Ndb 2021

Ndb 2021

As part of this work, a set of tables providing information about hardware and CPU availability and usage by NDB data nodes have been added to the ndbinfo information database.

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Ndb 2021

Ndb 2021

Ndb 2021

These tables, along with a brief description of the information provided by each, are listed here: when one of these arguments is set to 0 but the other remains set to 1, the resulting combined thread is named main_rep . When both are set to 0, they are combined with the recv thread (assuming that recv to 1), and this combined thread is named main_rep_recv . These thread names are those shown when checking the threads table in the ndbinfo information database.

Ndb 2021

Important change: as part of the terminology changes begun in mysql 8.0.21 and NDB 8.0.21, the ndb_slave_conflict_role system variable is now deprecated, and is being replaced with ndb_conflict_role .

In addition, a number of status variables have been deprecated and are being replaced, as shown in the following table:

Table 1 deprecated NDB status variables and their replacements

Also as part of this work, the ndbinfo.Table_distribution_status table's tab_copy_status column values ADD_TABLE_MASTER and ADD_TABLE_SLAVE are deprecated, and replaced by, respectively, ADD_TABLE_COORDINATOR and ADD_TABLE_PARTICIPANT .

Finally, the --help output of some NDB utility programs such as ndb_restore has been updated. (bug #31571031)

NDB client programs: effective with this release, the mysql NDB cluster auto-installer ( ndb_setup.Py ) has been has been removed from the NDB cluster binary and source distributions, and is no longer supported. (bug #32084831)

References: see also: bug #31888835.

Ndbmemcache: ndbmemcache , which was deprecated in the previous release of NDB cluster, has now been removed from NDB cluster, and is no longer supported. (bug #32106576)

Functionality added or changed

As part of work previously done in NDB 8.0, the metadata check performed as part of auto-synchronization between the representation of an NDB table in the NDB dictionary and its counterpart in the mysql data dictionary has been extended to include, in addition to table-level properties, the properties of columns, indexes, and foreign keys. (this check is also made by a debug mysql server when performing a CREATE TABLE statement, and when opening an NDB table.)

As part of this work, any mismatches found between an object's properties in the NDB dictionary and the mysql data dictionary are now written to the mysql error log. The error log message includes the name of the property, its value in the NDB dictionary, and its value in the mysql data dictionary. If the object is a column, index, or foreign key, the object's type is also indicated in the message.

The threadconfig parameter has been extended with two new thread types, query threads and recovery threads, intended for scaleout of LDM threads. The number of query threads must be a multiple of the number of LDM threads, up to a maximum of 3 times the number of LDM threads.

It is also now possible when setting threadconfig to combine the main and rep threads into a single thread by setting either or both of these arguments to 0.

When one of these arguments is set to 0 but the other remains set to 1, the resulting combined thread is named main_rep . When both are set to 0, they are combined with the recv thread (assuming that recv to 1), and this combined thread is named main_rep_recv . These thread names are those shown when checking the threads table in the ndbinfo information database.

In addition, the maximums for a number of existing thread types have been increased. The new maximums are: LDM threads: 332; TC threads: 128; receive threads: 64; send threads: 64; main threads: 2. (the maximums for query threads and recovery threads are 332 each.) maximums for other thread types remain unchanged from previous NDB cluster releases.

Another change related to this work causes NDB to employ mutexes for protecting job buffers when more than 32 block threads are in use. This may cause a slight decrease in performance (roughly 1 to 2 percent), but also results in a decrease in the amount of memory used by very large configurations. For example, a setup with 64 threads which used 2 GB of job buffer memory previously should now require only about 1 GB instead. In our testing this has resulted in an overall improvement (on the order of 5 percent) in the execution of very complex queries.

For more information, see the descriptions of the arguments to the threadconfig parameter discussed previously, and of the ndbinfo.Threads table.

This release adds the possibility of configuring the threads for multi-threaded data nodes ( ndbmtd ) automatically by implementing a new data node configuration parameter automaticthreadconfig . When set to 1, NDB sets up the thread assignments automatically, based on the number of processors available to applications. If the system does not limit the number of processors, you can do this by setting numcpus to the desired number. Automatic thread configuration makes it unnecessary to set any values for threadconfig or maxnoofexecutionthreads in config.Ini ; if automaticthreadconfig is enabled, settings for either of these parameters are not used.

As part of this work, a set of tables providing information about hardware and CPU availability and usage by NDB data nodes have been added to the ndbinfo information database. These tables, along with a brief description of the information provided by each, are listed here:

Cpudata : CPU usage during the past second

Cpudata_1sec : CPU usage per second over the past 20 seconds

Cpudata_20sec : CPU usage per 20-second interval over the past 400 seconds

Cpudata_50ms : CPU usage per 50-millisecond interval during the past second

Cpuinfo : the CPU on which the data node executes

Hwinfo : the hardware on the host where the data node resides

Not all of the tables listed are available on all platforms supported by NDB cluster:

The cpudata , cpudata_1sec , cpudata_20sec , and cpudata_50ms tables are available only on linux and solaris operating systems.

The cpuinfo table is not available on freebsd or macos.

Added statistical information in the DBLQH block which is employed to track the use of key lookups and scans, as well as tracking queries from DBTC and DBSPJ . By detecting situations in which the load is high, but in which there is not actually any need to decrease the number of rows scanned per realtime break, rather than checking the size of job buffer queues to decide how many rows to scan, this makes it possible to scan more rows when there is no CPU congestion. This helps improve performance and realtime behaviour when handling high loads.

A new method for handling table partitions and fragments is introduced, such that the number of local data managers (ldms) for a given data node can determined independently of the number of redo log parts, and that the number of ldms can now be highly variable. NDB employs this method when the classicfragmentation data node configuration parameter, implemented as part of this work, is set to false . When this is done, the number of ldms is no longer used to determine how many partitions to create for a table per data node; instead, the partitionspernode parameter, also introduced in this release, now determines this number, which is now used for calculating how many fragments a table should have.

When classicfragmentation has its default value true , then the traditional method of using the number of ldms is used to determine how many fragments a table should have.

Bugs fixed

Macos: removed a number of compiler warnings which occurred when building NDB for mac OS X. (bug #31726693)

Microsoft windows: removed a compiler warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned from visual studio 2013 found in storage\ndb\src\kernel\blocks\dbacc\dbaccmain.Cpp . (bug #23130016)

Solaris: due to a source-level error, atomic_swap_32() was supposed to be specified but was not actually used for solaris builds of NDB cluster. (bug #31765608)

NDB replication: after issuing RESET REPLICA ALL / RESET SLAVE ALL , NDB failed to detect that the replica had restarted. (bug #31515760)

NDB cluster apis: removed redundant usage of strlen() in the implementation of ndbdictionary and related internal classes in the NDB API. (bug #100936, bug #31930362)

Mysql NDB clusterj: when a domaintypehandler was instantiated by a sessionfactory , it was stored locally in a static map, typetohandlermap . If multiple, distinct sessionfactories for separate connections to the data nodes were obtained by a clusterj application, the static typetohandlermap would be shared by all those factories. When one of the sessionfactories was closed, the connections it created were closed and any tables opened by the connections were cleared from the NDB API global cache. However, the typetohandlermap was not cleared, and through it the other sessionfactories keep accessing the domaintypehandlers of tables that had already been cleared. These obsolete domaintypehandlers contained invalid ndbtable references and any ndbapi calls using those table references ended up with errors.

This patch fixes the issue by making the typetohandlermap and the related proxyinterfacestodomainclassmap maps local to a sessionfactory , so that they are cleared when the sessionfactory is closed. (bug #31710047)

Mysql NDB clusterj: setting com.Mysql.Clusterj.Connection.Pool.Size=0 made connections to an NDB cluster fail. With this fix, setting com.Mysql.Clusterj.Connection.Pool.Size=0 disables connection pooling as expected, so that every request for a sessionfactory results in the creation of a new factory and separate connections to the cluster can be created using the same connection string. (bug #21370745, bug #31721416)

When calling disk_page_abort_prealloc() , the callback from this internal function is ignored, and so removal of the operation record for the LQHKEYREQ signal proceeds without waiting. This left the table subject to removal before the callback had completed, leading to a failure in PGMAN when the page was retrieved from disk.

To avoid this, we add an extra usage count for the table especially for this page cache miss; this count is decremented as soon as the page cache miss returns. This means that we guarantee that the table is still present when returning from the disk read. (bug #32146931)

Using the maximum size of an index key supported by index statistics (3056 bytes) caused buffer issues in data nodes. (bug #32094904)

References: see also: bug #25038373.

NDB now prefers CLOCK_MONOTONIC which on linux is adjusted by frequency changes but is not updated during suspend. On macos, NDB instead uses CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW which is the same, except that it is not affected by any adjustments.

In addition, when intializing ndbcondition the monotonic clock to use is taken directly from ndbtick , rather than re-executing the same preprocessor logic used by ndbtick . (bug #32073826)

Ndb_restore terminated unexpectedly when run with the --decrypt option on big-endian systems. (bug #32068854)

When the data node receive thread found that the job buffer was too full to receive, nothing was done to ensure that, the next time it checked, it resumed receiving from the transporter at the same point at which it stopped previously. (bug #32046097)

The metadata check failed during auto-synchronization of tables restored using the ndb_restore tool. This was a timing issue relating to indexes, and was found in the following two scenarios encountered when a table had been selected for auto-synchronization:

When the indexes had not yet been created in the NDB dictionary

When the indexes had been created, but were not yet usable

Optimized sending of packed signals by registering the kernel blocks affected and the sending functions which need to be called for each one in a data structure rather than looking up this information each time. (bug #31936941)

When two data definition language statements—one on a database and another on a table in the same schema—were run in parallel, it was possible for a deadlock to occur. The DDL statement affecting the database acquired the global schema lock first, but before it could acquire a metadata lock on the database, the statement affecting the table acquired an intention-exclusive metadata lock on the schema. The table DDL statement was thus waiting for the global schema lock to upgrade its metadata lock on the table to an exclusive lock, while the database DDL statement waited for an exclusive metadata lock on the database, leading to a deadlock.

A similar type of deadlock involving tablespaces and tables was already known to occur; NDB already detected and resolved that issue. The current fix extends that logic to handle databases and tables as well, to resolve the problem. (bug #31875229)

Clang 8 raised a warning due to an uninitialized variable. (bug #31864792)

An empty page acquired for an insert did not receive a log sequence number. This is necessary in case the page was used previously and thus required undo log execution before being used again. (bug #31859717)

No reason was provided when rejecting an attempt to perform an in-place ALTER TABLE . ADD PARTITION statement on a fully replicated table. (bug #31809290)

When the master node had recorded a more recent GCI than a node starting up which had performed an unsuccessful restart, subsequent restarts of the latter could not be performed because it could not restore the stated GCI. (bug #31804713)

When using 3 or 4 fragment replicas, it is possible to add more than one node at a time, which means that DBLQH and DBDIH can have distribution keys based on numbers of fragment replicas that differ by up to 3 (that is, MAX_REPLICAS - 1), rather than by only 1. (bug #31784934)

It was possible in DBLQH for an ABORT signal to arrive from DBTC before it received an LQHKEYREF signal from the next local query handler. Now in such cases, the out-of-order ABORT signal is ignored. (bug #31782578)

NDB did not handle correctly the case when an ALTER TABLE . COMMENT=". " statement did not specify ALGORITHM=COPY . (bug #31776392)

It was possible in some cases to miss the end point of undo logging for a fragment. (bug #31774459)

Ndb_print_sys_file did not work correctly with version 2 of the sysfile format that was introduced in NDB 8.0.18. (bug #31726653)

References: see also: bug #31828452.

DBLQH could not handle the case in which identical operation records having the same transaction ID came from different transaction coordinators. This led to locked rows persisting after a node failure, which kept node recovery from completing. (bug #31726568)

It is possible for DBDIH to receive a local checkpoint having a given ID to restore while a later LCP is actually used instead, but when performing a partial LCP in such cases, the DIH block was not fully synchronized with the ID of the LCP used. (bug #31726514)

In most cases, when searching a hash index, the row is used to read the primary key, but when the row has not yet been committed the primary key may be read from the copy row. If the row has been deleted, it can no longer be used to read the primary key. Previously in such cases, the primary key was treated as a NULL, but this could lead to making a comparison using uninitialised data.

Now when this occurs, the comparison is made only if the row has not been deleted; otherwise the row is checked of among the operations in the serial queue. If no operation has the primary key, then any comparison can be reported as not equal, since no entry in the parallel queue can reinsert the row. This needs to be checked due to the fact that, if an entry in the serial queue is an insert then the primary key from this operation must be identified as such to preclude inserting the same primary key twice. (bug #31688797)

As with writing redo log records, when the file currently used for writing global checkpoint records becomes full, writing switches to the next file. This switch is not supposed to occur until the new file is actually ready to receive the records, but no check was made to ensure that this was the case. This could lead to an unplanned data node shutdown restoring data from a backup using ndb_restore . (bug #31585833)

Release of shared global memory when it is no longer required by the DBSPJ block now occurs more quickly than previously. (bug #31321518)

References: see also: bug #31231286.

Stopping 3 nodes out of 4 in a single node group using kill -9 caused an unplanned cluster shutdown. To keep this from happening under such conditions, NDB now ensures that any node group that has not had any node failures is viewed by arbitration checks as fully viable. (bug #31245543)

Multi-threaded index builds could sometimes attempt to use an internal function disallowed to them. (bug #30587462)

While adding new data nodes to the cluster, and while the management node was restarting with an updated configuration file, some data nodes terminated unexpectedly with the error virtual void tcp_transporter::resetbuffers(): assertion `!Isconnected()' failed . (bug #30088051)

It was not possible to execute TRUNCATE TABLE or DROP TABLE for the parent table of a foreign key with foreign_key_checks set to 0. (bug #97501, bug #30509759)

Optimized the internal ndbreceiver::unpackndbrecord() method, which is used to convert rows retrieved from the data nodes from packed wire format to the NDB API row format. Prior to the change, roughly 13% of CPU usage for executing a join occurred within this method; this was reduced to approximately 8%. (bug #95007, bug #29640755)

National diploma in beekeeping

NDB Advanced Course students at work

NDB advanced course students at work

Application form for NDB examination 2021

Application forms for the 2021 NDB exam can be found below. Although subject to any government covid-19 restrictions in place at the time of exam, the NDB will make all possible efforts to ensure the examination can take place in a covid-19 secure fashion.

Word document and PDF documents of the application form can be found below. Submission of the filled in word document is preferred if possible. Please return completed forms to national diploma in beekeeping nationaldiplomabeekeeping@gmail.Com

The deadlines for submission of application forms is wednesday 20th jan 2021


The national diploma in beekeeping (NDB) exists to meet a need for a beekeeping qualification above the level of the certificates awarded by the united kingdom national beekeeping associations.

The diploma is the highest beekeeping qualification recognised in the united kingdom and its holders are generally well-known figures within beekeeping education.

The NDB board is entirely independent although its members come from a wide range of beekeeping organisations and it has representatives from all the national beekeeping associations.

To support students working towards the higher UK certificates or towards the national diploma, the NDB board run a week-long residential advanced course and a variety of regular two-day short courses. These course provide access to facilities and tuition not normally available and are designed to complement study through practical work and discussion.

NDB assessment

Assessments are conducted every other year and involve a number of written, practical, and discussion exercises. The last candidate assessments were in 2019;

The NDB are pleased to confirm that 2021 will be the next examination year.

Advanced course, june 2021

The 2021 advanced course will take place TBD with the themes of disease, dissection, entomology, and swarm control. The course is held at pershore horticultural college, near evesham, and provides a week of immersive and educational beekeeping. Read more.


Beekeepers in the UK are encouraged to visit the national bee unit’s beebase website to receive the latest advice on bee health and husbandry. Read more

▷ NDB codes 2021 – NDB codes USA

NDB Codes

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After inquiring NDB casino code, players are provided the opportunity to engage with hundreds of slot machines and table games. These titles are typically powered by softwares that dominate the american market. Softwares include saucify gaming, rival gaming, and realtime gaming. They’re known for providing versatile libraries that exceed graphical and promotional expectations.

Video slots are the priority game that’s continuously in development, ensuring new slots are released monthly. However, there’s also an abundance of table games and scratch cards. Implementing RTG NDB codes will increase the valuation of payouts with whichever game is selected, while also boosting bankrolls.

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This article regards the no deposit bonus code, which has become the most notable and played promotional offering from online establishments. It’s because an influx of free credits is awarded to punters, which can occur immediately after registration depending on the brand selected. VIP punters typically receive NDB bonus codes bi-weekly, with the standard valuation of these free credits varying between $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Players wanting to inquire about this promotional offering are required to provide personal details over during registration. This can include age, sex, race, home address, cell number, and banking information. What’s challenging with a no deposit bonus code is the associated conditions, which define how payouts and experiences moving forward.

Regulations define over promotional offerings with american casinos, ensuring that substantial valuations can’t be appropriated. These value limitations fall in the purview of responsible betting, which has multiple protocols in place to ensure punters don’t get addicted to these betting products. Another influencing factor with casino regulations is the terms & conditions with bonuses.

These promotional conditions demand that wagering requirements be met before withdraws are processed. Depending on the betting site selected, there could be minimal delays in the processing of withdrawn transactions of two-three business days. Conventional T&cs are highlighted with NDB bonus codes, meaning wagering requirements excel past 40x to 50x. It’s recommended that readers examine the selected ndbs terms and conditions before acquiring, as that’ll ensure that it falls into betting strategies.

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Cash funds aren’t the exclusive commodity awarded to players with the no deposit bonus. NDB bonuses also support free spins, conventionally varying from fifty to one hundred. No deposit free spins are inquired through one of two ways, with the 1st requiring punters to receive an exclusive welcome offering after registration. The 2nd method is obtaining access to the VIP program or affiliate manager program, with agents from both parties providing NDB bonus codes regularly.

It should be mentioned that these NDB codes online casinos free spins are typically spent throughout five days, meaning a maximum of 20 spins is permittable per day. Those obtaining this promotional offering will have to abide by the terms & conditions, or possibly face the NDB bonus code being removed from accounts. Taking the NDB bonus free spins and making them advantageous isn’t possible unless T&cs are read.

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Generous offers from several verified online casinos in the united states have excelled in the market into new heights. Popularity rose again throughout the 1st quarter of 2020, with COVID-19 prompting millions throughout america to remain indoors. Newly inducted consumers have experienced riveting promotions, compelling them towards notable payouts on games like realtime gaming.

The RTG brand is considered best amongst bettors, with advised risks being lowest under this software. After the terms & conditions with any US NDB codes have been completed, processing the withdrawn funds will take anywhere between 24 to 72 hours. Payments can be processed through ewallets and bitcoin exchanges, meaning cryptocurrency capabilities are supported by various institutions. Prepaid gift cards and conventional debit cards typically are accepted as well.

Those that register with these online betting establishments receive a multitude of betting options. When looking towards video slots, those are extended with progressives and classics. Consumers of table games have access to titles like blackjack, roulette, keno, and craps. These exhilarating betting experiences are highlighted with american-supported scratch card platforms, meaning the powerball scratchcard can be inquired via these online platforms. When accounting for the various attributes that are associated with an online NDB code, it’s best to remain loyal with a specific brand and experience the various benefits that follow.

Ndb 2021

Important change: as part of the terminology changes begun in mysql 8.0.21 and NDB 8.0.21, the ndb_slave_conflict_role system variable is now deprecated, and is being replaced with ndb_conflict_role .

In addition, a number of status variables have been deprecated and are being replaced, as shown in the following table:

Table 1 deprecated NDB status variables and their replacements

Also as part of this work, the ndbinfo.Table_distribution_status table's tab_copy_status column values ADD_TABLE_MASTER and ADD_TABLE_SLAVE are deprecated, and replaced by, respectively, ADD_TABLE_COORDINATOR and ADD_TABLE_PARTICIPANT .

Finally, the --help output of some NDB utility programs such as ndb_restore has been updated. (bug #31571031)

NDB client programs: effective with this release, the mysql NDB cluster auto-installer ( ndb_setup.Py ) has been has been removed from the NDB cluster binary and source distributions, and is no longer supported. (bug #32084831)

References: see also: bug #31888835.

Ndbmemcache: ndbmemcache , which was deprecated in the previous release of NDB cluster, has now been removed from NDB cluster, and is no longer supported. (bug #32106576)

Functionality added or changed

As part of work previously done in NDB 8.0, the metadata check performed as part of auto-synchronization between the representation of an NDB table in the NDB dictionary and its counterpart in the mysql data dictionary has been extended to include, in addition to table-level properties, the properties of columns, indexes, and foreign keys. (this check is also made by a debug mysql server when performing a CREATE TABLE statement, and when opening an NDB table.)

As part of this work, any mismatches found between an object's properties in the NDB dictionary and the mysql data dictionary are now written to the mysql error log. The error log message includes the name of the property, its value in the NDB dictionary, and its value in the mysql data dictionary. If the object is a column, index, or foreign key, the object's type is also indicated in the message.

The threadconfig parameter has been extended with two new thread types, query threads and recovery threads, intended for scaleout of LDM threads. The number of query threads must be a multiple of the number of LDM threads, up to a maximum of 3 times the number of LDM threads.

It is also now possible when setting threadconfig to combine the main and rep threads into a single thread by setting either or both of these arguments to 0.

When one of these arguments is set to 0 but the other remains set to 1, the resulting combined thread is named main_rep . When both are set to 0, they are combined with the recv thread (assuming that recv to 1), and this combined thread is named main_rep_recv . These thread names are those shown when checking the threads table in the ndbinfo information database.

In addition, the maximums for a number of existing thread types have been increased. The new maximums are: LDM threads: 332; TC threads: 128; receive threads: 64; send threads: 64; main threads: 2. (the maximums for query threads and recovery threads are 332 each.) maximums for other thread types remain unchanged from previous NDB cluster releases.

Another change related to this work causes NDB to employ mutexes for protecting job buffers when more than 32 block threads are in use. This may cause a slight decrease in performance (roughly 1 to 2 percent), but also results in a decrease in the amount of memory used by very large configurations. For example, a setup with 64 threads which used 2 GB of job buffer memory previously should now require only about 1 GB instead. In our testing this has resulted in an overall improvement (on the order of 5 percent) in the execution of very complex queries.

For more information, see the descriptions of the arguments to the threadconfig parameter discussed previously, and of the ndbinfo.Threads table.

This release adds the possibility of configuring the threads for multi-threaded data nodes ( ndbmtd ) automatically by implementing a new data node configuration parameter automaticthreadconfig . When set to 1, NDB sets up the thread assignments automatically, based on the number of processors available to applications. If the system does not limit the number of processors, you can do this by setting numcpus to the desired number. Automatic thread configuration makes it unnecessary to set any values for threadconfig or maxnoofexecutionthreads in config.Ini ; if automaticthreadconfig is enabled, settings for either of these parameters are not used.

As part of this work, a set of tables providing information about hardware and CPU availability and usage by NDB data nodes have been added to the ndbinfo information database. These tables, along with a brief description of the information provided by each, are listed here:

Cpudata : CPU usage during the past second

Cpudata_1sec : CPU usage per second over the past 20 seconds

Cpudata_20sec : CPU usage per 20-second interval over the past 400 seconds

Cpudata_50ms : CPU usage per 50-millisecond interval during the past second

Cpuinfo : the CPU on which the data node executes

Hwinfo : the hardware on the host where the data node resides

Not all of the tables listed are available on all platforms supported by NDB cluster:

The cpudata , cpudata_1sec , cpudata_20sec , and cpudata_50ms tables are available only on linux and solaris operating systems.

The cpuinfo table is not available on freebsd or macos.

Added statistical information in the DBLQH block which is employed to track the use of key lookups and scans, as well as tracking queries from DBTC and DBSPJ . By detecting situations in which the load is high, but in which there is not actually any need to decrease the number of rows scanned per realtime break, rather than checking the size of job buffer queues to decide how many rows to scan, this makes it possible to scan more rows when there is no CPU congestion. This helps improve performance and realtime behaviour when handling high loads.

A new method for handling table partitions and fragments is introduced, such that the number of local data managers (ldms) for a given data node can determined independently of the number of redo log parts, and that the number of ldms can now be highly variable. NDB employs this method when the classicfragmentation data node configuration parameter, implemented as part of this work, is set to false . When this is done, the number of ldms is no longer used to determine how many partitions to create for a table per data node; instead, the partitionspernode parameter, also introduced in this release, now determines this number, which is now used for calculating how many fragments a table should have.

When classicfragmentation has its default value true , then the traditional method of using the number of ldms is used to determine how many fragments a table should have.

Bugs fixed

Macos: removed a number of compiler warnings which occurred when building NDB for mac OS X. (bug #31726693)

Microsoft windows: removed a compiler warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned from visual studio 2013 found in storage\ndb\src\kernel\blocks\dbacc\dbaccmain.Cpp . (bug #23130016)

Solaris: due to a source-level error, atomic_swap_32() was supposed to be specified but was not actually used for solaris builds of NDB cluster. (bug #31765608)

NDB replication: after issuing RESET REPLICA ALL / RESET SLAVE ALL , NDB failed to detect that the replica had restarted. (bug #31515760)

NDB cluster apis: removed redundant usage of strlen() in the implementation of ndbdictionary and related internal classes in the NDB API. (bug #100936, bug #31930362)

Mysql NDB clusterj: when a domaintypehandler was instantiated by a sessionfactory , it was stored locally in a static map, typetohandlermap . If multiple, distinct sessionfactories for separate connections to the data nodes were obtained by a clusterj application, the static typetohandlermap would be shared by all those factories. When one of the sessionfactories was closed, the connections it created were closed and any tables opened by the connections were cleared from the NDB API global cache. However, the typetohandlermap was not cleared, and through it the other sessionfactories keep accessing the domaintypehandlers of tables that had already been cleared. These obsolete domaintypehandlers contained invalid ndbtable references and any ndbapi calls using those table references ended up with errors.

This patch fixes the issue by making the typetohandlermap and the related proxyinterfacestodomainclassmap maps local to a sessionfactory , so that they are cleared when the sessionfactory is closed. (bug #31710047)

Mysql NDB clusterj: setting com.Mysql.Clusterj.Connection.Pool.Size=0 made connections to an NDB cluster fail. With this fix, setting com.Mysql.Clusterj.Connection.Pool.Size=0 disables connection pooling as expected, so that every request for a sessionfactory results in the creation of a new factory and separate connections to the cluster can be created using the same connection string. (bug #21370745, bug #31721416)

When calling disk_page_abort_prealloc() , the callback from this internal function is ignored, and so removal of the operation record for the LQHKEYREQ signal proceeds without waiting. This left the table subject to removal before the callback had completed, leading to a failure in PGMAN when the page was retrieved from disk.

To avoid this, we add an extra usage count for the table especially for this page cache miss; this count is decremented as soon as the page cache miss returns. This means that we guarantee that the table is still present when returning from the disk read. (bug #32146931)

Using the maximum size of an index key supported by index statistics (3056 bytes) caused buffer issues in data nodes. (bug #32094904)

References: see also: bug #25038373.

NDB now prefers CLOCK_MONOTONIC which on linux is adjusted by frequency changes but is not updated during suspend. On macos, NDB instead uses CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW which is the same, except that it is not affected by any adjustments.

In addition, when intializing ndbcondition the monotonic clock to use is taken directly from ndbtick , rather than re-executing the same preprocessor logic used by ndbtick . (bug #32073826)

Ndb_restore terminated unexpectedly when run with the --decrypt option on big-endian systems. (bug #32068854)

When the data node receive thread found that the job buffer was too full to receive, nothing was done to ensure that, the next time it checked, it resumed receiving from the transporter at the same point at which it stopped previously. (bug #32046097)

The metadata check failed during auto-synchronization of tables restored using the ndb_restore tool. This was a timing issue relating to indexes, and was found in the following two scenarios encountered when a table had been selected for auto-synchronization:

When the indexes had not yet been created in the NDB dictionary

When the indexes had been created, but were not yet usable

Optimized sending of packed signals by registering the kernel blocks affected and the sending functions which need to be called for each one in a data structure rather than looking up this information each time. (bug #31936941)

When two data definition language statements—one on a database and another on a table in the same schema—were run in parallel, it was possible for a deadlock to occur. The DDL statement affecting the database acquired the global schema lock first, but before it could acquire a metadata lock on the database, the statement affecting the table acquired an intention-exclusive metadata lock on the schema. The table DDL statement was thus waiting for the global schema lock to upgrade its metadata lock on the table to an exclusive lock, while the database DDL statement waited for an exclusive metadata lock on the database, leading to a deadlock.

A similar type of deadlock involving tablespaces and tables was already known to occur; NDB already detected and resolved that issue. The current fix extends that logic to handle databases and tables as well, to resolve the problem. (bug #31875229)

Clang 8 raised a warning due to an uninitialized variable. (bug #31864792)

An empty page acquired for an insert did not receive a log sequence number. This is necessary in case the page was used previously and thus required undo log execution before being used again. (bug #31859717)

No reason was provided when rejecting an attempt to perform an in-place ALTER TABLE . ADD PARTITION statement on a fully replicated table. (bug #31809290)

When the master node had recorded a more recent GCI than a node starting up which had performed an unsuccessful restart, subsequent restarts of the latter could not be performed because it could not restore the stated GCI. (bug #31804713)

When using 3 or 4 fragment replicas, it is possible to add more than one node at a time, which means that DBLQH and DBDIH can have distribution keys based on numbers of fragment replicas that differ by up to 3 (that is, MAX_REPLICAS - 1), rather than by only 1. (bug #31784934)

It was possible in DBLQH for an ABORT signal to arrive from DBTC before it received an LQHKEYREF signal from the next local query handler. Now in such cases, the out-of-order ABORT signal is ignored. (bug #31782578)

NDB did not handle correctly the case when an ALTER TABLE . COMMENT=". " statement did not specify ALGORITHM=COPY . (bug #31776392)

It was possible in some cases to miss the end point of undo logging for a fragment. (bug #31774459)

Ndb_print_sys_file did not work correctly with version 2 of the sysfile format that was introduced in NDB 8.0.18. (bug #31726653)

References: see also: bug #31828452.

DBLQH could not handle the case in which identical operation records having the same transaction ID came from different transaction coordinators. This led to locked rows persisting after a node failure, which kept node recovery from completing. (bug #31726568)

It is possible for DBDIH to receive a local checkpoint having a given ID to restore while a later LCP is actually used instead, but when performing a partial LCP in such cases, the DIH block was not fully synchronized with the ID of the LCP used. (bug #31726514)

In most cases, when searching a hash index, the row is used to read the primary key, but when the row has not yet been committed the primary key may be read from the copy row. If the row has been deleted, it can no longer be used to read the primary key. Previously in such cases, the primary key was treated as a NULL, but this could lead to making a comparison using uninitialised data.

Now when this occurs, the comparison is made only if the row has not been deleted; otherwise the row is checked of among the operations in the serial queue. If no operation has the primary key, then any comparison can be reported as not equal, since no entry in the parallel queue can reinsert the row. This needs to be checked due to the fact that, if an entry in the serial queue is an insert then the primary key from this operation must be identified as such to preclude inserting the same primary key twice. (bug #31688797)

As with writing redo log records, when the file currently used for writing global checkpoint records becomes full, writing switches to the next file. This switch is not supposed to occur until the new file is actually ready to receive the records, but no check was made to ensure that this was the case. This could lead to an unplanned data node shutdown restoring data from a backup using ndb_restore . (bug #31585833)

Release of shared global memory when it is no longer required by the DBSPJ block now occurs more quickly than previously. (bug #31321518)

References: see also: bug #31231286.

Stopping 3 nodes out of 4 in a single node group using kill -9 caused an unplanned cluster shutdown. To keep this from happening under such conditions, NDB now ensures that any node group that has not had any node failures is viewed by arbitration checks as fully viable. (bug #31245543)

Multi-threaded index builds could sometimes attempt to use an internal function disallowed to them. (bug #30587462)

While adding new data nodes to the cluster, and while the management node was restarting with an updated configuration file, some data nodes terminated unexpectedly with the error virtual void tcp_transporter::resetbuffers(): assertion `!Isconnected()' failed . (bug #30088051)

It was not possible to execute TRUNCATE TABLE or DROP TABLE for the parent table of a foreign key with foreign_key_checks set to 0. (bug #97501, bug #30509759)

Optimized the internal ndbreceiver::unpackndbrecord() method, which is used to convert rows retrieved from the data nodes from packed wire format to the NDB API row format. Prior to the change, roughly 13% of CPU usage for executing a join occurred within this method; this was reduced to approximately 8%. (bug #95007, bug #29640755)

National diploma in beekeeping

NDB Advanced Course students at work

NDB advanced course students at work

Application form for NDB examination 2021

Application forms for the 2021 NDB exam can be found below. Although subject to any government covid-19 restrictions in place at the time of exam, the NDB will make all possible efforts to ensure the examination can take place in a covid-19 secure fashion.

Word document and PDF documents of the application form can be found below. Submission of the filled in word document is preferred if possible. Please return completed forms to national diploma in beekeeping nationaldiplomabeekeeping@gmail.Com

The deadlines for submission of application forms is wednesday 20th jan 2021


The national diploma in beekeeping (NDB) exists to meet a need for a beekeeping qualification above the level of the certificates awarded by the united kingdom national beekeeping associations.

The diploma is the highest beekeeping qualification recognised in the united kingdom and its holders are generally well-known figures within beekeeping education.

The NDB board is entirely independent although its members come from a wide range of beekeeping organisations and it has representatives from all the national beekeeping associations.

To support students working towards the higher UK certificates or towards the national diploma, the NDB board run a week-long residential advanced course and a variety of regular two-day short courses. These course provide access to facilities and tuition not normally available and are designed to complement study through practical work and discussion.

NDB assessment

Assessments are conducted every other year and involve a number of written, practical, and discussion exercises. The last candidate assessments were in 2019;

The NDB are pleased to confirm that 2021 will be the next examination year.

Advanced course, june 2021

The 2021 advanced course will take place TBD with the themes of disease, dissection, entomology, and swarm control. The course is held at pershore horticultural college, near evesham, and provides a week of immersive and educational beekeeping. Read more.


Beekeepers in the UK are encouraged to visit the national bee unit’s beebase website to receive the latest advice on bee health and husbandry. Read more

NDB wealth gears for the dawn of 2021

Expert financial planner and advisor NDB wealth has set the wheels in motion to prepare for the dawn of the new year 2021.

“planning for financial security and stability is of paramount importance and one that you should definitely focus on during the comingnew year. This is an area in life and business that can have an immense impact on your future and the future of those depending on you. This new year, our resolve is even stronger as we focus on the future needs and wants of our clients”, commented laknada de mel, head of private wealth management.

Identifying and understanding the challenges and changes that many have faced this year, NDB wealth is keen to emphasize and educate consumers about the benefits of the money plus account from NDB wealth.The money plus account is designed to fulfil your dreams and efforts with a brighter tomorrow while functioning like a savings account.Currently, the money plus fund yields 6.30% per annum as at 17th december 2020, with the added flexibility to withdraw all of the deposited funds at any time, without a penalty.

NDB wealth money plus is ideal for the busy individuals who have limited time to keep track of their ongoing finances as the income is credited daily, relieving them of that extra burden. It is a great way to deal with the sudden extra expenses that can spring up at any point of time. With the help of their expert financial advisors, individuals and businesses can prioritize on financial needs and wants, gearing them to face different situations in the new year.

NDB wealth is fully owned subsidiary of the NDB bank, one of the fastest growing financial services conglomerates in sri lanka, with the strategic mission to be the leader in the financial services sector.

NDB wealth gears for dawn of 2021

Expert financial planner and advisor NDB wealth has set the wheels in motion to prepare for the dawn of the new year 2021.

“planning for financial security and stability is of paramount importance and one that you should definitely focus on during the coming new year. This is an area in life and business that can have an immense impact on your future and the future of those depending on you. At NDB wealth, we design financial plans considering your current situation and aim to overcome challenges to ensure that your investments bring you optimal returns. This new year, our resolve is even stronger as we focus on the future needs and wants of our clients,” commented head of private wealth management laknada de mel.

Identifying and understanding the challenges and changes that many have faced this year, NDB wealth is keen to emphasise and educate consumers about the benefits of the money plus account from NDB wealth. The money plus account is designed to fulfil your dreams and efforts with a brighter tomorrow while functioning like a savings account. Currently, the money plus fund yields 6.30% per annum as at 17 december, with the added flexibility to withdraw all of the deposited funds at any time, without a penalty.

NDB wealth money plus is ideal for the busy individuals who have limited time to keep track of their ongoing finances as the income is credited daily, relieving them of that extra burden. It is a great way to deal with the sudden extra expenses that can spring up at any point of time. With the help of their expert financial advisors, individuals and businesses can prioritise on financial needs and wants, gearing them to face different situations in the new year.

It’s time to transform your future. Visit www.Ndbwealth.Com or call on 0719 788 788 to speak to a relationship manager and set up your money plus fund. You can also visit their website to explore other investment opportunities, or even connect with NDB wealth’s exemplary team of financial planners who can help you and your family in achieving full financial independence, with all the benefits entailed therein.

NDB wealth is fully-owned subsidiary of the NDB bank, one of the fastest growing financial services conglomerates in sri lanka, with the strategic mission to be the leader in the financial services sector. From its inception, the group which includes NDB bank, NDB investment banking, NDB wealth, NDB securities, and NDB capital has been a catalyst in the development of the nation, strengthening and empowering entrepreneurs, corporates and individuals from all strata of the economy. The customers across all NDB group companies have benefited from the extensive product and service offerings of the NDB bank and its affiliates.

*current yield is variable and subject to change. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the exploratory memorandum before investing. Among others, investors should consider the fees and charges involved

India, NDB sign agreements for USD 646 million for upgrading state highway network in andhra

ANI | updated: jan 07, 2021 00:06 IST

New delhi [india], january 7 (ANI): the indian government and the andhra pradesh government on wednesday signed a loan agreements of up to USD 323 million each with the new development bank (NDB) for two road sector projects.
The first project - the andhra pradesh roads and bridges reconstruction project - comprises widening 1,600 km of state highways to double lane and reconstructing dilapidated bridges on the state highway network. The second project - the andhra pradesh mandal connectivity and rural connectivity improvement project - comprises widening 1,400 km of district roads to double lane and reconstructing dilapidated bridges on the district road network.
The andhra pradesh government will implement the projects through the roads and buildings department.

The two projects are expected to improve mobility and connectivity to the socio-economic centres, enhance transport efficiency, improve road safety and riding quality, and provide all-weather accessibility for the state's road users. The projects would increase the roads' daily traffic capacity to 15,000 passenger car units, which is expected to meet the projected traffic growth over the next 20 years.
"NDB funding shall help to bridge the funding gap for road infrastructure development and will support the government of andhra pradesh in its goal to enhance connectivity between socioeconomic centres" said xian zhu, vice president and chief operations officer of the NDB.
The NDB was established based on the inter-governmental agreement among the BRICS countries (brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa) signed on july 15, 2014. The bank's purpose is to mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging market economies and developing countries. The tenor of each loan is 32 years, including a moratorium period of 5 years. (ANI)

Unit prices (LKR)

As at 2021-02-01 return YTD (non annualized)

  • Buy sell

  • NDB wealth growth fund 17.8% 11.3000 11.8000

  • NDB wealth growth & income fund 15.1% 49.1600 50.8400

  • NDB wealth income fund 0.8% 16.0310 16.0310

  • NDB wealth gilt edged fund 0.3% 18.7134 18.7134

  • NDB wealth income plus fund 0.8% 17.0887 17.0887

  • NDB wealth money plus fund 0.5% 23.5765 23.5765

  • NDB wealth money fund 0.5% 20.6439 20.6439

  • NDB wealth islamic money plus fund 0.5% 16.3183 16.3183

© 2018 all rights reserved, NDB wealth management ltd. Is an investment manager, licensed by the securities & exchange commission of sri lanka.

Return YTD (non annualized)

As at 2021-02-01 | return YTD (non annualized)

fund name YTD (2021) 2020* 2019* 2018* 2017* 2016*
NDB wealth growth fund shares 17.83% -4.46% -0.59% -6.79% 7.09% -0.92%
NDB wealth growth & income fund shares & bonds 15.13% 9.82% 11.09% 7.47% 10.10% 4.13%
NDB wealth income fund corporate bonds 0.75% 13.12% 12.97% 10.00% 14.34% 8.00%
NDB wealth income plus fund corporate bonds 0.81% 12.12% 12.20% 12.13% 11.42% 7.85%
NDB wealth gilt edged fund government bonds 0.34% 10.14% 19.12% 11.45% 10.41% 20.19%
NDB wealth islamic money plus fund money market 0.47% 9.28% 10.69% 10.28% 9.81% 7.75%
NDB wealth money plus fund money market 0.54% 9.46% 11.73% 11.53% 11.38% 8.81%
NDB wealth money fund money market 0.49% 8.20% 10.24% 8.74% 9.50% 8.94%

(*january to december - published by unit trust association of sri lanka)

so, let's see, what was the most valuable thing of this article: ndb 2021 important change: as part of the terminology changes begun in mysql 8.0.21 and NDB 8.0.21, the ndb_slave_conflict_role system variable is now deprecated, and is being replaced with at ndb 2021

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