TRADE 100 BONUS — WORK OUT FOR MORE, fbs terms and conditions.

Fbs terms and conditions

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TRADE 100 BONUS — WORK OUT FOR MORE, fbs terms and conditions.

TRADE 100 BONUS — WORK OUT FOR MORE, fbs terms and conditions.

TRADE 100 BONUS — WORK OUT FOR MORE, fbs terms and conditions.

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Bonus information

Get our trade 100 bonus and start your forex career! It works the same way as in sport – first you train and learn, then you earn and get stronger, faster and more efficient. Trade 100 bonus is your personal tool for toning up your brain

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Bonus conditions

  • The bonus is available on metatrader5 platform;

  • The order volume is 0.01 lot;

  • The sum available for withdrawal is 100 USD;

  • The required number of active trading days is 30 (active trading day is a day when the order was opened or closed);

  • The maximum number of positions opened at the same time is 5;

  • Client should have at least 5 lots traded in the period of 30 active trading days

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Os termos e condições (“termos”) descrevem como FBS health ('empresa,' 'nós,' e 'nosso') regula o uso deste website https://fbshealth.Com (o 'website'). Por favor leia as informações a seguir com cuidado de forma a entender as nossas praticas referentes ao uso do website. A empresa poderá alterar os termos a qualquer altura. A empresa poderá informa-lo da alteração dos termos utilizando os meios de comunicação disponíveis. A empresa recomenda que verifique o website com frequência de forma a que veja a versão atual dos termos e as versões anteriores.

  1. POLÍTICAS DE PRIVACIDADE A nossa política de privacidade encontra-se disponível em outra página. A nossa política de privacidade explica-lhe como nós utilizamos os seus dados pessoais. Ao utilizar o nosso website você reconhece que tem conhecimento e aceitas as nossas políticas de privacidade e da forma como processamos os seus dados.

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  5. USOS PROIBIDOS E PROPRIEDADE INTELECTUAL nós concedemos a você uma licença revogável, intransferível e não exclusiva para aceder e usar o nosso website de um dispositivo de acordo com os termos. Você não deve usar o website para fins ilegais, ou proibidos. Você não pode usar o website de forma a que possa desabilitar, danificar ou interferir no website. Todo o conteúdo presente no nosso website incluindo texto, código, gráficos, logos, imagens, vídeos, software utilizados no website (doravante e aqui anteriormente o 'conteúdo'). O conteúdo é propriedade da empresa, ou dos seus contratados e protegidos por lei (propriedade intelectual) que protegem esses direitos. Você não pode publicar, partilhar, modificar, fazer engenharia reversa, participar da transferência ou criar e vender trabalhos derivados, ou de qualquer forma usar qualquer um dos conteúdos. A sua utilização do website não lhe dá o direito de fazer qualquer uso ilegal e não permitido do conteúdo e, em particular, você não poderá alterar os direitos de propriedade ou avisos no conteúdo. Você deverá usar o conteúdo apenas para seu uso pessoal e não comercial. A empresa não concede a você nenhuma licença para propriedade intelectual dos seus conteúdos.

  6. MATERIAIS DA EMPRESA ao publicar, enviar, submeter, ou efetuar upload do seu conteúdo, você está a ceder os direitos do uso desse conteúdo a nós para o desenvolvimento do nosso negócio, incluindo, mas não limitado a, os direitos de transmissão, exibição pública, distribuição, execução pública, cópia, reprodução e tradução do seu conteúdo; e publicação do seu nome em conexão com o seu conteúdo. Nenhuma compensação será paga com relação ao uso do seu conteúdo. A empresa não terá obrigação de publicar ou desfrutar de qualquer conteúdo que você possa nos enviar e poderá remover seu conteúdo a qualquer momento sem qualquer aviso. Ao publicar, fazer upload, inserir, fornecer ou enviar o seu conteúdo, você garante e declara que possui todos os direitos sobre seu conteúdo.

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  8. INDENIZAÇÃO você concorda em indemnizar, defender e isentar a companhia, seus gerentes, diretores, funcionários, agentes e terceiros, por quaisquer custos, perdas, despesas (incluindo honorários de advogados), responsabilidades relativas, ou decorrentes de sua fruição ou incapacidade para aproveitar o website, ou os seus serviços e produtos da empresa, a sua violação dos termos, ou a sua violação de quaisquer direitos de terceiros, ou a sua violação da lei aplicável. Você deve cooperar com a empresa na afirmação de quaisquer defesas disponíveis.

  9. CANCELAMENTO E RESTRIÇÃO DE ACESSO A empresa pode cancelar ou bloquear o seu acesso ou conta no website e os seus respectivos serviços, a qualquer altura, sem aviso, no caso de você violar os termos e condições.

  10. DIVERSOS A lei que rege os termos deve ser as leis substantivas do país onde a empresa está estabelecida, exceto as regras de conflito de leis. Você não deve usar o website em jurisdições que não dêem efeito a todas as disposições dos termos. Nenhuma parceria, emprego ou relacionamento de agência estará implícito entre você e a empresa como resultado dos termos ou uso do website. Nada nos termos deverá ser uma derrogação ao direito da empresa de cumprir com solicitações ou requisitos governamentais, judiciais, policiais e policiais ou requisitos relacionados ao seu usufruto do website. Se qualquer parte dos termos for considerada inválida ou inexequível de acordo com a lei aplicável, as cláusulas inválidas ou inexequíveis serão consideradas substituídas por cláusulas válidas e exequíveis que deverão ser semelhantes à versão original dos termos e outras partes e seções do contrato. Termos serão aplicáveis a você e à empresa. Os termos constituem o acordo integral entre você e a empresa em relação ao desfrute do website e os termos substituem todos os anteriores ou comunicações e ofertas, sejam eletrônicas, orais ou escritas, entre você e a empresa. A empresa e suas afiliadas não serão responsáveis por uma falha ou atraso no cumprimento de suas obrigações quando a falha ou atraso resultar de qualquer causa além do controle razoável da empresa, incluindo falhas técnicas, desastres naturais, bloqueios, embargos, revoltas, atos, regulamentos, legislação. Ou ordens de governo, atos terroristas, guerra ou qualquer outra força fora do controle da empresa. Em caso de controvérsias, demandas, reclamações, disputas ou causas de ação entre a empresa e você em relação ao website ou outros assuntos relacionados, ou aos termos, você e a empresa concordam em tentar resolver tais controvérsias, demandas, reclamações, disputas , ou causas de ação por negociação de boa-fé, e em caso de falha de tal negociação, exclusivamente através dos tribunais do país onde a companhia está estabelecida.

  11. RECLAMAÇÕES estamos empenhados em resolver quaisquer reclamações sobre a forma como recolhemos ou usamos os seus dados pessoais. Se você gostaria de fazer uma reclamação sobre estes termos ou nossas práticas em relação aos seus dados pessoais, entre em contato conosco em: [email protected] . Responderemos à sua reclamação assim que pudermos e, em qualquer caso, dentro de 30 dias. Esperamos resolver qualquer reclamação que seja levada ao nosso conhecimento, no entanto, se você achar que a sua reclamação não foi adequadamente resolvida, você se reserva no direito de entrar em contato com a autoridade supervisora de proteção de dados local.

  12. INFORMAÇÃO DE CONTATO agradecemos os seus comentários ou perguntas sobre estes termos. Você pode nos contatar por escrito em [email protected] .

Terms and conditions

Welcome to hotforex blog!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of hotforex blog's website, located at hotforexblog.Com.

By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use hotforex blog if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

The following terminology applies to these terms and conditions, privacy statement and disclaimer notice and all agreements: "client", "you" and "your" refers to you, the person log on this website and compliant to the company’s terms and conditions. "the company", "ourselves", "we", "our" and "us", refers to our company. "party", "parties", or "us", refers to both the client and ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the client in the most appropriate manner for the express purpose of meeting the client’s needs in respect of provision of the company’s stated services, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing law of netherlands. Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.


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Unless otherwise stated, hotforex blog and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on hotforex blog. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from hotforex blog for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

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Parts of this website offer an opportunity for users to post and exchange opinions and information in certain areas of the website. Hotforex blog does not filter, edit, publish or review comments prior to their presence on the website. Comments do not reflect the views and opinions of hotforex blog,its agents and/or affiliates. Comments reflect the views and opinions of the person who post their views and opinions. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, hotforex blog shall not be liable for the comments or for any liability, damages or expenses caused and/or suffered as a result of any use of and/or posting of and/or appearance of the comments on this website.

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The following organizations may link to our website without prior written approval:

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These organizations may link to our home page, to publications or to other website information so long as the link: (a) is not in any way deceptive; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement or approval of the linking party and its products and/or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party’s site.

We may consider and approve other link requests from the following types of organizations:

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We will approve link requests from these organizations if we decide that: (a) the link would not make us look unfavorably to ourselves or to our accredited businesses; (b) the organization does not have any negative records with us; (c) the benefit to us from the visibility of the hyperlink compensates the absence of hotforex blog; and (d) the link is in the context of general resource information.

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If you are one of the organizations listed in paragraph 2 above and are interested in linking to our website, you must inform us by sending an e-mail to hotforex blog. Please include your name, your organization name, contact information as well as the URL of your site, a list of any urls from which you intend to link to our website, and a list of the urls on our site to which you would like to link. Wait 2-3 weeks for a response.

Approved organizations may hyperlink to our website as follows:

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  • By use of the uniform resource locator being linked to; or

  • By use of any other description of our website being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party’s site.

No use of hotforex blog's logo or other artwork will be allowed for linking absent a trademark license agreement.


Without prior approval and written permission, you may not create frames around our webpages that alter in any way the visual presentation or appearance of our website.

Content liability

We shall not be hold responsible for any content that appears on your website. You agree to protect and defend us against all claims that is rising on your website. No link(s) should appear on any website that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights.

Your privacy

Please read privacy policy

Reservation of rights

We reserve the right to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our website. You approve to immediately remove all links to our website upon request. We also reserve the right to amen these terms and conditions and it’s linking policy at any time. By continuously linking to our website, you agree to be bound to and follow these linking terms and conditions.

If you find any link on our website that is offensive for any reason, you are free to contact and inform us any moment. We will consider requests to remove links but we are not obligated to or so or to respond to you directly.

We do not ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we promise to ensure that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website. Nothing in this disclaimer will:

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The limitations and prohibitions of liability set in this section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort and for breach of statutory duty.

As long as the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.

Fbs terms and conditions

ATTENTION: these terms and conditions apply to the entire contents of the website and to any correspondence by e-mail or webmail between us and you. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the website. Using the website indicates that you accept these terms and conditions regardless of whether or not you are registered with us.

If you do not accept these terms and conditions, do not use the website.

Special words and phrases

1. In these terms and conditions:
"FBS" means family business solutions limited a company registered in scotland with registered number SC199202 and having its registered office at 302 st vincent street, glasgow G2 5RZ and "we", "us" and "our" also means FBS;
"website" means the website published by FBS and located on the world wide web via the uniform resource locator http://www.Familybusinesssolutions.Co.Uk;
"website information" means any information, data, images, text or other material displayed on the website; and
"you" means any person who has viewed, downloaded, used or otherwise accessed the website and/or website information, and "your" refers to you.

Operator of the website

2. The website is operated and maintained by FBS. FBS may be contacted at:
postal address: 302 st vincent street, glasgow G2 5RZ
telephone: +44 (0) 141 222 2820
fax: +44 (0) 141 204 2326
email: enquiries@familybusinesssolutions.Co.Uk

Application of these terms and conditions

3. These are the terms and conditions for the use of the website. By viewing, downloading, using or otherwise accessing any part of the website and/or website information, you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions in full without modification or amendment. These terms and conditions will form a legally binding contract between you and us. If you do not accept these terms and conditions in full without modification or amendment, you must leave the website immediately and you may not make use of any of the website information or services we provide through it.

4. We reserve the discretion to amend these terms and conditions from time to time, in each case with effect from the date on which the amendment is posted on the website. You should check the website from time to time to review the then-current terms and conditions. If you continue to use the website, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes to the terms and conditions. Some of these terms and conditions may be augmented by expressly designated legal notices or terms posted by us on the website.

5. We reserve the right from time to time to alter or limit the categories of website information which you may access and view using the website. You agree that we may in our discretion alter, modify, add to or delete any website information from time to time, without having to give you prior notice.

Important disclaimer

6. The website is for general guidance only, and we shall not be held liable for any action taken (or any failure to act) in reliance upon the contents of the website. You should always seek specific advice from us on any individual matter.

Please contact us and we will be delighted to help you.

Your use of the website

7. You warrant to us that when using the website you will not:-

  • Copy, alter or delete any website information except to the extent permitted by these terms and conditions;

  • Introduce any computer viruses, macro viruses, trojan horses, worms or anything else designed to interfere with, interrupt or disrupt the normal operating procedures of a computer or to surreptitiously intercept, access without authority or expropriate any system, data or personal information; or

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  • Cause the website to be interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient or such that the effectiveness or functionality of the website is in any way impaired.

Copyright, trade marks and your licence to use the website

8. The website information, images, graphics, text, software, applets and scripts owned by us and operating the website are either owned by FBS, or used by us with the permission of their respective owners or as permitted by law. Where practicable, we acknowledge the owners of all trade marks which are referred to in the website. Reference to a trade mark owned by a third party does not constitute any claim by us to own that trade mark or that we have rights in it.

9. You may view, print and download our website information in a web browser for your own personal use only. Copying website information into a computer cache or storage device for private on or off-line browsing purposes is also permitted, as is caching of the website by an information service provider in the normal course of its business to the extent permitted by the electronic commerce (EC directive) regulations 2002. You may not publish, make a copy of, incorporate into any other web site, or electronic information storage or retrieval system or reproduce the website information or any part of it for any purpose other than your own personal use without prior written consent, which may be granted at our discretion. Where we do not own the copyright or other intellectual property rights in the website information, you must approach the owner(s) for such consent. Nothing in these terms and conditions or on the website constitutes a licence to use or copy the website information except as expressly provided for in these terms and conditions.

Privacy, cookies and data protection

10. Please see our privacy policy for full details of the information we collect from you as part of your use of the website. By accepting these terms and conditions, you also agree to accept the terms of our privacy policy.

11. Links to third party websites on the website are provided solely for your convenience. If you use these links, you leave the website. FBS does not control these third party websites and is not responsible for them or their content or availability. FBS therefore does not endorse or make any representations about them, or any material found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third party websites linked to the website, you do so entirely at your own risk.

12. If you would like to link to this website, you may only do so if you first obtain our permission. Please e-mail enquiries@familybusinesssolutions.Co.Uk stating the URL details to which you wish to link and the URL of the page on which you will be displaying the link. We may in our discretion refuse consent, or grant consent subject to conditions.

Accuracy of website information

13. The website information is provided "as is" and we make no representation, endorsement or warranty as to its accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose. We will not be liable for any action taken (or not taken) in reliance upon the website information and such action is taken entirely at your own risk. We reserve the right to make changes to the website information to correct any errors or omissions (or for other reasons at our discretion) without notice and without liability to you.

14. Opinions expressed within the website information are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent our opinions. In the unlikely event that you find any inaccurate information on our website or have any complaint about its content please alert us by e-mailing enquiries@familybusinesssolutions.Co.Uk.

Internet service interruption, viruses etc.

15. We have no control over the internet, which is a global public network of computers and the method by which you access the website. As a consequence we take no responsibility for service interruption or the transmission of viruses or other malicious computer code through the website.

16. We will require to carry out routine maintenance on our servers and equipment. While we seek to keep disruption to a minimum, we do not guarantee that any part of the website will be available for access at any particular time or times. Access to the website may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond FBS’ control.

Our liability to you

17. We will not be liable to you for any economic losses (including, without limitation, loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings), any loss of goodwill or reputation, or any special, indirect or consequential damages (however arising, including through negligence) arising out of or in connection with your use of the website or website information. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you, so to the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability to you in contract, delict or negligence. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, or for death or personal injury resulting directly from our negligence.

18. We also exclude liability of any sort (including liability for negligence) for the acts or omissions of providers of telecommunications services through which you might access the website or for faults in or failures of their networks and/or equipment.

General conditions

19. If we fail to exercise or delay in exercising any right or remedy provided under these terms and conditions or by law, that will not constitute a waiver of our rights or remedy nor shall it prevent us from exercising that right or remedy in whole or in part in the future.

20. Unless specifically provided otherwise, rights arising under these terms and conditions are cumulative and do not exclude rights provided by law.

21. These terms and conditions and the documents referred to in it are between and for the benefit of you and us (and our successors and assignees) and are not intended to benefit or be enforceable by anyone else.

22. If any provision of these terms and conditions (or part of a provision) is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in force. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provisions would be valid, enforceable or legal if some part of them or it were deleted, the provision shall apply with whatever modification is necessary to give effect to the original intention of these terms and conditions.

23. In these terms and conditions, references to one gender include the other genders, references to the singular include the plural and vice versa, and headings will not affect the interpretation of these terms and conditions.

24. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with scots law. Disputes arising in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the sheriff court of glasgow and strathkelvin at glasgow.

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Terms and conditions


Os termos e condições (“termos”) descrevem como FBS health ('empresa,' 'nós,' e 'nosso') regula o uso deste website https://fbshealth.Com (o 'website'). Por favor leia as informações a seguir com cuidado de forma a entender as nossas praticas referentes ao uso do website. A empresa poderá alterar os termos a qualquer altura. A empresa poderá informa-lo da alteração dos termos utilizando os meios de comunicação disponíveis. A empresa recomenda que verifique o website com frequência de forma a que veja a versão atual dos termos e as versões anteriores.

  1. POLÍTICAS DE PRIVACIDADE A nossa política de privacidade encontra-se disponível em outra página. A nossa política de privacidade explica-lhe como nós utilizamos os seus dados pessoais. Ao utilizar o nosso website você reconhece que tem conhecimento e aceitas as nossas políticas de privacidade e da forma como processamos os seus dados.

  2. A SUA CONTA quando usa o nosso website, você fica responsável por assegurar a confidencialidade da sua conta, senha e outros dados. Não poderá passar a sua conta a terceiros. Nós não nos responsabilizamos por acessos não autorizados que resultem de negligencia por parte do utilizador (dono da conta). A empresa está no direito de terminar o serviço, ou cancelar a sua conta e remover os seus dados, caso você partilhe a sua conta.

  3. SERVIÇOS O website permite que você use os serviços disponíveis no website. Não poderá utilizar esses serviços com propósitos ilegais. Nós poderemos em alguns casos, estipular um valor para poder utilizar o website. Todos os preços serão publicados separadamente nas páginas apropriadas no website. Poderemos em alguns casos, e a qualquer momento mudar os valores para poder aceder. Poderemos também utilizar sistemas de processamento de pagamentos que terão taxas de processamento de pagamentos. Algumas dessas taxas poderão ser apresentadas quando você escolher um determinado meio de pagamento. Todos os detalhes sobre as taxas desses sistema de pagamentos poderão ser encontrados no seus respectivos websites.

  4. SERVIÇOS DE TERCEIROS O website poderá incluir links para outros websites, aplicações ou plataformas. Nós não controlamos os websites de terceiros, e não seremos responsáveis pelos conteúdos e outro tipo de materiais incluídos nesses websites. Nós deixamos esses disponíveis para você e mantemos todos os nossos serviços e funcionalidades no nosso website.

  5. USOS PROIBIDOS E PROPRIEDADE INTELECTUAL nós concedemos a você uma licença revogável, intransferível e não exclusiva para aceder e usar o nosso website de um dispositivo de acordo com os termos. Você não deve usar o website para fins ilegais, ou proibidos. Você não pode usar o website de forma a que possa desabilitar, danificar ou interferir no website. Todo o conteúdo presente no nosso website incluindo texto, código, gráficos, logos, imagens, vídeos, software utilizados no website (doravante e aqui anteriormente o 'conteúdo'). O conteúdo é propriedade da empresa, ou dos seus contratados e protegidos por lei (propriedade intelectual) que protegem esses direitos. Você não pode publicar, partilhar, modificar, fazer engenharia reversa, participar da transferência ou criar e vender trabalhos derivados, ou de qualquer forma usar qualquer um dos conteúdos. A sua utilização do website não lhe dá o direito de fazer qualquer uso ilegal e não permitido do conteúdo e, em particular, você não poderá alterar os direitos de propriedade ou avisos no conteúdo. Você deverá usar o conteúdo apenas para seu uso pessoal e não comercial. A empresa não concede a você nenhuma licença para propriedade intelectual dos seus conteúdos.

  6. MATERIAIS DA EMPRESA ao publicar, enviar, submeter, ou efetuar upload do seu conteúdo, você está a ceder os direitos do uso desse conteúdo a nós para o desenvolvimento do nosso negócio, incluindo, mas não limitado a, os direitos de transmissão, exibição pública, distribuição, execução pública, cópia, reprodução e tradução do seu conteúdo; e publicação do seu nome em conexão com o seu conteúdo. Nenhuma compensação será paga com relação ao uso do seu conteúdo. A empresa não terá obrigação de publicar ou desfrutar de qualquer conteúdo que você possa nos enviar e poderá remover seu conteúdo a qualquer momento sem qualquer aviso. Ao publicar, fazer upload, inserir, fornecer ou enviar o seu conteúdo, você garante e declara que possui todos os direitos sobre seu conteúdo.

  7. ISENÇÃO DE CERTAS RESPONSABILIDADES as informações disponíveis através do website podem incluir erros tipográficos ou imprecisões. A empresa não será responsável por essas imprecisões e erros. A empresa não faz declarações sobre a disponibilidade, precisão, confiabilidade, adequação e atualidade do conteúdo contido e dos serviços disponíveis no website. Na medida máxima permitida pela lei aplicável, todos os conteúdos e serviços são fornecidos 'no estado em que se encontram'. A empresa se isenta de todas as garantias e condições relativas a este conteúdo e serviços, incluindo garantias e provisões de comercialização, adequação a um determinado propósito.

  8. INDENIZAÇÃO você concorda em indemnizar, defender e isentar a companhia, seus gerentes, diretores, funcionários, agentes e terceiros, por quaisquer custos, perdas, despesas (incluindo honorários de advogados), responsabilidades relativas, ou decorrentes de sua fruição ou incapacidade para aproveitar o website, ou os seus serviços e produtos da empresa, a sua violação dos termos, ou a sua violação de quaisquer direitos de terceiros, ou a sua violação da lei aplicável. Você deve cooperar com a empresa na afirmação de quaisquer defesas disponíveis.

  9. CANCELAMENTO E RESTRIÇÃO DE ACESSO A empresa pode cancelar ou bloquear o seu acesso ou conta no website e os seus respectivos serviços, a qualquer altura, sem aviso, no caso de você violar os termos e condições.

  10. DIVERSOS A lei que rege os termos deve ser as leis substantivas do país onde a empresa está estabelecida, exceto as regras de conflito de leis. Você não deve usar o website em jurisdições que não dêem efeito a todas as disposições dos termos. Nenhuma parceria, emprego ou relacionamento de agência estará implícito entre você e a empresa como resultado dos termos ou uso do website. Nada nos termos deverá ser uma derrogação ao direito da empresa de cumprir com solicitações ou requisitos governamentais, judiciais, policiais e policiais ou requisitos relacionados ao seu usufruto do website. Se qualquer parte dos termos for considerada inválida ou inexequível de acordo com a lei aplicável, as cláusulas inválidas ou inexequíveis serão consideradas substituídas por cláusulas válidas e exequíveis que deverão ser semelhantes à versão original dos termos e outras partes e seções do contrato. Termos serão aplicáveis a você e à empresa. Os termos constituem o acordo integral entre você e a empresa em relação ao desfrute do website e os termos substituem todos os anteriores ou comunicações e ofertas, sejam eletrônicas, orais ou escritas, entre você e a empresa. A empresa e suas afiliadas não serão responsáveis por uma falha ou atraso no cumprimento de suas obrigações quando a falha ou atraso resultar de qualquer causa além do controle razoável da empresa, incluindo falhas técnicas, desastres naturais, bloqueios, embargos, revoltas, atos, regulamentos, legislação. Ou ordens de governo, atos terroristas, guerra ou qualquer outra força fora do controle da empresa. Em caso de controvérsias, demandas, reclamações, disputas ou causas de ação entre a empresa e você em relação ao website ou outros assuntos relacionados, ou aos termos, você e a empresa concordam em tentar resolver tais controvérsias, demandas, reclamações, disputas , ou causas de ação por negociação de boa-fé, e em caso de falha de tal negociação, exclusivamente através dos tribunais do país onde a companhia está estabelecida.

  11. RECLAMAÇÕES estamos empenhados em resolver quaisquer reclamações sobre a forma como recolhemos ou usamos os seus dados pessoais. Se você gostaria de fazer uma reclamação sobre estes termos ou nossas práticas em relação aos seus dados pessoais, entre em contato conosco em: [email protected] . Responderemos à sua reclamação assim que pudermos e, em qualquer caso, dentro de 30 dias. Esperamos resolver qualquer reclamação que seja levada ao nosso conhecimento, no entanto, se você achar que a sua reclamação não foi adequadamente resolvida, você se reserva no direito de entrar em contato com a autoridade supervisora de proteção de dados local.

  12. INFORMAÇÃO DE CONTATO agradecemos os seus comentários ou perguntas sobre estes termos. Você pode nos contatar por escrito em [email protected] .

FBS loyalty program terms and conditions

FBS loyalty program terms and conditions

1. Any FBS client is eligible for participating in the FBS loyalty program. To enroll in the program, you need to verify your personal area on the FBS website (mainly, verify your email and identity) and click the “join FBS loyalty program” button. The participant receives the “green” loyalty status automatically upon joining the program; loyalty program participation and green status cannot be canceled.

2.General terms

2.1. FBS status points

FBS status points are the points that count toward a level upgrade. FBS status points are credited to the loyalty program participant account upon closing an order. The difference between the open and close price must exceed 59 points. Traders get points for their own closed orders, partners get points for the closed orders of their first level clients

The outline for calculating FBS status points is similar to the outline for calculating FBS prize points; however, status points will not be deducted upon a gift request. Status points calculation is made according to the following formula:number of traded lots * loyalty status coefficient (see table in pp 2.4.)

The progress bar in your personal area shows how many status points you need to get to upgrade to the next loyalty status. When a client upgrades to the next loyalty status, FBS status points are deducted, and status points calculation starts over on the new status. You can track your status points history in your personal area.

2.2. FBS prize points

FBS prize points are the points used for getting prizes. Prize points calculation is made according to the formula applied to the status points calculation (see above).

– as you progress to a new loyalty status, your specific loyalty status coefficient is increased so that you could get more rewards.

– FBS prize points are credited once an order is closed. Points crediting history is available in the “my prize points history” section.

– prize points will not be credited for trading with bonus funds;

– FBS prize points are valid throughout one year from the day of attainment. Points that were not used within the validity period (1 year after crediting) are deducted in the order they were received.

2.3.Loyalty status

Loyalty status – client’s level in the loyalty program that depends on the amount of FBS status points. There are four loyalty status levels from the lowest to the highest:

  • Green

  • Silver

  • Gold

  • Platinum

The higher your loyalty status is, the more prizes you can request for your FBS prize points. Your points coefficient is increased accordingly (starting from the gold status).

2.4. The coefficient depends on the participant’s loyalty status:

loyalty statusgreensilvergoldplatinum
trader (ECN account)
partner (ECN account)

3. Loyalty status upgrade conditions:


2) total deposit amount (or the turnover of your direct clients):


FBS status points calculation, as well as your total deposit amount or your direct clients’ turnover calculation, starts over from the date of the new status assignment.

4. A loyalty status is valid throughout one calendar year since the day of status attainment. In case the participant has met the requirements for promoting to a higher status, it will be attained automatically. Otherwise, after a 365-day period, the status will be updated according to the fulfilled conditions – either it remains unchanged or goes down to a lower level.

E.G: the client is a gold member starting from december 31, 2018. If he didn’t get to platinum by december 31, 2019 and failed to get enough points and deposit volume/clients turnover to confirm his current gold status, his status will change to silver (in case he has a sufficient amount of points and deposit volume/clients turnover).

Only the progress made within the previous calendar year is considered for conditions fulfillment.

5. Upon attaining the “silver”, “gold” or “platinum” status, the client receives a membership card. If the card is lost, the first replacement is free of charge. Loyalty card holders can participate in closed VIP events.

6. Participant can exchange FBS prize points for prizes, depending on the current loyalty status. In order to request a desired prize, participant has to get the required amount of points and fulfill the conditions considering the amount of active trading days (for traders) or active clients (for partners).

6.1. Active trading day is a day when participant closes at least one order. The difference between the open and close price must exceed 59 points.

6.2.When a partner becomes part of the loyalty program, all the clients who assign to him/her after that are called “active”. Active client is the one who owns a fully verified account (verified identity and e-mail) and makes orders the partner gets a commission for. The partner gets points for the trade of both new (“active”) clients and those who assigned to him before he/she had joined the loyalty program.

The count of active trading days and active clients starts upon enrolling in the loyalty program.

7. Prizes available:

Optionrewardgreensilvergoldplatinum[invite a friend] promo1 point charged to both client and friendprizesfbs prize pointsamount of active trading days / amount of active clientsgreensilvergoldplatinumvps-server3310cash for points1005private coaching session5010fbs lucky souvenir collection5020bags10caps10hoodies25smartphone cases5macbook cases20travel document holders10umbrella10backpack25passport cover10lucky T-shirt20iphone X 256gb50030samsung galaxy S10+ 128 gb50030samsung galaxy tab S4 64gb45030macbook air 13” 256gb60050imac pro 27” 32gb150070rolex submariner1000070trip to FBS headquarters15000100mercedes S-class50000150rolex yacht-master gold3000070vip servicesgreensilvergoldplatinumhigh priority deposit and withdrawal processinghigh priority customer requests via online chatexclusive birthday and new year giftspersonal manager

8. You can see the full list of the claimed prizes, their status and tracking numbers in the “order history” section of your personal area. Full information about the amount of available prize points, active trading days, and active traders are available in the “my prizes” section.

9. “invite a friend” promo isn’t a part of the FBS partnership program. Clients may invite their friends to FBS, and both will be rewarded if the following requirements are met:

  1. You cannot invite existing FBS account holders;

  2. Persons invited will need to follow a special referral link (“ppf=”) shared by the participant in order to open a new FBS account;

  3. Points are credited to both participant and friend whenever the friend has fulfilled the following conditions:

    • Verified personal area;

    • Traded 2 lots (the difference between the open and close price must not be less than 59 points);

You are allowed to invite as many friends as you want. You are not getting partner commission for your friends’ trading. If the friend registered via the referral link and traded 2 lots but didn’t join the loyalty program, he/she will receive the prize point automatically upon joining.

10. If you enroll in the loyalty program, your current progress at the “A lot of apples” and “FBS lucky T-shirt” promos will be cancelled, but you will still be able to receive these gifts via loyalty program (in case you have the sufficient amount of prize points and active trading days or active clients).

In case you are not a loyalty program participant, you can fulfill the conditions and request your iphone / T-shirt up to january 15, 2019. After that, this feature will be available exclusively for the loyalty program participants.

11. Upon activating the “cash for points” option, prize points are converted into real money at the exchange rate of 1 prize point = 1 USD. The option is applicable for all MT4 and MT5 account types (except for ECN) and can be charged into the account in USD, EUR, or THB (depending on the currency you chose for your account). For EUR and THB accounts, the bonus will be charged in the amount equivalent to the USD rate on the date of conversion. Notice that you can use the “cash for points” option 10 times per day.

Withdrawal and transferring

  • Withdrawals are available to all payment systems

  • Internal transfers are available

12. You can request the “VPS-server” prize for a maximum of 3 months in advance (in this case, it will cost you 99 prize points).

13. If you want to request a private coaching session on a trading strategy, you need to send a request and specify the desired time, topic, and means of communication. After that, an FBS regional analyst will contact you.

14. Starting from the “green” loyalty status, clients unlock the “order history” option where they can view the details of the “FBS lucky souvenir collection” prize.

15. You can request one gadget of each type on each loyalty status through fulfilling a standard set of guidelines. Example: if you got an iphone on the silver status, you can get one more iphone on the gold status, and then once again on the platinum one. If you have switched to gold without requesting your iphone on the silver status, you can request two iphones in case you have the sufficient amount of prize points and active trading days or active clients.

16. FBS prize points will be deducted, and active trading days or the amount of active traders are reset automatically once the prize is requested.

17. The loyalty program participants will get access to the following VIP services

  • Priority in processing deposit and withdrawal requests starting from the silver status

  • Priority in resolving all issues in customer support starting from the silver status

  • Personal manager starting from the gold status

  • Exclusive birthday and new year gifts starting from the gold status

  • Closed VIP events invitation at the platinum status

Gold status unlocks the following features: personal manager, a list of extra luxury gifts you can claim for prize points, and the right for repeated requests for gadgets and watches (one repeated request on each loyalty status).

18. Platinum status holders are subject to the special terms of points exchange. They can:

  • Exchange FBS prize points for any gadget from the list (you can get 1 gadget of each type on each loyalty status provided that you have the sufficient amount of FBS prize points and active trading days/active clients.)

  • Exchange FBS prize points for a trip to FBS headquarters. The offer includes a return business-class ticket, 5-star hotel accommodation, visa fees, official invitation and other documents necessary for getting your visa, airport transfers, a visit to FBS headquarters and a meeting with the company leaders.

  • Exchange points for mercedes S-class. This offer is only available once. The company covers the full cost of the car excluding ownership taxes and fees. In case it is impossible to purchase this car model due to the absence of official dealerships in your region of residence, the company reserves the right to replace it with a worthy alternative of the same price category.Client is not eligible to request car replacement with an alternative model in case the official dealership is present in the region of residence. Exchanging the car for money equivalence is not allowed.

19. FBS reserves the right to change or update the loyalty program terms and conditions and the reward schedule at any time, with or without prior notice. The company reserves the right to cancel the rewards announced earlier. In case the souvenir item you requested is out of stock, the company can replace it with a worthy alternative of the same price category without prior notice. Souvenir design may slightly differ from one showcased on the website and in the personal area. In case shipping to your country comes with custom service fees, all the additional charges are to be handled by the receiving party.

20. FBS reserves the right to stop rewarding a client with points in case of suspected fraudulent activities aimed at earning points. In case the argument is resolved in favor of the client, the points for all the closed orders will be automatically credited to the account post factum.

21. The company reserves the right to use the participant’s name, photo and video materials for marketing purposes


US$140 de graça na conta para começar a operar

Receba o nosso bônus level up

Dê um up em forex com a FBS

Abra uma conta do bônus level up e receba US$70 grátis na área pessoal FBS e US$140 grátis no app área pessoal FBS! Sinta o poder do trading com uma corretora de confiança ao seu lado.

Como receber o bônus level up?

Dê um up em forex com a FBS

Receba US$70 grátis na sua conta, opere por 20 dias e receba seus lucros

Você será redirecionado ao seu perfil para confirmar seu e-mail

Abra uma conta do bônus level up no app área pessoal FBS e receba US$140 grátis

Junte-se a nós no facebook

Vincule sua conta no facebook à sua área pessoal

Utilize nossos materiais de formação para turbinar seus conhecimentos sobre trading e ganhar mais dinheiro e depois faça o teste para verificar suas habilidades

Você tem 40 dias – em 20 dos quais deve operar — para sacar seus lucros

Dê um up em forex com a FBS

Receba US$70 grátis na sua conta, opere por 20 dias e receba seus lucros

Você será redirecionado ao seu perfil para confirmar seu e-mail

Abra uma conta do bônus level up no app área pessoal FBS e receba US$140 grátis

Junte-se a nós no facebook

Vincule sua conta no facebook à sua área pessoal

Utilize nossos materiais de formação para turbinar seus conhecimentos sobre trading e ganhar mais dinheiro e depois faça o teste para verificar suas habilidades

Você tem 40 dias – em 20 dos quais deve operar — para sacar seus lucros

Duplique seu bônus

Baixe o app área pessoal FBS e receba US$140 em vez de US$70!

Área pessoal para traders

O lucro é seu

Opere com a conta do bônus level up e receba seu lucro

Dúvidas frequentes

Em quais aplicativos eu posso usar o bônus?

Você pode abrir uma conta do bônus level up somente no app área pessoal FBS.

Como ativar o bônus level up?

Abra uma conta do bônus level up na versão web ou móvel da área pessoal FBS e receba até US$140 grátis na sua conta.

Posso usar somente US$70?

Sim, você pode usá-los na versão web da área pessoal. Para dobrar o valor, basta abrir uma conta do bônus level up na versão móvel da área pessoal FBS.


Compartilhe com os amigos:

Saque com sistemas de pagamento locais

FBS at social media

Fale conosco

  • Zopim

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  • Fb-msg

  • Viber

  • Line

  • Telegram

  • Whatsapp

Jurídico: o domínio e todos os direitos são pertencentes à FBS inc.; registro número 74825; endereço: ajeltake road, ajeltake island, majuro, marshall islands MH96960

O site é de propriedade de e operado por mitsui markets ltd. Endereço: 133 santina parade, elluk, port vila, efale, vanuatu

O serviço não é oferecido nos seguintes países: japão, EUA, canadá, reino unido, mianmar, israel e a república islâmica do irã

Transações de pagamentos são administradas por НDС technologies ltd.; registro número HE 370778; endereço: arch. Makariou III & vyronos, P. Lordos center, block B, office 203

Aviso de riscos: antes de começar a negociar, você deve compreender completamente os riscos que envolvem o mercado de câmbio e negociações com margem, e você deve estar ciente do seu nível de experiência.

Qualquer cópia, reprodução, republicação, física ou na internet, de quaisquer recursos ou materiais deste site é somente possível mediante autorização por escrito.

Aviso de coleta de dados

A FBS mantém registros de seus dados para operar este site. Ao pressionar o botão “aceitar“, você concorda com nossa política de privacidade.

Question: what's the withdrawal requirement of FBS 100 USD no deposit bonus?

From the ‘trade 100 bonus’ account, you cannot withdraw the bonus amount itself.

You can only withdraw profit made in the account.

The available sum for withdrawal is 100 USD .

Requirements and conditions of profit withdrawal

Here are the main requirements you must meet and rules that you must follow, in order to withdraw profit from the ‘trade 100 bonus’ account.

1. Trade 5 standard lots

Within the promotion period which is 50 days from the account opening, you must trade at least 5 standard lots.

2. 30 days of active trading

The days which you opened or closed trades, will be counted towards this calculation (active trading days).

3. No eas (expert advisers) or automated trading

You are not allowed to use eas (expert advisers) or perform any automated trading.

Only manual trading is allowed.

4. Only 0.01 lot order size and up to 5 positions at the same time

You can only place 0.01 lot order size, and the maximum number of positions that you can have at the same time is 5.

5. 100 pips difference between opening and closing prices

For each order to be qualified for the calculation of volume requirement, the difference between opening price and closing price must be over 100 pips.

Make sure that you read the full terms and conditions of the promotion here.

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Community & support

Who is hercules.Finance?

Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

Question: what's the withdrawal requirement of FBS 100 USD no deposit bonus?

From the ‘trade 100 bonus’ account, you cannot withdraw the bonus amount itself.

You can only withdraw profit made in the account.

The available sum for withdrawal is 100 USD .

Requirements and conditions of profit withdrawal

Here are the main requirements you must meet and rules that you must follow, in order to withdraw profit from the ‘trade 100 bonus’ account.

1. Trade 5 standard lots

Within the promotion period which is 50 days from the account opening, you must trade at least 5 standard lots.

2. 30 days of active trading

The days which you opened or closed trades, will be counted towards this calculation (active trading days).

3. No eas (expert advisers) or automated trading

You are not allowed to use eas (expert advisers) or perform any automated trading.

Only manual trading is allowed.

4. Only 0.01 lot order size and up to 5 positions at the same time

You can only place 0.01 lot order size, and the maximum number of positions that you can have at the same time is 5.

5. 100 pips difference between opening and closing prices

For each order to be qualified for the calculation of volume requirement, the difference between opening price and closing price must be over 100 pips.

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Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

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