, transfer of profit should be requested to another live account which is not designated for the rebate promotion.

  20. It is not allowed to make third party deposits and tickmill reserves the right to cancel bonus at any time upon detecting third party payment.

  21. Once the profit transfer is completed, the welcome account will be disabled and no further trading will be possible.

  22. The profit of the welcome account will be added to the balance of the live trading account with tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated) and can be withdrawn immediately by using any of the available withdrawal options available in the client area.

  23. All profits earned and transferred from the welcome account campaign are deemed to be null and void, if the welcome account or live MT4 tickmill ltd account holder (FSA SC regulated) has provided incorrect, false or misleading information during the registration process.

  24. No deposits can be made to the welcome account.

  25. Tickmill reserves the right to disqualify any user, if there is a suspicion of misuse or abuse of fair rules.

  26. Hedging trading positions internally (using other trading accounts held with tickmill) or externally (using other trading accounts held with other brokers) and thus avoiding market risk, is considered to be an abuse.

  27. Using the failures in the quote flow for getting guaranteed profit or any other form of fraudulent activities are considered to be an abuse.

  28. Tickmill reserves the right to change the terms of the campaign or cancel it at any time.

  29. Any disputes or likely misunderstandings that may occur as a result of the campaign terms will be resolved by the tickmill management in a way that presents the fairest solution to all parties involved. Once such a decision has been made, it shall be regarded as final and/or binding for all parties.

  30. Clients agree that information provided during the registration process may be used by the company both within the context of the welcome account campaign and for any other marketing purposes.



Forex & cfds









Tickmill is the trading name of tickmill group of companies.

Tickmill.Com is owned and operated within the tickmill group of companies. Tickmill group consists of tickmill UK ltd, regulated by the financial conduct authority (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (registered office: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (pty) ltd, FSP 49464, regulated by the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (registered office: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, address: 3, F28-F29 eden plaza, eden island, mahe, seychelles regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles and its 100% owned subsidiary procard global ltd, UK registration number 09369927 (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill asia ltd - regulated by the financial services authority of labuan malaysia (license number: MB/18/0028 and registered office: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Clients must be at least 18 years old to use the services of tickmill.

High risk warning: trading contracts for difference (cfds) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade contracts for difference (cfds), you should carefully consider your trading objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. It is possible for you to sustain losses that exceed your invested capital and therefore you should not deposit money that you cannot afford to lose. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

The site contains links to websites controlled or offered by third parties. Tickmill has not reviewed and hereby disclaims responsibility for any information or materials posted at any of the sites linked to this site. By creating a link to a third party website, tickmill does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that website. The information contained on this site is intended for information purposes only. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, nor regarded as recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular currency or precious metal trade. If you are not sure about your local currency and spot metals trading regulations, then you should leave this site immediately.

You are strongly advised to obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice before proceeding with any currency or spot metals trade. Nothing in this site should be read or construed as constituting advice on the part of tickmill or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

The services of tickmill and the information on this site are not directed at citizens/residents of the united states, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.


Broker forex instaforex offers to their customers an unrivaled opportunity to receive a 30% welcome bonus to the trading account of them.

To get the welcome bonus is very simple like our post before about no deposit bonus instaforex, you just need to register a live trading account * and fill in the online application form. All of the procedures mentioned above can be done easily and it takes a lot of time.

Follow this easy instruction to get deposit bonus instaforex 30% every deposit

Step I. Live trading account registration
you can register your live trading account in "the opening of the trading account" page. You are free to open an account in any currency to receive a bonus.

Step II. Deposit
to get the welcome bonus, you need to activate your trading account by filling in any amount in an easy way.

Step III. Apply for bonuses
after registration a live account, you will be asked to fill out an application form for a 30% bonus and determine the details of your trading account. If you are the account holder refilled, please follow the link on the welcome bonus page.

Step IV. Get welcome bonus to the trading account
30% welcome bonus will be credited to your trading account automatically.

Bonus special offer
instaforex provides its clients with an unparalleled opportunity to increase deposit bonus to all trading accounts. Now everyone can improve the standard bonus of 30% to 40%. You can obtain these benefits after joining the elite instaforex club. Apart from the preferential terms of participation in contests and campaigns by instaforex, every member of instaforex club has a privilege to accumulate and get an extra bonus for each charging up to 10% and the number is the number of standard bonus.
* valid for first-time participants only. If you are the owner of a bonus account with instaforex you should proceed to the second step.

Get 30% bonus on every deposit to your instaforex account

Instaforex instant 30% bonus

Instaforex nigeria offers the unique opportunity of receiving the welcome bonus to a trading account. Every client can get 2 types of bonuses: fixed bonus 30% welcome bonus from deposit or 55% bonus. The only condition: you cannot request both types of the bonuses for same trading account.

In order to receive the welcome bonus, it is necessary to complete the registration procedure of live trading account* and fill the application form for the bonus receipt. Each of the mentioned above procedures is simple and doesn’t take a lot of time.

I step. Registration of a live account

Registration of a live account is possible at the page “opening of trading account”. Any type of trading account is appropriate to the bonus receipt. In case the client opens an account in non-USD currency, the fixed bonus will be converted into the currency of the account.

II step. Depositing

For receiving the fixed bonus, it is necessary to authorize a trading account by means of depositing:

Not less than 100 USD – for bonus 30 USD;

Not less than 300 USD – for bonus 110 USD;

Not less than 800 USD – for bonus 200 USD;

Not less than 5000 USD – for bonus 1000 USD to an account;

Not less than 50000 USD – for bonus 5000 USD to an account.

For getting the welcome bonus 30%, your trading account must be opened through this link open live account.

III step. Filling in the application form

After the registration of a live account, you will be suggested to follow the link of bonus type choosing page. Then you will have to fill in the application for one of the chosen types of bonuses, specifying the requested account data. Attention: to get the fixed bonus, it is necessary to upload scanned copy of your national ID or passport.

If you are already the owner of a replenished account, please, follow the link of the welcome bonus page.

IV step. Crediting the welcome bonus to a trading account

As soon as the application form is completed, the information is passed to the bonus charging department which credits your trading account instantly. The fixed bonus is credited to a trading account. Click here to claim bonus

Special offer

Instaforex international broker provides its clients with an unrivalled opportunity to boost the bonus for all trading accounts deposits. Now everyone can increase a standard 30% bonus up to 55%. You can gain such benefits after by opening a fresh live trading account and verify it up-to second level and finally make a deposit to be fully eligible. Instaforex nigeria clients has a privilege to accumulate and get extra bonuses for every replenishment up to 55% and sum it with the initial deposited funds.

Instaforex sign up bonus

A first time instaforex sign up bonus ,30% welcome bonus depending on the initial deposit amount, is offered by instaforex.

Traders who register a real account with instaforex and make their first deposit into their trading account will receive this bonus based on their initial deposit amount. This only applies to new customers and only to real accounts, demo accounts are not eligible.

Instaforex additionally offers a 100% deposit bonus applicable to new traders who register a real account as well as traders who already have an existing account but register an additional trading account.

Traders who fund their account with a maximum of US dollar 2,000 will receive 100% back on their deposit. Should the deposit be more than US dollar 2,000, there are special rules that apply.

Traders need to acknowledge that these bonus amounts cannot be withdrawn, only profits from this can be withdrawn from the trading account.

Brokers often offer these broker bonusses to new traders in an effort to draw in more customers in addition to encouraging trading activities. Offering a deposit or welcome bonus is the best way in which to assure traders that they will receive some money back depending on the initial deposit made.

Various brokers also offer no deposit bonuses to traders in the same effort to draw in more customers and bonuses like this may aid not only the broker in acquiring new clients, but also traders who have strict budgetary restrictions.

Referral bonus

Instaforex does not currently offer referral bonuses to new or existing traders who make use of the products and services offered by instaforex.

Referral bonuses are offered by brokers to traders in an attempt to draw in new clients and expand their customer base. Often these types of bonuses have strict criteria that will have to be fulfilled before the trader can benefit from referring a friend or family member.

Referral bonuses may also have a limited time in which they can be utilized by traders, perhaps in a given month that brokers see a decrease in activity and attempts to counter it by providing such bonuses.

Additional bonuses, promotions and rewards

Instaforex offers both new traders, and traders who are already in possession of a real account with a 55% bonus to every deposit that is made into the trading account regardless of the minimum amount deposited to fund the trading account.

In addition, instaforex provides its new and existing traders along with loyal customers with the chance to win prize funds by randomly selecting a trading account each month to receive prize funds of a monthly-varied amount.

Traders will automatically be entered into the contest when they make a deposit of US dollar 3,000 or more into their trading account.

Pros and cons

1. First time sing up and welcome bonus provided 1. Trading bonus not offered to high volume traders
2. Deposit bonus offered 2. No referral bonus offered
3. Instaforex club bonus offered
4. Monthly prize fund competition available


Instaforex offers a variety of bonuses which caters for both its new and existing traders when making deposits into their accounts. Although a referral and trading bonus are not offered, instaforex caters sufficiently for bonuses based on account funding.

Welcome account

Experience one of the best trading environments in the industry risk-free with our $30 welcome account.

A special welcome to the world of trading
and our superior services

Jump-start an exciting trading journey with tickmill and explore our world-class services with the $30 welcome account.

New clients have the opportunity to trade with free trading funds, without having to make a deposit. The welcome account is very easy to open and the profit earned is yours to keep.

Enjoy a seamless trading experience with lightning-fast execution, while getting access to award-winning trading tools and resources.

Your perfect start
with tickmill



  1. The “welcome account” campaign is held by tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated).

  2. The welcome account is for introductory purposes and only for new clients from non-restricted countries, who are interested in opening a live trading account with tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated).

  3. The welcome account is not available in algeria, armenia, australia, azerbaijan, belarus, bulgaria, columbia, georgia, hong kong, iceland, israel, kazakhstan, lebanon, liechtenstein, macau, moldova, morocco, norway, state of palestine, switzerland, taiwan, tunisia, yemen, north korea, iran, USA, indonesia, venezuela, vietnam, lesotho, pakistan, bangladesh, ghana, egypt, russia, san marino, south africa, ukraine, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and kenya.

  4. European union citizens cannot apply for a welcome account.

  5. Expert advisors (eas) are not allowed on welcome accounts.

  6. Existing clients cannot apply for a welcome account.

  7. Each client can open only one welcome account.

  8. The welcome account has identical trading conditions to the live pro account type.

  9. The client has the option to either raise or lower the leverage on the welcome account.

  10. The welcome account is available for trading for 60 days from the day of opening. Once 60 days have passed, trading will be disabled but the welcome account will still be accessible for an additional 14 days to claim the earned profit.

  11. The welcome account is available in the USD currency.

  12. The welcome account is created automatically after the client completes the registration form on the web page and the application has been approved. Login details will be sent automatically to the email address provided in the registration form. Please note that these credentials may only be used to create a welcome account, not to access the client area.

  13. A 30 USD initial complimentary deposit is added automatically to the welcome account.

  14. Tickmill reserves the right to reject a bonus request or block the welcome account, if there is a partial or complete match of IP address or other signs of welcome accounts belonging to the same person.

  15. The initial deposit cannot be withdrawn or transferred from the welcome account.

  16. A minimum of 30 USD and a maximum of 100 USD of profit can be transferred from the welcome account to a live MT4 trading account (classic, pro or VIP account type) with tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated).

  17. Each client can make only one request to transfer profit from the welcome account to a live MT4 trading account.

  18. In order to make a transfer of profit from the welcome account to a live MT4 account, the client must:

    • Register a client area account, using the same information provided during the welcome account registration (name, surname, email, date of birth, etc.);

    • Provide the necessary identification documents required to validate the client area account;

    • Open a live MT4 trading account inside the client area and deposit a minimum of $100 (or equivalent in other currencies);

    • New live MT4 trading account should not be connected to any other promotions (e.G. Rebate campaign).

  19. After a deposit is made to a live MT4 account, the client should send an email to funding@tickmill.Com and request a transfer of profit from the welcome account to the live MT4 account. Transfer of profits should be requested to the same trading account where an initial deposit was made.

    • If initial deposit was made to rebate promotion trading account, transfer of profit should be requested to another live account which is not designated for the rebate promotion.

  20. It is not allowed to make third party deposits and tickmill reserves the right to cancel bonus at any time upon detecting third party payment.

  21. Once the profit transfer is completed, the welcome account will be disabled and no further trading will be possible.

  22. The profit of the welcome account will be added to the balance of the live trading account with tickmill ltd (FSA SC regulated) and can be withdrawn immediately by using any of the available withdrawal options available in the client area.

  23. All profits earned and transferred from the welcome account campaign are deemed to be null and void, if the welcome account or live MT4 tickmill ltd account holder (FSA SC regulated) has provided incorrect, false or misleading information during the registration process.

  24. No deposits can be made to the welcome account.

  25. Tickmill reserves the right to disqualify any user, if there is a suspicion of misuse or abuse of fair rules.

  26. Hedging trading positions internally (using other trading accounts held with tickmill) or externally (using other trading accounts held with other brokers) and thus avoiding market risk, is considered to be an abuse.

  27. Using the failures in the quote flow for getting guaranteed profit or any other form of fraudulent activities are considered to be an abuse.

  28. Tickmill reserves the right to change the terms of the campaign or cancel it at any time.

  29. Any disputes or likely misunderstandings that may occur as a result of the campaign terms will be resolved by the tickmill management in a way that presents the fairest solution to all parties involved. Once such a decision has been made, it shall be regarded as final and/or binding for all parties.

  30. Clients agree that information provided during the registration process may be used by the company both within the context of the welcome account campaign and for any other marketing purposes.



Forex & cfds









Tickmill is the trading name of tickmill group of companies.

Tickmill.Com is owned and operated within the tickmill group of companies. Tickmill group consists of tickmill UK ltd, regulated by the financial conduct authority (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill europe ltd, regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (registered office: kedron 9, mesa geitonia, 4004 limassol, cyprus), tickmill south africa (pty) ltd, FSP 49464, regulated by the financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) (registered office: the colosseum, 1st floor, century way, office 10, century city, 7441, cape town), tickmill ltd, address: 3, F28-F29 eden plaza, eden island, mahe, seychelles regulated by the financial services authority of seychelles and its 100% owned subsidiary procard global ltd, UK registration number 09369927 (registered office: 3rd floor, 27 - 32 old jewry, london EC2R 8DQ, england), tickmill asia ltd - regulated by the financial services authority of labuan malaysia (license number: MB/18/0028 and registered office: unit B, lot 49, 1st floor, block F, lazenda warehouse 3, jalan ranca-ranca, 87000 F.T. Labuan, malaysia).

Clients must be at least 18 years old to use the services of tickmill.

High risk warning: trading contracts for difference (cfds) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade contracts for difference (cfds), you should carefully consider your trading objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. It is possible for you to sustain losses that exceed your invested capital and therefore you should not deposit money that you cannot afford to lose. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

The site contains links to websites controlled or offered by third parties. Tickmill has not reviewed and hereby disclaims responsibility for any information or materials posted at any of the sites linked to this site. By creating a link to a third party website, tickmill does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on that website. The information contained on this site is intended for information purposes only. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, nor regarded as recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular currency or precious metal trade. If you are not sure about your local currency and spot metals trading regulations, then you should leave this site immediately.

You are strongly advised to obtain independent financial, legal and tax advice before proceeding with any currency or spot metals trade. Nothing in this site should be read or construed as constituting advice on the part of tickmill or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

The services of tickmill and the information on this site are not directed at citizens/residents of the united states, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

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