Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

Real money trader

Good jobs are hard to come by. And hard to keep. You need to please your masters at every turn, with very little power or agency over your life and career.

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Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

That is why striking out on your own might be the best option for your bank account and your sanity. Making money at day trading is possible, but it will not happen overnight. This is not some get-rich-quick scheme here. The gist is that you need to spend time learning and studying day trading strategies in order to get good enough to make real profits.

Making real money as a day trader

Everyone wants to make money. Money equals power. With enough money, you can style your life the way you want to, without taking guff from bosses or any other corporate overlords. The problem is, it is rather hard to accrue enough money to do that with tying yourself to a corporate desk for a few decades.

Good jobs are hard to come by. And hard to keep. You need to please your masters at every turn, with very little power or agency over your life and career. That is why striking out on your own might be the best option for your bank account and your sanity.

Day trading can be your way out. You can make a living day trading. Even though many see it as a risky and volatile business, you can make real profits if you put in the time and get educated with a real site. There are day trading education sites out there that can give you the strategies and techniques you need to be successful. It is up to you to learn them and implement them.

Making money at day trading is possible, but it will not happen overnight. This is not some get-rich-quick scheme here. The gist is that you need to spend time learning and studying day trading strategies in order to get good enough to make real profits.

Now, keep in mind the rewards are real. There is a story floating around day trading circles about a veteran trader that started with just over $500 in a brokerage account and ended up with over $100,000 just 44 trading days later. And that story is true. It all started with a little spark from some talented interactive brokers .

Now, there are some things you need to be aware of if you want to be a day trader. Day trading gains get taxed by the IRS at the normal income rate, instead of the long-term capital gains rate, which is much lower. You need to account for that when you begin day trading, so you understand just how much profit you are going to take home, post-taxes.

Volatility is your friend. That is a much different outlook from a long-term, buy-and-hold investor in the mold of warren buffett. Those types look at the overall, long-term viability of the business and how it might have a competitive edge in its market. Day traders do not look at the game like that. High spikes during a single day are good for day traders. Provided they can get in on the ground floor and sell before the inevitable fall.

And you need to divorce yourself from the outcome. Emotional trading is a recipe for disaster. Sometimes trades go bad. The key to making money over the long term is creating a concrete set of rules for each trader and following those rules. As long as the rules/strategies are good, you are going to win out over the long haul. No need to get flustered with every little trade that goes bad.

Figuring out these rules can be time-consuming and resource-heavy process. That is why finding a day trading education site like warrior trading, full of veteran trading instructors that have been through the ringer and learned all the best techniques is so crucial for a novice trader. You can learn from their experience. You don’t have to make the same mistakes and take the same losses that they did.

And once you get your time in as a day trading student, all warrior traders are compelled to spend time in a day trading simulator. This paper trading simulator allows you to trade at the speed of the real market, but in a simulated environment with virtual currency. You can make all the mistakes you want and learn from them. You will not be risking your hard earned cash. The general rule for students going through warrior trading’s curriculum is that you need to make $200 per day in profits, consistently, for a month, before you get out into the real market.

That is where you will get your start. If you can hit $200 a day in profits, that is $52,000 a year. A nice living, but not a salary that will get you to financial independence. They key is to start out with that and build up your skills to the point where you are making great profits every day and every week. That is where you make it to the next level as a day trader.

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Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

. NEW. 111 trades - chart pattern recognition online course. Learn to trade breakouts, breakdowns and reversals by visual chart reading.

Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

A taoist trader E-book - a heart of our online course, easy to read on your mobile device or e-reader. "A must" for any trader or investor. Whatever your time frame or favorite market is, this e-book will create a robust foundation for your trading.

This offer includes four of our products for the price of three and adds more bonuses on top. Videocourse, book, online course, live trading room - you will get it all and more.

These combo offers add our most popular online courses to the best value offer for a free shipping and even more savings. Everything listed in best value offer plus 111 trades and/or A taoist trader course.

This is our trading room. Interact in real time with vad & other professional traders as the market events unfold. Spot a stock's turning points, discuss entries and trade management, digest breaking news and get instant assistance.

Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

A taoist trader - our new course, "a must" for any trader or investor. Whatever your time frame or favorite market is, this course will create a robust foundation for your trading.

If you are a complete beginner or struggling trader, we recommend you start with our master profit plan.

Day trading video course - watch the trades recorded right from the screen as they developed, narrated real time! Learn to take winning trades consistently and keep your losses small.

Fast track yourself to become a successful trader with realitytrader's online study course —internet most comprehensive online, self-paced trading course.

This is a one-on-one teaching method intended to troubleshoot your trading. We will establish a diagnosis and find the cure.

Video interview with vadym discussing major
points of his trading approach

From: vadym graifer - trader, author, mentor

Dear traders,

over the past decade, the financial markets have seen an explosion of active traders that have found themselves able to participate in the markets in a more direct manner.

They are able to receive, process and react to information almost immediately in a way that empowers them to make their own decisions about their financial futures.

This empowerment of individuals, while exhilarating, has lead to the downfall of many aspiring dream seekers. Much of this downfall lies within the improper education found on the internet.

Many blogs and un-moderated chat rooms propagate a vast amount of misinformation about the underlying functionality of the stock market. Simply put, there continues to be information providing logic to an entity that moves and reacts in an illogical manner.

Please read this article to gain more perspective on this matter.

Since the late 90's, I was amazed how countless investors throw their hard-earned dollars at the market, day trading without any form of training (I was one of those!). Self-proclaimed "gurus" often take advantage of new traders by selling "holy grail" trading systems costing thousands of dollars.

I founded realitytrader.Com in 1999 in order to create a service that offers affordable, REAL TRADING education to those who are serious about becoming consistently profitable traders.

Over the past 12 years, we at reality trader© have empowered hundreds of aspiring traders to become independent and successful.

Learn everything you need to know to get started in active trading on the right track. We take it from the beginning - from developing your trading plan and style to basics of chart reading to nitty-gritty details of level II and direct access platform.

When traders first begin trading, they need to find a method that works for them.

There are a plethora of systems and methods available to trade the stock market. There are methods for options, futures, derivatives, forex, bonds, equities, etc. If there is speculation involved, there is a system somewhere for it. The trick is to find the method that best fits your financial objectives, risk tolerance and personality. To learn trading, one must study a theory and be able to apply it to practical trading at a rate that allows for gradual profits and strict risk control.

Those that expect huge one-time gains in trading methods are also setting themselves up for big one-time losses. Normally, over time, one can not continuously make huge gains without a few huge losses.

Let me clarify this. For the beginner huge gains stem from guessing and undisciplined approaches that create enormous risk.

These get rich quick schemes almost always end up in failure. The market doesn't allow for consistent getting rich quick methods. It finds a way to take from the undisciplined eventually.

Certainly, the year 2001 has taught this to those that thought it was just so easy, and 2008 reminded to those who forgot. With the explosion of on-line trading, many educational services have evolved to help traders with their progress in this business. While some of these services are nothing more than just stock picking sites, an aspiring trader needs a serious and consistent educational resource. This is exactly what realitytrader offers - solid consistent no-nonsense practical and pragmatic trading education.

Vadym graifer
author - mentor - professional trader

Hi vadym,
I would just like to say that I'd read hundreds of trading books and they basically say the same things in different ways. However, after reading your techniques of tape reading, many things became crystal clear. I can now accept stop losses as just the cost of doing business, and risk management is my number one priority. Your explanation has given me the discipline to implement and accept stop loss. Thank you.
- jimmy. T. Singapore

The taoist trader has changed my life and that is not an exaggeration. From being a helpless sheep ready to be fleeced at wall streets will, taoist trader has changed the way that I not only see and react towards the market, but all elements of human behaviour - and that is a valuable gift. This learning is not for everyone. Internalising positive change is difficult in a world manipulated by frequent news panic that plays upon the emotional response of the investing crowd; we all want to identify ourselves with the majority and that is normal. But the taoist trader taught me to stop pointing the finger at others and faulting them for my own failures. Instead I have learned to change myself and in doing so, I am no longer subject to the emotional exploitation that is our financial and political elites' modus operandi. If you're ready to change yourself, then you've come to the right place. Combine the taoist trader with vad's techniques of tape reading and you have some very powerful tools for navigating the market successfully.
- les R., switzerland

your terrific books and the reality trader room have completely turned around my method and performance. I most sincerely thank you.
- thomas B., NJ

first off thank you for the incredible course, I am more confident in my trading than ever before, I still have issues with keeping stops everytime but so far so good. Here is my trading snap shot (attachment) from 8th aug to today, I think I am doing better than I ever did.
Thank you for being my teacher. I follow your trading room (the post close out) every day.You are a great inspiration!
Respect and regards,
- vijay V, IL

Wow, trader's routines. Wow, exactly my issues listed and described, as if you looked over my shoulder! I'll admit, I was a bit impatient and jumped over some parts to read this. Now, going back and reading the chapters that led to this attachment, I am amazed by the structure and logic, and how practical it all is. At the same time, it's completely different look at everything trading related. I am rethinking a lot of things that just yesterday seemed so obvious. This taoist trader course changes everything to me it seems
- peter S., ON

Must confess, I was a bit hesitant about this course. I mean, taoism? Trading? Sounds a little gimmicky. Boy, was I wrong. This course is every bit as parctical as vadym's two books (they were the reason I still decided to give the course a try, since I liked both very much). My main concern has been that the material would be abstract and not really connected to everyday experience. Nothing even close - page after page of down to earth practical advice, explanation of things we encounter daily and direct unambiguous help in dealing with them. Very very powerful writing. I am sure I will discover new gems as I return to this course over time.
- J.R., fla

The tao te ching is a book of philosophy written by lao tzu in china more than 2500 years ago during the time and vicinity of confucious. As a foundational philosophy it offers a world view but also gives practical advice for the individual to align their behavior to the ways of the world and act accordingly.
In A taoist trader vadym graifer succinctly and effectively exposes and explains the tao te ching while likewise tieing it to the financial markets. This is a practical teaching text that can appeal to all ages and competencies of any market participant. Affirmation of successful individual behavior can be seen as well as destructive behaviour laid bare. Numerous poignant analogies strike home that are stunning in clarity.
This book will make you a better trader. It will put a top spin on trading performance by its practical, real world and often occurring, situational illustrations that will cut the number and size of losses while giving the trader the personal and actionable basis to make consistent gains.
Many are offered the way. Few choose to see it, and fewer still choose to follow it. This book is a real opportunity.
- ron S., colorado

I have lived my adult life with a structured approach to achieving success but lived recklessly handling my investments. Emotions, lack of vision and focus were the root causes of this. Going through the materials of the best value offer, I am able to put things together and build structure and proper mindset.
- stuart L., florida

A taoist trader course is incredibly clear and powerful. Like no other trading related book I've ever read, it creates whole mindset, puts everything together and allows me to see the market as a mechanism in which everything makes sense. My place and behavior is defined with such clarity, I have much more control over myself and have no troubles executing my trading decisions. Emotions seem to have no more influence on me.
- L.B., michigan

Thanks again for all you've taught me and for the great books you've published (I keep re-reading them and learn something new each time - they are getting to be as dog-eared as my physics textbook from engineering school). Your involvement has made all the difference in the world and totally turned my trading around. I am very lucky to have been your student. Happy trading,
- doug C., minnesota

Techniques of tape reading is by far the best trading book I've ever read. Psychology part is excellent, this is first time I read it done in such practical fashion, not academic psychobabble. As for tape reading part - this is true core of the method, in my opinion. Even old classic by neill uses charts to illustrate the ideas, and with today's volume and speed it would be unreasonable to try and apply this method to the ticker instead of much more convinient chart. I trade NYSE mostly but I have no troubles so far using book's material on listed stocks. Highly recommend the book, very practical and very real.
- reader from CA

Hi, I have just bought this book, and I have to say it is one of the best trading books I have ever read (and I have read a lot of trading books). I intend to read it a second time, and then I hope to take the free trial in your trading room.
- nev D

Observing vad's live trading during the seminar in freeport, bahamas was an amazing experience. His total self-control, dry humor as he comments on the stock movements - while having an open position in it! - it's quite something. What I saw was cold blood and steel discipline, firm trust in the trading approach and executing it with no hesitation. Very impressive.
- C.K., ca

Hi vad. Your videocourse arrived on monday and I just finished going over it. It is full of very good information. Both booklet and videos gave me a good insight into the trades you take. The course was concise, to the point and contained very relevant examples organized in a way that stepped me through the learning process.
- jay F.

Just wanted to let you know what an excellent book you produced. I've had tecgniques of tape reading for about one week and have read through it twice, with the exception of chapter 8, "mindset of a mature trader" which I am making part of my daily routine. The book is organized excellently, starting with a "reminiscences", physiological type perspective in the beginning then moving into technical areas and then drilling home the technicals with examples. TTR is the most complete, concise and useful trading book I have ever read. I also enjoyed reading the two non-published chapters about vad's immigration. You've done a great job! Congratulations!

Hello vadym, I am currently reading your book about tape reading and want to thank you for writing it. I have been trying to learn how to day trade over the last six months, and it's inspiring to read the story of another trader. My own experience has consisted of lots of losing days, together with some winning days in the markets. Hearing your own journey as a trader, together with specific examples of the setups you use is very helpful. Your book has given me a greater appreciation of the role that volume plays in reading stock movements. Thanks again. Regards,
- bruce A. C.

Hello vadym, just a note to say how much I appreciate your book on tape reading. Chapters 6,7 and 8 in particular on the traders edge and intuition are pure gold and will be my guiding light as I design my trading plan and zero in on the plays and style that really fit my personality and temperment.
-steve M.

Vadym, I am currently reading "techniques of tape reading". Have found the 1st part - "A traders journey" of utmost benefit, so wonderfully structured and insightfull. I have read many books on trading and psychology, but this one really tells it how it is. I felt as if it were me telling of my thoughts and experiences to date, in learning about the markets. Certainly many aha moments! Thank you so much for writing this book and sharing it with us newbies. I am presently looking to purchase the scalping course, and learn more of your methods. Regards,
- dawn P.

Hi coach, I want to give you now just a brief status update, before we resume our sessions next week. In a nutshell, trading has been going really, really well. I'm beginning to be able to pull all of the various lessons (the ones you've given me (and the ones I've learned the hard way) together in my head and access the proper behavior and reactions when I need to.
There have been a couple of specific things that have made all the difference to me, and I'll elaborate on those when we talk.
I wanted to settle in at this next level of proficiency before continuing with my lessons. My trading stats confirm that we can continue next week as planned.
Thanks so much for all you've taught me so far. I'm sure I would have washed out by now had I not had the good fortune of making your acquaintance. OK - back to the trenches.
- george S, FL

You are contributing something that is very unique and individual has more value than the technical side alone. You cut to the core issue of the traders inner relationship with what he is doing and that will help a lot of traders. One can sense in your books that trading and your success with it was very profound for you and that's very motivating.
- steve M, toronto, ON

No other course I’ve taken so clearly demystifies the scalping methodology while providing the trader with a simple, yet highly effective, guide to scalping. Vad’s course contains the knowledge that allows any trader to effectively implement a successful scalping strategy into their usual trading regime – right away. I’ve had the pleasure of trading next to vad in person and can attest to how effortlessly and stress free he engages the scalping process -- and how his techniques generate profits. Having a master like vad share his knowledge with the trading community is a gift, and I wholeheartedly recommend his course how to scalp any market & profit consistently
- scott garl

Reality trader, lead by founder vad graifer is dedicated to correcting misinformation about market functionality as well as providing traders with a forum where they can develop a trading plan or enhance a current one. We provide a community where traders can refine their trading skills with helpful hints and tips from those that trade the market every day. Trading business is evolving. You need to be around those that change with the market or run the risk of losing the valuable time, not to mention money. Reality trader is dedicated to teach you everything about this evolving market. Evolve with us, not after us.

Realmoneytrader rené wolfram

Making Real Money As a Day Trader, real money trader.

René wolfram has been a professional day trader and swing trader for over 18 years. He is the only german trader who ever managed to reach the winners’ podium in the robbins worldcup trading championship, a 12-month trading world championship using real money. Realmoneytrader is the name of his multi-year project during which rené wolfram coaches traders and allows them to see all his trades live.

Available (for free) from rené wolfram in the nanotrader trading platform.
Trading strategies and signals:
the range projection strategy
the pound shorter strategy
the S&P 500 break-out strategy
trading tools:
the flat filter
yes (german language only)
trading store:
vola break-out package – the vola break-out strategy
vola break-out package – the wolvol and nbar indicators


René wolfram trades futures but it is also possible to use cfds. Wolfram states: "I follow a statistics-based approach, trading both break-out and countertrend strategies. To implement the strategies I use futures, as they are by far the fairest product."

René wolfram is the only german trader who made it into the top 3 of the futures trading world championship. "in 2013 he finished third in this 12-month trading competition using real money. "many of the strongest competitors in the championship, including trading legend larry williams, used volatility break-out strategies. In my case my break-out strategies were also a main source of profits."

This photo shows rené wolfram (fourth from right) and the two other winner of the 2013 trading championship:

American traders have had a major influence on rené wolfram. "larry williams was a huge source of inspiration. He has had a significant influence on how I approach the markets", declares rené wolfram when discussing his development as a professional trader. This trader trades everything that is volatile and breaks out. From the DAX (FDAX) future -on which he unleashes his vola break-out strategy- and the S&P 500 future to the EUR/USD, gold, crude oil, coffee and wheat futures. Every instrument which is volatile attracts his attention.


The vola break-out strategy is one of rené wolfram's favourite trading strategies. The strategy uses two indicators designed by rené wolfram: the wolvol and the nbar indicator. This very versatile strategy can be used in all time frames and on all instruments. René wolfram makes the optimal settings available for four time frames (1', 5', 15' and 60') and six instruments (DAX, S&P 500, nasdaq, gold, EUR/USD and crude oil).


Usually trend break-out strategies have a high proportion of losing trades and a small proportion of big winning trades. For most traders waiting for these 'big winners' whilst consistently incurring small losses is mentally too difficult. René wolfram had the same experience. To solve the problem he designed the wolvol indicator.

The wolvol indicator identifies with precision the beginning or the first stages of a trend. The precision of the wolvol indicator is the reason why rené wolfram avoids many of the small losing trades associated with break-out strategies.

This example illustrates the wolvol indicator. The beginning of a trend occurs when the indicator crosses its lower line upwards. The chart background will become green. In the illustration you can see four such occurences.

The wolvol indicator alerts rené wolfram of a new trend. The indicator is not used to open a position. To determine the timing and the direction of a new position, rené wolfram uses his proprietary nbars indicator. The wolvol indicator also indicates the end of a trend. Hence rené wolfram uses his wolvol indicator to close positions.


In this interview this professional trader provides answers to a few personal questions. The interview is in german.


The flat filter is a unique functionality in nanotrader. The trader simply enters the time at which he wants an open position to be closed; the platform takes care of the rest. René wolfram uses the flat filter extensively.


René wolfram uses this strategy to occasionally short sell the GBP/USD ('cable' in trader slang) futures. This low-intensity strategy is easy to understand and implement.


This low-intensity S&P 500 strategy is uncomplicated. One trading signal per day is the maximum. René wolfram calculates his entry level on the basis of yesterday's market values. The entry levels are automatically shown as a trading range in the nanotrader trading platform.

This example shows rené wolfram's trading range. The trader has bought a long position. The market, however, goes down and the position is stopped out. All this can be automated in the nanotrader full.

8. EXPERIENCES (source RMT website)

"it is simply helpful and comforting for me to have a professional by my side, who always supports me with good advice. Step-by-step I have developed a good overview of everything and now I know my way around." – M.X.

"your RMT project is something special and precisely what I have been looking for since a long time. . Everything is clearly explained, well-structured and easy to understand." F.X.

"the RMT project made my wish of being an independent and profitable trader come true and this in a fairly short period of time." – K.H.

René wolfram comments on the nanotrader trading platform:

Discover a trading platform made by traders for traders. TEST the free nanotrader demo.

Real money trade

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The purchase or sale of online game equipment, currency, or even powerleveling services for real money to a third party without the involvement of, and in the majority of cases against the wishes of, the game's publisher (which is the difference between this and bribing your way to victory). A common plague of mmorpgs, and the reason why good ways of making money in-game are often nerfed by the publisher after some time. Some game operators may offer a legitimate channel for players to buy and sell virtual items from each other in order to stem some of the more negative elements of restricting such trade to the black market such as spam, fraud and cheating by use of automated bot. A rare but growing few have built their worlds entirely around player-to-player RMT where the company makes money by taking a cut as a transaction fee, or even open content creation to players so aspiring artists and technicians can sell their work on the open market, thus producing a player-generated economy.


Contrast allegedly free game, which is when the game advertises itself as free but requires you to pay money to unlock content, and microtransactions, the sanctioned equivalent.


  • Referenced in welcome to the N.H.K., as one of the protagonist's failed money-making schemes.

  • In .Hack//legend of the twilight bracelet, hotaru doesn't have any gold, so she considers paying real money in return for medicine for the team pet. Shugo quickly talks her out of it. It turned out that the "gold farmer" she was speaking to was an admin in disguise, who was actually manipulating them into rejecting the offer and instead going to fight the ridiculously high-leveled monster in the field that had the medicine.

  • One episode of .Hack//roots is dedicated to a side character's efforts to shut down a group of real money traders.

  • A side character in the GU games has a hacked weapon that was bought via real money trading.

  • The cory doctorow short story "anda's game" is entirely dedicated to the titular character's interaction with a bunch of gold farmers in an imaginary MMORPG.

  • Also by cory doctorow, an attempt to unionize illegal gold farmers forms much of the plot of for the win.

  • One character of walter jon williams' this is not a game makes most of his income by gold farming and ganking — while at his official phone support job.

  • Ctrl+alt+del made a comic (and now a poster) describing "MMO hell" with major offenders being punished the divine comedy-style. Gold farmers and gold buyers are lumped together in the 4th circle; farmers are punished by being submerged in putrid soil and have to dig for gold coins that always slip just a little bit deeper into the muck, while gold buyers are weighed down by countless thousands of gold coins and have to crawl to buy their salvation from a vendor that is always out of reach.

  • In the noob multi-media franchise, one character got his former high-level avatar banned as a punishment for buying in-game stuff on a website called farmerchinois.Com ("chinese farmer").

  • Neal stephenson's reamde centers around gold farming and RMT. The dominant MMORPG, T'rain, got that way by legitimizing the practice, and thereby unseating world of warcraft.

  • Real life example: julian dibbell famously spent a year trying to make a living primarily as a real money trader in world of warcraft; he wrote a blog, and later a book , about the experience.

  • On person of interest recurring character leon tao decided to make money by using his experience as a crooked accountant to get into the RMT business. However, the segment of the RMT market he tried to corner was controlled by the russian mob and they did not take kindly to interlopers. The russians decide to kill him as a warning to others and only reese's intervention saves leon from death.

  • In the legendary moonlight sculptor this is one of the main plot devices. The main character is trying to pay for his grandmother's hospital bills and his younger sister's college education through RMT. He was inspired after finding his account for an old korean MMO sold for about $3million (as part of a company's marketing campaign). When loan sharks come to take most of this money, he finds himself with enough to pay all of his family's expenses for about two years, just enough to train in martial arts and study the new hit VRMMORPG royal road. (currently in korea, RMT is very common, to the point that it was just recently made an official taxable source of income.) the main character plans on becoming a professional in RMT.

  • In foxtrot, jason decides to spend one summer vacation being a gold farmer on world of warcraft. It turns out not to be as easy as he thought it would be.

  • In sword art online, gun gale online, the primary setting of the phantom bullet arc, heavily features this, with it being possible to buy equipment with real money, as well as sell it. Sinon, a student who has trouble making ends meet, can't use much of her own money, and has to admit that the prospect of selling hecate (a powerful weapon and of great personal significance to her is tempting). Meanwhile, it's revealed that the villain bought a thermoptic camouflage cloak with the real money trade.

  • While command & conquer: generals never stated to any degree where the chinese hackers actually get money from, the creators of the game modrise of the reds do state that, just like in real life, china employs real money tradeen masse to gain money and hackers do this on the battlefield, among other things that are probably even less legal.

  • In ralph breaks the internet, ralph and vanellope's initial plan to raise $27001 they need to pay for the sugar rush steering wheel is to earn money through lootfindr, a site that buys and sells video game items. Someone is willing to pay $40000 for shank's car from the fictional video gameslaughter race. Ralph and vanellope fail to get the car, but vanellope becomes great friends with shank and finds a new calling in life, since she had grown bored of sugar rush .

  • Steam is a huge example of this.

    • Everything started when steam trading came, allowing people to trade game items between them and not requiring the items to be from the same game. It also allowed people to trade games between them in the form of game gifts; if you buy the game as a gift, you can't play it, but you can gift or trade it to a friend, permanently adding it to their account.

    • Later came the steam community market, allowing players to sell their items for credit money. Steam already had the option to add money to your account as credits that you can use later, but the market allowed everyone to sell their unwanted items for money they can spend on other items and on new games. People started financing their new games with money earned by playing games, getting items and selling them. On the games that support the community market, the most famous include team fortress 2, dota 2, counter-strike: global offensive, don't starve together and battleblock theater.

    • However, while real money can be turned into credit money, the opposite is not possible. Money earned by selling items on steam can only be used inside steam and selling your accounts is forbidden by valve; see the "illegal" section for details.

    • Also, not all items from the games can be sold for money through the market. However, it is still possible to directly trade between players using steam trading and traded by marketable items. However, some items can't be traded either and are meant to be yours forever, especially if they are tied to certain achievements.

    • Another genius idea by valve was the steam trading cards. These were essentially virtual cards featuring images related to their respective games that you earn by buying games and playing them. If a game has these cards, someone who buys it earns the right to get a few cards just by playing the game, with the exact number based on how many different cards the game has. For instance, a game with 6 cards earns you 3, a game with 8 cards earns 4. Players can sell and trade these cards, allowing every game on steam able to feature trading, even single player games and games with no inventory feature.

      • After players get all the free cards, they can earn booster packs at random. Booster packs are packs with 3 random cards that the player can open or sell/trade. Booster packs are also granted as other users spend the cards crafting badges.

      • If a player has all the cards in a set, he can craft them into a badge. The cards will disappear, and the player earns:
        - A medal visible on your profile for bragging rights.
        - XP points for your steam level, which gives some advantages like being able to have more friends and customize your profile with showcases that can show achievements, your badges, you favorite games, and so forth.
        - A game-themed emoticon that you can use in chat and a wallpaper for your profile, both of which can be sold on the market. While it is a gamble, buying cards, crafting them and getting rare emotes and backgrounds to sell can be profitable.
        - and last, you can also get a coupon to buy games with a discount. Considering that steam has discounts and sales all the time, coupons are kinda worthless and easy to get cheaply or even for free, but on events like the summer or holiday sale, the coupon is replaced with a trading card of the event.

      • There are also very rare foil cards with roughly a 1% chance of appearing in place of a normal card. Foil badges can be crafted with these and you can only craft it once, but the prizes above are the same and are mainly for bragging rights. Foil cards can be more expensive than some games or even the game it came from.

      • When the market started overflowing with emoticons and backgrounds that no one wanted and became too cheap, discouraging players to craft badges, valve introduced gems. Unwanted cards, emotes and backgrounds can be converted into virtual gems, that can be used to create booster packs. This opened up the option to buy gems and craft booster packs for profit. When valve introduced the gems, they also introduced an auction where players could bid on limited copies of games with them.

  • Phantasy star online 2 more or less enables you to buy in-game currency with real money, since nearly anything you can acquire from the local microtransactions-based gacha (with the oddball exception, like attribute enhancer +10%) can also be sold on the in-game player shop for meseta, the global currency note this also allows players who don't spend money to acquire items that can otherwise only be obtained via microtransactions .

Some examples in games where real world trading is not allowed (through laws, or in game user licenses):

  • In world of warcraft, RMT has grown in leaps and bounds along with the player base. In the classic game, the majority of illicit gold was supplied by bots that endlessly farmed rare items and sold them on the auction house, and was advertised via in-game chat. As blizzard's anti-bot technology grew more sophisticated, buying fully upgraded expansion accounts grew more expensive, and restrictions added to eliminate chat spam, the majority of trade is now in gold stolen from compromised accounts of legitimate players and advertised via the web. Further, it's rumored that major segments of this multi-million dollar business are controlled by organized crime. (dollars to donuts is that the banner ad on this page, right now, is for a wow gold-seller. Do not click on it.) eventually blizzard decided to combat the endless flow of gold-farming bots by simply letting players buy gold (indirectly; it's through buying a token that can be redeemed for gold at the auction house), causing the number of illegal real-money traders to plummet. They're still around, but they're a dying breed.

  • City of heroes had been dealing with these, starting with the introduction of craftable invention enhancements. They usually advertised by creating throwaway characters with random strings of letters for names to send out tells and the otherwise barely-used in-game e-mail system. The makers of the game tried to combat them with the /ignore_spammer command to streamline the process of reporting them, and by not allowing characters under level 10 to use the e-mail system.

  • In 2005, a man was stabbed to death in china after he sold a sword someone had lent him in the legend of mir 3. Source .

  • Final fantasy XI has its share of this problem, and square enix is very much against it. Rmts tell-spam with impunity using disposable free trial characters, and just about every ad you find on any FFXI-related site is for gilsellers. RMT frequently abuse the fishing system with "fishbots" (turning fishing into a simple minigame didn't deter them for long; in fact, it opened up a new exploit that expedited the system), use cheats to complete quests more quickly than should be possible, exploit high NPC resale prices, and monopolize notorious monsters with salable goods. To combat them, SE created the special task force, which has successfully reduced the severity of the problem. However, SE is also so paranoid on the matter that probably the best way an unscrupulous person could eliminate someone they don't like from the game would be to devise a plausible way to accuse them of RMT. Especially as one is not allowed to defend one's own case note SE does have a method for defending yourself, but requires that you complete a form, get it signed and notarized, and mail it to their legal division. They then investigate, which you are advised can take up to six months, and then tell you that your account has been reactivated. Or deleted entirely. With no other communication with the unlucky player . It's also gotten to the point that the RMT are actually hijacking player accounts in order to get the gil to sell, usually destroying years of work. It happened before the anti-RMT levels became so dramatic, but it's incredibly common now.

    • RMT is also a big problem for square's second final fantasy online game, final fantasy XIV. Rmts will usually spam shouts with links leading to their sites for people to buy gil. When players started to turn off the shout feature, rmts then started to spam people through tells (private messages) and the even more aggressive RMT may send friend requests to unsuspecting players so that anyone who blindly accepts the request will have their inbox flooded with spam. Square did try to combat the situation by adding filters to screw up an RMT's ability to advertise, but rmts fought back by just altering their spam messages that composed of what looks like a computer trying to learn how to be human. While RMT is still a big problem, square attempted to RMT-proof future content by making it where RMT can't get an advantage, such as triple triad cards not being tradeable with players. Eventually, square implemented a feature that lets players right click a bot's/RMT's name and instantly report them to a game master rather than having to go through the clunky interface to fill out a report. This worked for a while, but botters eventually worked around it by sending random players party invites with character names clearly showcasing the RMT's URL address so that people would be forced to see it no matter what.

  • Runescape had this problem during 2007 where it has become an obvious issue to the folks at jagex. They tried to combat it with trade limits, death drops and making it so it will be difficult for gold farmers to use types of gold selling which require a heavy deal of trust. However, the crowd was rather angry to learn of this after. This was removed in february 2011.

    • As of september 2013, jagex has responded to RMT in a much more permanent fashion by cornering the RMT market themselves.

    • The decade of 2010 went by, and venezuela's economy tanked so hard — literally only weimar germany has so far fared worse than venezuela — that venezuelans had to take up farming runescape gold and selling it online in order to not starve to death. The venezuelan crisis eventually got to the point where one single unit of runescape gold was literally worth several bolívares. This in turn led to one of the few defeats in the entire history of the reign of terror clan, in 2019, when they attempted to crack down on venezuelan gold farmers; with their only source of food income being threatened, hundreds of thousands of venezuelans fought back, and ended up completely defeating ROT and positioning themselves as the new kings of runescape.

  • Reselling steam accounts online will result in legal action if the country has a DMCA type law.

  • Habbo hotel property is frequently sold online usually as "a joke", but the company itself shuts down online sales pretty quickly.

  • Ebay banned virtual property sales under pressure from such companies, and eventually banned all digital deliveries because of the amount of fraud. Consider that the reason why you can't sell virtual property is because there is nothing preventing the person selling it to you from stealing it back from you by claiming they were hacked, or even using the lost-password feature.

  • In ace online, the gms have warned against, and banned, people who sell cash-shop credits and player accounts (or characters).

  • Ragnarok online, being the aging MMO that it is, obviously has real problems with these people . Albeit less so now due to a somewhat unusual tactic. The game now has three servers besides the test server. The first two, chaos and loki, have a 25% increase in experience income and item drop rates, along with a few other advantages. They are also only accessible to subscribing players. By comparison, the valkyrie server is free, and does not require an active subscription to get in, thus acting as the game's free trial and making its money though premium items. The catch? Valkyrie is effectively a glorified RMT trap, since the premium servers require a working credit card and payment for access.

  • League of legends champions are bought with BE (earned in-game) or RP (bribing your way to victory). In addition, in order to play ranked matches, you must have played about 50 normal matches. Since many players view this as a money grubbing tactic from riot games, many resort to purchasing champions or levelled accounts from clandestine websites. The way this affects the game is by bringing AFK BE farming bots — player characters that are even more useless than the beginner bots, controlled by macros or by a simple program, whose characteristic behaviors include standing under towers and dying, standing in front of enemy champions and dying, and punching minions as you are horribly murdered nearby.

How do you make money trading currencies?

Investors can trade almost any currency in the world through foreign exchange (forex). In order to make money in forex, you should be aware that you are taking on a speculative risk. In essence, you are betting that the value of one currency will increase relative to another. The expected return of currency trading is similar to the money market and lower than stocks or bonds. However, it is possible to increase both returns and risk by using leverage. Currency trading is generally more profitable for active traders than passive investors.

Key takeaways

  • It is possible to make money trading money when the prices of foreign currencies rise and fall.

  • Currencies are traded in pairs.

  • Buying and selling currency can be very profitable for active traders because of low trading costs, diverse markets, and the availability of high leverage.

  • Exchanging currency is not a good way for passive investors to make money.

  • It is easy to get started trading money at many large brokerages and specialized forex brokers.

Buying and selling currency explained

It is important to note that currencies are traded and priced in pairs. For example, you may have seen a currency quote for a EUR/USD pair of 1.1256. In this example, the base currency is the euro. The U.S. Dollar is the quote currency.

In all currency quote cases, the base currency is worth one unit. The quoted currency is the amount of currency that one unit of the base currency can buy. Based on our previous example, all that means is that one euro can buy 1.1256 U.S. Dollars. An investor can make money in forex by appreciation in the value of the quoted currency or by a decrease in value of the base currency.

How do you make money trading money?

Another perspective on currency trading comes from considering the position an investor is taking on each currency pair. The base currency can be thought of as a short position because you are "selling" the base currency to purchase the quoted currency. In turn, the quoted currency can be seen as a long position on the currency pair.

In our example above, we see that one euro can purchase $1.1256 and vice versa. To buy the euros, the investor must first go short on the U.S. Dollar to go long on the euro. To make money on this investment, the investor will have to sell back the euros when their value appreciates relative to the U.S. Dollar.

For instance, let's assume the value of the euro appreciates to $1.1266. On a lot of 100,000 euros, the investor would gain $100 ($112,660 - $112,560) if they sold the euros at this exchange rate. Conversely, if the EUR/USD exchange rate fell from $1.1256 to $1.1246, then the investor would lose $100 ($112,460 - $112,560).

Advantages for active traders

The currency market is a paradise for active traders. The forex market is the most liquid market in the world. Commissions are often zero, and bid-ask spreads are near zero. Spreads near one pip are common for some currency pairs. It is possible to frequently trade forex without high transaction costs.

With forex, there is always a bull market somewhere. The long-short nature of forex, the diversity of global currencies, and the low or even negative correlation of many currencies with stock markets ensures constant opportunities to trade. There is no need to sit on the sidelines for years during bear markets.

Although forex has a reputation as risky, it is actually an ideal place to get started with active trading. Currencies are generally less volatile than stocks, as long as you don't use leverage. The low returns for passive investment in the forex market also make it much harder to confuse a bull market with being a financial genius. If you can make money in the forex market, you can make it anywhere.

Finally, the forex market offers access to much higher levels of leverage for experienced traders. Regulation T sharply limits the maximum leverage available to stock investors in the united states.   it is usually possible to get 50 to 1 leverage in the forex market, and it is sometimes possible to get 400 to 1 leverage. This high leverage is one of the reasons for the risky reputation of currency trading.

New forex traders should not use high leverage. It is best to start using little or no leverage and gradually increase it as profits and experience grow.

Disadvantages for passive investors

Passive investors seldom make money in the forex market. The first reason is that returns to passively holding foreign currencies are low, similar to the money market. If you think about it, that makes sense. When U.S. Investors buy euros in the forex market, they are really investing in the EU's money market. Money markets around the world generally have low expected returns, and so does forex.

The benefits of the forex market for active traders are usually useless or even harmful for passive investors. Low trading costs mean very little if you do not trade very much. Using high leverage without a stop-loss order can lead to large losses. On the other hand, using stop-loss orders essentially turns an investor into an active trader.

Getting started with forex

The forex market was once much less accessible to average investors, but getting started is easy now. Many large brokerages, such as fidelity, offer forex trading to their customers. Specialized forex brokers, such as OANDA, make sophisticated tools available to traders with balances as low as one dollar.

How to become a successful forex trader

Starting out in the forex market can often result in a life cycle that involves diving in head first, giving up or taking a step back to do more research and open a demo account to practice. From there, new traders might feel more confident to open another live account, experience more success, and break-even or turn a profit. That is why it's important to build a framework for trading in the forex markets, which we outline below.

Why should we focus on medium-term forex trading?

Why are we focusing on medium-term forex trading rather than long- or short-term strategies? To answer that question, let's take a look at the following comparison table:

type of trader definition good points bad points
short-term (scalper) A trader who looks to open and close a trade within minutes, often taking advantage of small price movements with a large amount of leverage quick realization of profits or losses due to the rapid-fire nature of this type of trading large capital and/or risk requirements due to the large amount of leverage needed to profit from such small movements
medium-term A trader typically looking to hold positions for one or more days, often taking advantage of opportunistic technical situations lowest capital requirements of the three because leverage is necessary only to boost profits fewer opportunities because these types of trades are more difficult to find and execute
long-term A trader looking to hold positions for months or years, often basing decisions on long-term fundamental factors more reliable long-run profits because this depends on reliable fundamental factors large capital requirements to cover volatile movements against any open position

Now, you will notice that both short-term and long-term traders require a large amount of capital – the first type needs it to generate enough leverage, and the other to cover volatility. Although these two types of traders exist in the marketplace, they are comprised of high-net-worth individuals, asset managers or larger institutional investors. For these reasons, retail traders are most likely to succeed using a medium-term strategy.

The basic forex trading framework

The framework covered in this article will focus on one central concept: trading with the odds. To do this, we will look at a variety of techniques in multiple timeframes to determine whether a given trade is worth taking. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a mechanical/automatic trading system; rather, it is a system by which you will receive technical input and make a decision. The key is finding situations where all (or most) of the technical signals point in the same direction. These high-probability trading situations will, in turn, generally be profitable.


We are all aware that forex refers to a currency market where traders buy currencies and sell them. For a trader to earn some money at forex, they should have the currency of a country, which they can exchange for another country’s currency. As a result, a trader will either get a profit or loss.

In forex trading, you can decide whether to invest some money or trade without a deposit. Top forex brokers do provide a free no-deposit bonus to traders. In such a case then you can trade at forex with no money.

Whether you opt to trade with or without an investment, the truth is that each case has its own risks. This is true especially if you don’t have the necessary experience and knowledge on how to trade in forex. That is why you should learn some basics on how to start forex trading business with no money.

Forex has a daily trades amounting to 5.3 trillion dollars, making it the top fiscal market across the globe. This alone poses a great chance for traders to earn huge profits. Trading without an investment is risk-free in itself. This article is for anyone who desires to take this path.

Here’s how to begin trading in forex without money

How To Start Forex Trading Business With No Money

First, you must have a clear understanding that it is not possible to make high profits in forex with no investment. If you desire to be a serious trader and want to gain huge profits in the long-run, then you should open a trading account and deposit some money on it.

Nonetheless, you can still earn money at forex with no investment but the profit will not be as big. The best part with no investment trading is that you’ll not risk your money.

Trading forex is in itself risky – that’s why many people shy away from it. There are many scams assuring people that they can earn millions even if they have no capital investment. Don’t let these scams fool you – even a bit!

Luckily, you can earn money at forex without a deposit. The thing is that it will take a long time to accumulate as much as you would desire.

  • Forex trading with zero capital using demo accounts or with no-deposit bonus

Every reputable forex broker will give traders a chance to open new demo accounts. Such an account will let you use virtual currency to trade at forex. But you cannot withdraw this fund as it belongs to your broker, or you can try forex no-deposit bonus and you can withdraw if you make a profit.As an inexperienced and new trader, it is advisable you start with a demo account or no deposit bonus. If you so wish to take this path, then, just be aware that you can make a profit. But it’s a great starting point to learn how to trade when you invest real money.

  • Affiliate programs

Besides opening a demo account, you can trade using affiliate programs. This is a chance to make extra money in forex without trading as per se. Just select a broker and promote them. As a result, you’ll get a commission if you happen to attract people. This is a current trend for traders to earn money with no investment.

Participating in an affiliate programs entails attracting new clients. These clients must be willing to trade in forex. That’s how you’ll earn your bonus. Affiliate programs have different terms and conditions. Some will allow you to receive bonuses whether or not the client trades. Therefore, it’s great to check out the terms for your affiliate program and see how much you can get.

Once you attract a client, your broker will automatically transfer your bonus into your trading account. Here you have an option to withdraw the money or trade with it in forex.

  • Contests

Some brokers do arrange contests for real and demo accounts on a regular basis. Unlike other competitions, the ones in forex are simple. To become a winner, you must boost the income on your virtual account at least several times within the shortest period possible. As a result, you’ll receive money on your real account – as a reward.

Therefore, you can trade at forex with no investment. If you choose to trade using a demo account, then you should increase profits for a specific amount within a specific time period. And you’ll get a bonus on your real trading account.

So taking part in the contest can make you a great trader at forex even if you don’t have an investment. However, for you to be successful with demo contests, you must know how to trade with cryptocurrency pairs. Cryptocurrency is a great asset for a trader to earn high profits due to its volatility.

  • 4. Posts, reviews, and comments on different information portals

Brokers do reward traders who place interesting comments on forex forums. You can also receive bonuses when you participate in forex opinion polls. Similarly, publishing articles and surveys about forex can earn you bonuses on your real account.

Apart from earning money, you can also gain reputation and experience same as that of a professional analyst. Brokers are willing to pay a lot for forex reviews. So you can take advantage and write them some damn good reviews.

The bottom line

Those who make an investment in forex are not the only ones who can gain profit. Even the ones with no money can too. Notably, though, if you want to earn huge amounts of money at forex you should invest money. On the same note, you should have the knowledge and experience of trading in forex.

Nowadays, people can trade with no capital at first and open real accounts later on. And with time, they become successful in trading. As a newbie in this field, it is advisable you begin the first step and proceed as you gain experience/knowledge.

Hopefully, you now have a clue on how you can start forex trading business with no money at all. You can use either of these options as a chance to gain experience on how to trade in forex without risking your money.

How to become a successful forex trader

Starting out in the forex market can often result in a life cycle that involves diving in head first, giving up or taking a step back to do more research and open a demo account to practice. From there, new traders might feel more confident to open another live account, experience more success, and break-even or turn a profit. That is why it's important to build a framework for trading in the forex markets, which we outline below.

Why should we focus on medium-term forex trading?

Why are we focusing on medium-term forex trading rather than long- or short-term strategies? To answer that question, let's take a look at the following comparison table:

type of trader definition good points bad points
short-term (scalper) A trader who looks to open and close a trade within minutes, often taking advantage of small price movements with a large amount of leverage quick realization of profits or losses due to the rapid-fire nature of this type of trading large capital and/or risk requirements due to the large amount of leverage needed to profit from such small movements
medium-term A trader typically looking to hold positions for one or more days, often taking advantage of opportunistic technical situations lowest capital requirements of the three because leverage is necessary only to boost profits fewer opportunities because these types of trades are more difficult to find and execute
long-term A trader looking to hold positions for months or years, often basing decisions on long-term fundamental factors more reliable long-run profits because this depends on reliable fundamental factors large capital requirements to cover volatile movements against any open position

Now, you will notice that both short-term and long-term traders require a large amount of capital – the first type needs it to generate enough leverage, and the other to cover volatility. Although these two types of traders exist in the marketplace, they are comprised of high-net-worth individuals, asset managers or larger institutional investors. For these reasons, retail traders are most likely to succeed using a medium-term strategy.

The basic forex trading framework

The framework covered in this article will focus on one central concept: trading with the odds. To do this, we will look at a variety of techniques in multiple timeframes to determine whether a given trade is worth taking. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a mechanical/automatic trading system; rather, it is a system by which you will receive technical input and make a decision. The key is finding situations where all (or most) of the technical signals point in the same direction. These high-probability trading situations will, in turn, generally be profitable.

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